THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 1/19 AND 1/20 – DAY B-1 AND B-2 IN ONE-NOTE/CULTURA TAB: QUINCEAÑERA PAGE, DO STEP 3 - P239 TAKE APUNTES ON “FONDO CULTURAL” AND ANSWER QUESTIONS QUINCEAÑERA PAGE, DO STEP 5 – VIEW PPT, FILL TABLE IN ONE-NOTE/TAREA TAB: 1. READ PROJECT DESCRIPTION page. Read about Project just for now, we will discuss all the details on Monday when I return. We will be working on Project next week. Project due date is Monday, January 30. COMPLETE TASKS #1 AND #2 on the PROJECT TASK LIST page, these 2 tasks due Monday. Note: nieto = grandchild, sobrino = niece/nephew. TAREA: COMPLETA TRABAJO DE CLASE