Inter-Regional Co-ordination and Harmonization Mechanisms Harmonization of Air Navigation Systems Presented by MID Region
MID Accreditation Area Afghanistan AFG Lebanon LEB Bahrain BAH Libya LIB Cyprus CYP Oman OMA Egypt EGY Pakistan PAK Iran IRA Qatar QAT Iraq IRQ Saudi Arabia SAU Israel ISR Sudan SUD Jordan JOR Syria SYR Kuwait KUW UAE UAE Yemen YEM 19 states are accredited to the Cairo office. 16 of these sort under Technical Cooperation Bbureaus Field Operations Section - Europe and the Middle East, or FEM, directed by Mr. Matta. Essentially, regional division is thus different depending on if one looks at air navigation regions, accreditation to regional offices, or technical cooperation regions. There are tremendous differences between the countries in the middle east region pertaining to natural resources, level of economic and human development, political situation, etc. However, although some states have a high Gross National Product per capita, or score high in the Human Development Index, they may still be lacking in technology, they may rely heavily on internationally recruited experts in key positions in civil aviation, or there may be other deficiencies in the technical, financial, managerial or legal aspects of their aviation infrastructure. As a matter of fact, UNDP classifies all the the contracting states in the MID region as developing states. And as you can see, 3 are classified as Least Developed Countries, or LDCs.
15 MID Provider and Adjacent States GRK TKY OUZ TUR ARM TJK CYP IRN IRK SYR AFG LEB JOR PAK EGP ISR KWT BAH QTR KSA IND -MID Region is concerned by the 15 provider States , and their 14 Adjacent States ,which belong to AFI, ASI and EUR Regions . -Three inter regional dialogues between those concerned States may be organized through PIRG’s inter coordination between two or more Regions -The report which will represent steps toward the inter regional planning harmonization for common fields of two or more regional plans ,should be approved by the respective PIRGs and will commit the concerned States . - The following slides show how the dialogue may be engaged this second half of year 2000, supported by a number of inter regional meetings . UAE LYB SUD ETP ERT YEM OMN DJB
EUR MID INTERFACE ANKARA ATHENS BAGHDAD TEHRAN DAMAS KUWT CYPRUS AMMAN BEIRUT JEDDAH BAHRAIN The Eastern Mediterrannee area and the western side of the Gulf need an urgent scheme which will manage the main traffic flows which are emerging -1 The over flight traffic between ASI / EUR -2 The Regional traffic to and from MID/ EUR Strategies are still evolving , timelines should be aligned and mutually accepted . MID CNS/ATM implementation strategies are not yet completed , they need confirmations through the inter regional dialogue , in order to identify the common grounds for harmonization . Thepermanent absence of a number of FIR representatives of important States Providers in MIDANPIRG forum , is a source of concern . TEL AVIV CAIRO UAE
EUR MID MIDASI INTERFACE BAKOU TASHKENT DUSHANBE YEREVAN ANKARA TEHRAN KABUL KARACHI DAMAS BAGHDAD The second area of co-ordination involves two traffic flows , -The first one is very active links India Pakistan and the 5 Mid Asi subregion in EUR through three MID States Afghanistan Iran (and eventually Irak ) . Note : Swacg informal meetings cover most of this sub area -The second one fast growing links Mid ASI States with Iran Syria Uae and Saudi Arabia on a seasonal regime . No specific meeting is forseen this year .
AFI MID INTERFACE DAMASCUS AMMAN BEIRUT JEDDAH CAIRO MUSCAT TRIPOLI SANAA KHARTOUM FIRs concerned by ATM management coordination over the Red Sea should meet under the auspices of MIDANPIRG and APIRG chairmen . - A first meeting may be arranged end of the year 2000 or early 2001 , with the intention to commit this group of States to identify prioritised actions , and possible intra cooperation in order to overcome agreed shortcomings and deficiencies before planning further actions towards Implementation of new systems . - Discussions on timeline harmonization should lead to mini implementation program which may lead to common implementation projects . ASMARA ADDIS ABABA
MID ATS Route Network 51 of 89 ATS routes implemented Europe - Middle East ATM Coordination Bureau (EMAC) 1st IRCM meeting: Revised ATS Route Structure proposed
RNP/RNAV Central Monitoring Agency to be provided by U.A.E No ICAO guidance material relating to airworthiness / operational approval for RNP5 ops. MIDANPIRG/6: Progressive introduction route by route
MIDDLE EAST REGION Major Traffic Flows LEGEND Major Traffic Flows Low density routes, seasonal high density Area covered by MID CNS/ATM Plan Flows are intended to show area of origin, destination, and approximate flight paths. They do not accurately portray ATS routes
RSVM MID Target date for RSVM: 2003 EUR/MID interface EUROCONTROL Implementations costs Operators / ATS Providers Funding Mechanism is needed MID RVSM Task Force WGS-84: 10 of 15 States utilizing standard reporting format
RSVM - Coordination with Asia/Pac Asia / Pacific RSVM TF/8 (Aug 00) Proposed RSVM implementation South of Himalayas Route :Decision to be taken Agreed to undertake data collection for readiness assessment MID RSVM TF participation to be considered by MID All MID States will be invited to ASI PAC RSVM Seminars
GNSS Not approved means of navigation in most MID States ICAO guidance material are needed , Some examples available Target date for en-route and non-precision approach: 2002 AIRAC date should be determined soon
GNSS Cont. States not having done so are urged to: authorize GNSS for en-route and non-precision approaches Establish multidisciplinary GNSS implementation teams work towards filling requirements for GNSS for introduction in 2002 ISTB for MID Region: Demonstrations and trials tentatively scheduled for March / April 2001
Communications Transition to ATN Frequency Lists - under development AFTN-based AIDC procedure to be replaced by ATN AIDC procedure Frequency Lists - under development VSAT - MIDANPIRG/6 encourages use AFTN Circuits - implemented; Interface AFTN /CIDIN in MID
CONCLUSION Inter-Regional mechanism : PIRGs should support the interregional dialogue (inter-PIRGs) based on common goals Interregional activities are coordinated at the level of each of the sub-groups concerned