Year 1- Autumn Term 2014. The POWers of You and Me! ICT Literacy Keyboard skills- Typing names/Fonts/ Colours/Size of font Log onto Learning Platform Making a Christmas card Literacy Fiction: Ordering stories, fictional story planning and writing, slogan writing, speech punctuation and bubbles. Drama: Role play. Non-fiction: Leaflet about a class member, writing party invitation, writing a letter home, instructional writing for a sandwich, biography, recount postcard, fact sheet Poetry: Acrostic poems, descriptive poems Texts: Kipper’s Birthday, Alfie lends a hand, Traction man, Harvey Slumfenburger’s Christmas present. The POWers of You and Me! Design Technology Build a house model Make an envelope from a template Plan, make and review a sandwich for our party Make a pop-up Birthday card Create a Christingle Art/Music Observational drawing Design a superhero costume Study Roy Lichtenstein’s work Create firework picture based on Lamoureaux Poppy paintings based on Georgia O’Keeffe’s artwork. Printed wrapping paper Charanga music- ‘Hey You!’- pulse, rhythm and pitch. Firework percussion Songs about our bodies/Christmas songs Stunning Start/Fabulous Finish Class ‘birthday’ party Christmas party with food from other countries. Numeracy Number and place value. Addition and Subtraction. Shape Position and direction. Length and height. Value of coins. Proposed trips/visitors/special days Make my own musical instrument Harvest Superhero Day PE Gym: Flight Games: Ball skills –throwing, catching and aiming. PSCHE/RE New Beginnings/Getting on and Falling Out/Firework safety Advent/ Christmas/ Christmas around the world. Geography A plan for my house Plan of our walk round Ampthill Seasonal weather patterns Christmas in other countries London Landmarks Science Me and my body/ Knowing the parts of the body/ Healthy eating. Seasonal Changes/ Sources of light. History The Gun Powder Plot/Guy Fawkes Remembering others Remembrance Day