MATERIALS NEEDED FOR THIS LESSON Teacher Student Click Personal White Boards Markers Student pages (Problem set, Exit Ticket, Homework) Reference Sheet (can be found by clicking here. None Click
Multi-Digit Whole Number and Decimal Fraction Operations 5th Grade Module 2 Lesson 13 Multi-Digit Whole Number and Decimal Fraction Operations Objective: Use whole number multiplication to express equivalent measurements.
Fluency Practice (12 minutes) 1. Divide by 10, 100, and 1000 (2 minutes) 2. Multiply Using the Area Model (7 minutes) 3. Unit Conversions (3 minutes) Materials Out and Ready Personal White Boards and Marker Sharpened Pencil
Fluency Practice (12 minutes) 1. Divide by 10, 100, and 1,000(2 minutes) 30 ÷ 10 = ___ 300 ÷ 100 = ___ 3000 ÷ 1000 = ___ 50 ÷ 10 = ___ 500 ÷ 100 = ___ 5000 ÷ 1000 = ___ 40 ÷ 10 = ___ 400 ÷ 100 = ___ 4000 ÷ 1000 = ___ 80 ÷ 10 = ___ 800 ÷ 100 = ___ 8000 ÷ 1000 = ___
Fluency Practice (12 minutes) 2. Multiply Using the Area Model(7 minutes) Follow the same process and procedure as G5–M2–Lessons 11 and 12 5.21 × 34 8.35 × 73
3. Unit Conversions (3 minutes) Fluency Practice (12 minutes) 3. Unit Conversions (3 minutes) 1 ft = ____ in. 2 ft = ____ in. 3 ft = ____ in. 4 ft = ____ in. 10 ft = ____ in. 5 ft = ____ in. 7 ft = ____ in. 100 cm = ____ m 200 cm = ____ m 300 cm = ____ m 600 cm = ____ m 800 cm = ____ m 400 cm = ____ m
Application Problem (8 minutes) 1) You have 20 seconds to get into pairs. 2) Each pair will receive a colored string. 3) Measure your string to the nearest unit according to below... Blue = feet Red = inches Yellow = meter Green = centimeter 4) Once you have your measurement, find the students who have the same length of string as you. Refer to lesson for set-up directions
Application Problem (8 minutes) Record your results below.
Application Problem (8 minutes) Observations?
Concept Development (26 minutes) Opener 1. Turn and talk with your neighbor. How might this document help us solve problems? Make sure you distribute the reference sheet prior to the lesson.
Concept Development (26 minutes) Opener 2. Today we'll be using this reference sheet to help us convert between various units of measure. Discuss witha partner the types of measurement units you see on this sheet.
Concept Development (26 minutes) Opener 3. Divide your white boards into three sections labeled Length, Weight, and Volume/Capacity. 4) Talk in groups about which units are used for each type of measurement and record those units in the appropriate section of your white board. Be prepared to discuss.
Concept Development (30 minutes) Problem 1 15 feet = ______ inches How can we use the patterns we just saw in our Application Problem to help us convert from feet to inches? Turn and talk.
Concept Development (30 minutes) Problem 1 Visualize the tape measure we just used to measure in feet and inches. How many inches did we see in each foot? Let’s draw a number line to show what we saw. You draw your own number line.
Concept Development (30 minutes) Problem 1 If one foot, or one unit, is equal to 12 inches, how can I find what 15 feet is equal to? Turn and share.
Concept Development (30 minutes) Problem 1 If I wanted to express this conversion as a multiplication equation, what would it look like? Write it down on your board. Would this method work for any situation in which I wanted to name feet as inches?
Concept Development (30 minutes) Problem 1 We just converted from feet to inches. Which unit is larger, feet or inches?
Concept Development (30 minutes) Problem 1 Think back to our Application Problem. Remind me why we need so many inches to make just 15 feet. Tell your neighbor.
150 feet = _____ in Concept Development (30 minutes) Problem 1 Use the same process we have been using to convert the measurement below. Be prepared to explain your answer. 150 feet = _____ in
152 feet = _____ in Concept Development (30 minutes) Problem 1 Use what you just found out about 150 feet to help you determine the conversion below. 152 feet = _____ in What could you do to help you figure this out easily?
Problem 2 Concept Development (30 minutes) 3 tons 140 pounds = _______ pounds Let's use our thinking about multiplication to solve this one. Tell your neighbor which part of the Reference Sheet will help us solve this one.
Problem 2 Concept Development (30 minutes) 3 tons 140 pounds = _______ pounds How is this problem slightly different from the first one we solved?
Problem 2 Concept Development (30 minutes) 3 tons 140 pounds = _______ pounds How is this problem slightly different from the first one we solved?
Problem 2 Concept Development (30 minutes) 3 tons 140 pounds = _______ pounds Let’s start with the 3 tons. Work with your partner to draw a double number line showing tons and pounds. Look at your drawing. How many pounds are equal to 3 tons? Are we finished? Have we found a weight equal to what we started with? Why or Why not?
Problem 2 Concept Development (30 minutes) 42 feet 9 inches = _______ inches Use the same process we just used in the previous problem to solve the problem above. Be prepared to explain your thinking.
Problem 3 Concept Development (30 minutes) ______ ounces = 9 pounds 11 ounces Look at your Reference Sheet. Tell your neighbor the conversion factor that you’ll be using to solve this problem.
Problem 3 Concept Development (30 minutes) ______ ounces = 9 pounds 11 ounces For this problem, work in pairs. One of you should draw a double number line while your partner uses multiplication and addition to solve. Check your partner’s work as you go. Be prepared to share out your thinking.
Problem 4 Concept Development (30 minutes) 155 gallons = ____ quarts =____ pints Use your Reference Sheet to help you solve independently. If you like, you may draw a double number line.
Problem 4 Concept Development (30 minutes) 155 gallons = ____ quarts =____ pints 155 gallons equals how many quarts? Explain your reasoning?
Problem 4 Concept Development (30 minutes) 155 gallons = ____ quarts =____ pints 620 Find the number of pints in 620 quarts mentally
Problem 4 Concept Development (30 minutes) 57 gallons 1 quart = ____ quarts Use your Reference Sheet to help you solve independently. If you like, you may draw a double number line.
Problem 4 Concept Development (30 minutes) 63 quarts 3 pints = ____ pints Use your Reference Sheet to help you solve independently. If you like, you may draw a double number line.
Problem Set (10 minutes) Do Your Personal Best (Complete independently!)
Student Debrief (10 minutes) Work with your partner or table and compare answers and strategies from Problem Set. *Choose 2 problems and compare strategies *Did you use the same strategy or different? *Did you come to the same solution? AND/OR (Teacher: Option to choose 1-all of the questions to give as closure to the class. Questions are behind screen. Delete ones not used and enlarge those to be used.) *Explain the term conversion factor. *In the conversion you completed for Problem 1, explain your thought process as you worked. Why did you choose to multiply when converting these units? How did you decide what to multiply by? *Convert 15 meters into centimeters. (Students convert to 1500 cm.) Look back at the conversions in Problem 1. 15 feet is equal to 180 inches. Both of these conversions start with 15 units. Explain how 15 units could be equal to two different amounts—180 and 1500. *How did the Application Problem connect to today’s lesson? *Can you name some real life situations in which measurement conversion might be useful and/or necessary?
EXIT TICKET (3 minutes) Complete the exit ticket and turn in...