The Ethics of Maintaining LCSH A presentation for the CaMMS Forum ALA Midwinter 2017 Janis L. Young Policy and Standards Division Library of Congress
History Subject Headings Used in the Dictionary Catalogues of the Library of Congress (1914) Based on List of Subject Headings for Use in Dictionary Catalogs (1895) Foundation of the principle of literary warrant
The Proposal Process Literary warrant Headings are proposed as needed for materials being cataloged Headings are based on usage in materials and reference sources
The Proposal Process Proposal is scheduled for a Tentative List Posted for public comment LC catalogers and catalogers in SACO institutions are particularly encouraged to comment on proposals
The Proposal Process Policy specialists Review every proposal Was sufficient research provided? Is the concept appropriate for LCSH? Is the proposal properly formatted? Does the heading reflect the research, the rules on LCSH style and syntax, and precedent? Are the BT, RT, and UF references appropriate? Should there be a scope note? If so, how should it be worded?
The Proposal Process Policy specialists Consider all of the comments Determine whether each individual proposal should be approved Write and distribute the Summary of Decisions Publish the Approved List
The Proposal Process Proposals approved in FY2016 2,600 proposals for new headings 260 proposals for revisions to existing headings 760 proposals for other miscellaneous changes 110 proposals rejected in FY2016
ALA Code of Ethics Principle 1 We provide the highest level of service to all library users through appropriate and usefully organized resources; equitable service policies; equitable access; and accurate, unbiased, and courteous responses to all requests.
Usefully Organized Resources African American biologists Buildings—Retrofitting Chong language Estuarine ecohydrology Historical poetry, Ukrainian Small interfering RNA Wildcat Mountain State Park (Wis.)
Usefully Organized Resources Binge watching (Television) Garden gnomes Slushies (Beverages) Autonomous vehicles Gender-neutral toilet facilities Stop and frisk (Law enforcement)
Usefully Organized Resources McKinley, Mount (Alaska) Denali, Mount (Alaska)
Usefully Organized Resources Buddhist dance Architecture, Buddhist Christian libraries Inscriptions, Christian Hindu chronology Arts, Hindu Buddhist dance Buddhist architecture Christian libraries Christian inscriptions Hindu chronology Hindu arts
ALA Code of Ethics Principle 6 We do not advance private interests at the expense of library users, colleagues, or our employing institutions.
ALA Code of Ethics Principle 7 We distinguish between our personal convictions and professional duties and do not allow our personal beliefs to interfere with fair representation of the aims of our institutions or the provision of access to their information resources.
Avoid Personal Bias Casa del Diablo (San Luis Tehuiloyocan, Mexico)
Avoid Biased Terminology 1924: Cripples 1956: Physically handicapped 2001: People with disabilities Reflects the people-first movement
Avoid Biased Terminology Women as [profession] Women as accountants Women as librarians Women accountants Women librarians Pattern discontinued in 1973
Base Decisions on Research Monographs Encyclopedias and dictionaries Newspapers Peer-reviewed journal articles Indexing and abstracting services Authoritative websites etc.
Base Decisions on Research Proposal: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Crash, 2015 Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Incident, 2015 Hijacked? Crashed? Pilot error? Pilot suicide? Bombed? Disappeared?
Base Decisions on Research Events in Syria began in 2010 as part of the Arab Spring Heading proposed in 2012 Civil war Clashes Deadly clashes Demonstrations “Where possible, use conventional terminology or the generally accepted name in English.” – SHM H 1592 Insurgency Protests Unrest Uprising
Base Decisions on Research Syria—History—Protests, 2011- Syria—History—Civil War, 2011- Syria—History—Demonstrations, 2011- Syria—History—Rebellion, 2011- Syria—History—Revolt, 2011- Syria—History—Revolution, 2011- Syria—History—Unrest, 2011- Syria—History—Uprising, 2011- Syrian Civil War, Syria, 2011- Syrian demonstrations , Syria, 2011- Syrian protests, Syria, 2011- Syrian rebellion, Syria, 2011- Syrian revolt, Syria, 2011- Syrian revolution, Syria, 2011- Syrian unrest, Syria, 2011- Syrian uprising, Syria, 2011-
Base Decisions on Research Syria—History—Protests, 2011- September 2013 “Syria’s civil war” —John Kerry “A brutal civil war” —Barack Obama “Syrian Civil War” —Britannica
Base Decisions on Research Syria—History—Civil War, 2011- Syria—History—Demonstrations, 2011- Syria—History—Protests, 2011- Syria—History—Rebellion, 2011- Syria—History—Revolt, 2011- Syria—History—Revolution, 2011- Syria—History—Unrest, 2011- Syria—History—Uprising, 2011- Syrian Civil War, Syria, 2011- Syrian demonstrations , Syria, 2011- Syrian protests, Syria, 2011- Syrian rebellion, Syria, 2011- Syrian revolt, Syria, 2011- Syrian revolution, Syria, 2011- Syrian unrest, Syria, 2011- Syrian uprising, Syria, 2011-
Maintaining LCSH is… an enormous responsibility…
“A good librarian knows that the best way to file a book is to understand how a reader would classify it themselves.” –Roger Warner, Librarians are the New Napoleons
Maintaining LCSH is… an enormous responsibility Maintaining LCSH is… an enormous responsibility... tedious and occasionally frustrating… and an awesome privilege.