Scholar Green Primary School Pupil Safeguarding Council
Who are we? We are a mixture of boys and girls from across our school who want to make our school a safer and happier place for the children and teachers and other adults who come to visit us.
Why is it important to have a safeguarding council? The children in a school have lots of ideas about what is safe and what isn’t safe in school. Sometimes the teachers don’t see what happens at playtime or think about things like the children do so we can help you think of ideas that you might not have had without us.
How did we become a safeguarding rep? We talked in our classes about what safeguarding is and then our teachers asked us who would like to be part of a safeguarding council to make our school safer. We put our hands up and then the class voted for us. It is a very important job.
What do we do? We meet once a month to discuss safeguarding in our school. We come up with ideas for how to make our school safer and then decide how we are going to do it. We share what we think with other adults that come into our school and our school governors. We talk about if it has worked and if it has made the school better and safer. We take minutes of our meetings to help us to remember what we have done if other people come into school to talk to us.
The Green Button
The cones outside school
Happy playtime watching
Crossing the road
The website
Our safeguarding display
What to do if you want a safeguarding council Talk to your children about what safeguarding is. Ask them who wants to be a safeguarding council rep. Choose the best safeguarding children. Meet every 2-4 weeks. Listen to the ideas and help to complete them. Decide how to make the school better. Let the safeguarding council try their ideas. Buy biscuits and juice for the meetings.
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