The Advising First College Life Coaching Program LaShae Roberts, M.S., Program Manager
What is College Life Coaching? College Life Coaching at FSU is the process in which a trained professional collaborates with a student to facilitate growth in their personal and professional goals, aid engagement in their campus community and support other various topics prioritized by the student. In addition, students: Build life and leadership skills Learn to balance personal and academic commitments Increase in confidence and marketability Identify and maintain short and long term goals Become familiar with campus resources
What does a College Life Coach talk about with their students? Coaches collaborate with students on various topics based on what is important to the student and their immediate (or future) needs. Some topics may include: Time Management Community Engagement and Involvement Navigating Family and Friend Relationships Academic Study Skills and Techniques Making Meaning of Experiences through Critical Thinking
What does a life as a College Life Coach look like? Member of a 16 person team Manage a roster of 110-115 students Meet with students every other week Conduct 20-25 minute meetings Attend monthly department and team staff meetings Attend mentorship meetings with a Senior Coach every other week Strategize roster management Individualized training and professional development Receive feedback on meeting quality and skills
Learning how to connect with diverse populations What makes a good coach? Learning how to connect with diverse populations Coaches are trained to connect with characteristics, interests, values, skills, and even concerns that students share during meetings Part of the connection allows both coach and student to work together with confidence but also transparency, as coaches recognize that they are not the expert in the students’ lives
What makes a good coach? Building a safe environment where challenge, learning, and exploration can take place Coaches remove anything (verbal or nonverbal) that may be perceived as judgmental When necessary, coaches provide appropriate self-disclosure to build a connection with the student Coaches remove authoritative language and focus solely on building a collaborative relationship with the student
What makes a good coach? Engaging the student in the collaboration process by listening and empowering the student through question asking Coaches are trained to listen and clarify so the student feels heard and valued Students are asked questions that prompt reflection and critical thinking when facing complex situations Coaches showcase supportive and challenging language to assist students to move beyond complacency to a mindset focused on success
Normalizing experiences that the student feels are atypical What makes a good coach? Normalizing experiences that the student feels are atypical As the coach may validate or normalize experiences or situations, it allows the student to feel less isolated This also lets the coach and student build upon their working relationship as they share perspectives and note the parallels that other college students feel, think or experience This aids in the overall transition that students face, as many students come in feeling alone in trying to fit in at a bigger university
Coaches guide students to concrete, realistic action items to work on What makes a good coach? Encouraging students to be focused on solutions that promote learning and success Coaches guide students to concrete, realistic action items to work on Coaches allow students the time and space to articulate strengths and motivation behind completing a task or overcoming an obstacle Coaches and students collaborate on connecting short-term goals to longstanding values
What is unique about the Advising First Coaching Program? Created an in-house coaching model and program unique to the needs of FSU students Observe and celebrate student success as goals are reached through the year long coaching relationship Achieve increased retention rates Coach populations identified as having a higher risk of attrition Host trainings and workshops to train others in the skills we use; 2016 FSU College Life Coaching Institute
How does Coaching Impact Retention and Risk Taking?