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Viser un haut niveau de structuration de l’information Automatic High Instant access to indirect information, Easy and automatic rule checker “Entry Point database”: e.g. as EAM in SDIN Integrate High level data structure “Linked Structured Data”: e.g. as Database Manually aggregate Make explicit the linkage Fast “Structured Data”: e.g. as XLS file, XML file, with KeyID access, “CAD standards” (e.g. number of clicks) Access time Copy+Paste and then link efficiently Keep or transform as structured data “Formally” Embedded in document: e.g. as tables Copy+Paste, and adapt … but how do we know where is the info? Level of structuring Formalise structure “Fuzzily” searchable Embedded in document: e.g. as word in sentence Automatic “Find” and then read; retype Not even searchable document: e.g. as picture in pdf Read pages of docs Not written, but Bob knows Ask Bob … if available Formalise Someone knows … Ask who knows … Make claims / requirements explicit Information does not exist; has never been clearly identified Search in vain … Slow Low
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