April 20th & 21st (SPAN 2) Bell ringer: Verb of the day: Llevarse bien/mal (con) – to get along well/badly (with) On the top of the index card, write today’s date. Then write today’s verb and draw a picture to help you remember the meaning of the verb. On the back side of the same index card, write the meaning of the verb in English. Write a sentence in Spanish saying….. “I get along badly with my ex-boyfriend (name).”
Padre Nuestro En el nombre del padre, el hijo, y el Espíritu Santo, Amen. Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo. Santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino. Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día. Perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal. Amen.
QUIZ TIME: Grammar Quiz #15 – Irregular Preterite Verbs Take out a sheet of paper and number from 1 to 10. Don’t forget to write your heading! Flip your paper over when you finish and then SIT QUIETLY! You can put your head down on your desk, draw a picture, or write me a note while you wait for your classmates to finish testing!
Homework check: Last class you were asked to complete WB pg. 99 in your cuaderno de práctica. Please place your work on your desk, so I can give you a completion stamp! You should be checking & correcting your answers!
Ch. 9 Goals “Las fiestas” Learn vocabulary to talk about celebrations, the stages of life (birth, marriage, etc.), & relationships Using the question words ¿Qué? & ¿Cuál? in context Review: How to conjugate irregular verbs in the preterite tense (Ser, Estar, Dar, Tener, Hacer, etc.) Learn about celebrations in the Spanish-speaking world: La Semana Santa y La Quinceañera How to use verbs that change meaning in the preterite tense in context Using prepositional pronouns (with me, with you, etc.)
Celebrando... ¡La quinceañera!
La Quinceañera… It is similar to the American tradition of celebrating a “Sweet 16” birthday. The celebration of a young woman’s 15th birthday in the Spanish-speaking world is a very important tradition that has been carried on for centuries! It is thought to date back to 1521, when the Spanish and Aztec cultures converged. Today, because of the growing Hispanic population in the United States, many U.S. communities are familiar with this event. It marks the transition of a young girl’s journey from childhood to womanhood and the acceptance of the new responsibilities it brings. The main purpose of this celebration is for a young woman to live a life of faith, good morals and principles, and devotion to the community. The way it is celebrated may vary from one cultural group to another, but all share some of the same elements.
La Invitación La quinceañera & her parents choose the invitation that they will give to their family and friends.
El vestido The quinceañera wears a dress similar to a wedding dress, without a train. The traditional dress is white with a bell-shaped, floor length skirt. Modern day Quinceañera dresses are tighter-fitting & more colorful. The dress is often a gift from her godmother (la madrina).
The tiara The quinceañera wears a tiara that symbolizes that she is a “princess” before God and the world. It also signifies a triumph over childhood and her ability to face the challenges that are ahead. The girl’s mother or godmother places the tiara on her head. This is a tribute to an ancient custom where the quinceañera girl was established as an official princess within her family and a young woman in her society.
La Misa de acción de gracias The girl starts her day by attending a mass in her honor where she renews her Baptismal vows in the presence of God. The birthday girl arrives decked out in a fancy dress. She is given a place of honor at the front of the church. She sits at the foot of the altar throughout the service. Gifts like the cross, ring, bible and rosary are blessed by the priest.
Religion Classes In some communities, the quinceañera is required to take religion classes. The classes focuses on her relationship with God and her Catholic community. These classes help her realize that the quinceañera’s celebration is not just one big birthday party, but also a celebration of being accepted into the Catholic Church as an adult.
After the Mass The quinceañera walks out of the church with her escort instead of her father. The court follows, followed by her parents and godparents. The party traditionally begins with a Waltz danced with her father and then with her male escort. Modern day quince’s may have modern and choreographed dances instead of the traditional Waltz. After the first dance, a toast is given, the cake is cut, and the meal is served!
El pastel As part of the celebration, there is an elaborately decorated birthday cake. It is several layers tall and may be topped with a small quinceañera doll or decorated with flowers.
La corte de honor 7 girls (damas) + 7 boys (chambelanes) + 1 quinceañera = 15! (NOTE: Modern day quince’s may have a smaller court.) The quinceañera chooses relatives or close friends to be in her court. Each one of them represents a year of her life with the 15th year represented by the quinceañera herself! One of the chambelanes is chosen to be her escort and he will wear a white or black tuxedo. The honor court is introduced to the guests as they enter the party. Then la quinceañera and her escort are introduced.
Los tacones (high heels) At the party, the mother of the quinceañera proceeds to the dance floor holding a pair of high-heels on a satin pillow. The quinceañera, who has been wearing flat shoes all day, takes a seat and her father exchanges her flats for her first pair of high-heels. This is done to symbolize her maturity from a girl to a woman.
Bigger Is Better! Today, the size of the party is growing at the same rate as the amount of money spent on them. The family & friends do their best to provide a memorable day for her. Quinceañera’s can be very elaborate or simple because of the many costs involved including: Food, Invitations, Clothing, Decorations/Flowers, Reception (rental & music), & party favors for all of the guests. Whatever the family’s budget is, a Quinceañera should be a very special day. Whether she wears a designer dress or one borrowed from a friend, she is the princess for the day!
Homework (la tarea): DUE NEXT CLASS PERIOD! Read the passages on TB pg. 308-309 then do Activities 1 & 2. Don’t forget to make the False answers true! Make vocab. flashcards for TB pg. 330 Sect. 4: Las etapas de la vida (cambiar to nacer) DUE NEXT CLASS PERIOD!
La Semana Santa “Holy Week” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVUHI9mAAWM
WHICH WILL BE NEXT CLASS PERIOD OVER CH. 9 Sections 1-4. YOUR HOMEWORK IS TO STUDY FOR THE …. WHICH WILL BE NEXT CLASS PERIOD OVER CH. 9 Sections 1-4. *Plus, any vocab. from Ch. 6-8 is fair game for the quiz!