GCSE PE Homework Booklet 2017 Name: Teacher: Hand in date:
The plan Please complete every page/task of this booklet Presentation counts Be creative Don’t cut corners (practice is key for success how you train reflects how you play) Take pride in your work Don’t compare…... Its about you and what your limits are.
Ask a question; present your responses Create a poll involving a minimum of 10 people: Select from the following questions: How many hours of physical activity do you complete on average per week? Drugs should be allowed in sport to enhance performance? The Olympics should happen every two years not four? What’s the number 1 barrier stopping you from playing sport more? The greatest influence on the sport you play is? Attach a graph to show your results (any type of graph is accepted as long as its labelled and accurate)
Label the key muscles Minimum of 15 muscles to be labelled- don’t live by minimums!
Olympics Attach an Olympics article to this page- highlight key terms and helpful information from the article- it can be from a newspaper or an online article.
Smoking Poster Design a poster informing people the effects of smoking on the body. Be creative Be accurate with information Be original (don’t copy and paste) Be effective with your presentation (not happy with your work? Do it again!)
Create a collage of your favourite sports athletes
Write your favourite quote below (don’t have one find one!)
Attach your fact file for your 3 sports here Include key rules and information on your sport What you need to play Top performers in your sport What skills you need to play your sport Any other important information needed