Elsevier Operative Techniques - Netter Process Flow The process flow for adding titles to Elsevier Op Tech and Netter series on Impelsys iPlatform
Impelsys Impelsys is focused on delivering electronic publishing and technology solutions to the global publishing market. Impelsys helps its clients manage technology and electronic content delivery in a cost effective and resource efficient manner. This is done by leveraging global locations and publishing technology experts, as well as by using Impelsys’ software products that help in delivering electronic content into multiple electronic mediums.
ELSEVIER As the world’s leading publisher of science and health information, Elsevier serves more than 30 million scientists, students, and health and information professionals worldwide.
Business Challenge Elsevier publishes their book series – Operative Techniques - a practical and authoritative series that covers key procedures in orthopedic surgery in both atlas and on line video formats. Netter Reference -Quick access to expert medical thinking on common diseases/conditions, diagnostics, treatments and protocols through exquisite illustrations by master medical illustrator Frank H. Netter, MD and others carrying on in the Netter tradition In addition to the print books, Elsevier wanted to publish on line feature-rich sites dedicated to each title on these series, with regular updates.
Technology Solution Impelsys iPlatform for Books Publishing industry is evolving every day and there is an increased demand for serving online content to the customers through several channels. One of the most demanded option is the online access of a printed book – this is usually fulfilled by creating a companion website where the book contents are loaded. Customers purchasing the books get access (free or paid) to the companion sites. Impelsys iPlatform provides a standard and proven technological solution to host the content quickly and consistently by automating several processes required to make the content available online. iPlatform also provides a feature-rich customer interface. Access to this online content can be provided to the user as a supplement to the book or can be sold independently.
Standard iPlatform Features Impelsys iPlatform team worked with the Elsevier team to understand and analyze the requirements and provide the best options to meet the requirements. The end result is the site that leverages the rich set of features available with Impelsys iPlatform solution to offer an excellent on-line experience to the users of the site
Standard iPlatform Features From the Elsevier’s perspective, the important objectives were met using the following features of iPlatform: Site branding for Operative Techniques & Netter series A single site for all books in the series Unique branding (look-and-feel) for each title User access control – based on PIN supplied with the books sold Licensed access Administration and Reporting DEEP feeds NLM Compliant XML content (a service provided by Impelsys) Individual and Institutional users (optional feature)
Standard iPlatform Features From the user’s perspective, the site offers these features: Individual book shelf for each user based on subscription Collapsible Table of Contents Full text display of the content with Images and Video links Basic and Advance Search Media library including images videos Personalization features Bookmark Content Add Notes Saved Searches Email a friend Export sections to PDA format Patient Teaching Guides PIN based and Licensed access to titles
Process Flow Process for adding new titles to OpTech & Netter series: Elsevier communicates the delivery plan of the new title Elsevier uploads the contents to shared FTP location Impelsys downloads & analyzes the content Impelsys comes up with queries & clarifications Elsevier clarifies the queries from Impelsys Impelsys estimates the custom efforts Impelsys plans the schedule for the beta and the go live SOW is prepared and sent to Elsevier for approval Once the SOW is approved Impelsys starts the processing of content Beta version is provided for Elsevier's review Impelsys fixes issues on beta and Elsevier confirms the title Title is made live
Process Flow Internal Process at Impelsys: Impelsys generates the unique PINs for the title for Elsevier Elsevier publishes the hard copy with one PIN printed on each Impelsys loads the same PINs to the portal database Impelsys converts the input content to NLM standard XML The XML is then converted & uploaded to the portal as HTML files using iPlatform NLM parser The HTML files are styled as in the PDF The Impelsys QC verifies the HTML files against the PDF The required content fixes are done for the beta release Elsevier beta proofing notes are fixed and final beta is uploaded Elsevier approved beta is then moved to the live site Search is updated and the PINs are loaded to the portal
Process Flow Conclusion: There will be additional effort for making any custom changes specific for a title. For technical support and status reporting please email elsot@impelsys.com for OpTech series and els-netter@impelsys.com Netter series.