Cultural Geography of East Asia Chapters 27 & 28


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Presentation transcript:

Cultural Geography of East Asia Chapters 27 & 28 Test Review

Which religion is specific to Japan? a. Confucianism c. Catholicism b. Buddhism d. Shintoism China’s population is concentrated a. in the river valleys and plains of the Huang He, Chang Jiang, and Xi. b. in the southwestern part of the country on the Plateau of Tibet. in the north along the border with Mongolia. in the central interior near the Qilian Shan.

Increasing rural-to-urban migration in China a. has caused the number of jobs in cities to increase. b. benefits the people who do not leave rural areas. c. has created farm labor shortages. d. has created manufacturing labor shortages. On what is the Confucian system of thought based? a. mathematical and astronomical principles b. discipline and moral conduct c. scientific investigation d. the ideas of Plato

From the 1890s to the 1940s, Japan built an empire that included Korea, Mongolia, and Tibet. Korea, Taiwan, and Manchuria. Korea, Tibet, and other Pacific islands. Taiwan, Singapore, and Tibet. Powerful ____________________ ruled Japan from the 1100s to the late 1800s. a. samurai c. clans b. dynasties d. shoguns

After its defeat in World War II, Japan a. was economically powerful. b. quickly reoccupied its overseas territories. c. continued building weapons. d. was economically shattered. In which modern-day country did the region’s culture hearth originate? Korea and Japan Mongolia Taipei China

Why has the Chinese government built dozens of agricultural towns in remote areas? a. to encourage people to convert from agricultural to industrial jobs b. to institute population reduction programs c. to stem farm labor shortages resulting from urbanization d. to strengthen local governments and encourage local rule

Confucius lived during the ____________________ dynasty. a. Zhou c. Han b. Shang d. Ming The Chinese Communist government encourages a. Buddhism. c. polytheism. b. atheism. d. Confucianism. The world’s most populous urban area is a. Shanghai, China. c. Beijing, China. b. Tokyo, Japan. d. Seoul, South Korea.

Until the A.D. 400s, Japan was ruled by family groups called a. samurai. c. ideograms. b. shoguns. d. clans. In early Japan, professional warriors that supported a shogun were called a. clans. c. samurai. b. ninja. d. haiku. During World War II, the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of ____________________ and ____________________. a. Tokyo; Nagasaki c. Tokyo; Hiroshima b. Hiroshima; Nagasaki d. Osaka; Tokyo

Koreans trace their origins back to people from northern China and central Asia. Vietnam and Cambodia. Japan and Taiwan. southern China and South Asia. The population characteristics of North Korea and South Korea begin to diverge with population distribution. population density. total fertility rate. ethnicity.

____________________ spread from China to Korea and became Korea’s main religion. Confucianism Shintoism Islam Buddhism The ____________________ seized control of Korea around A.D. 1300 and introduced ____________________, which became the model for Korea’s government, education, and family life. Japanese; Shintoism Russians; Eastern Orthodoxy Chinese; Confucianism British; Christianity

Today, North Korea and South Korea have experienced ____________________ because of their different political and economic systems. a cultural convergence Acculturation Syncretism a cultural divergence Which of the following has been a harmful result of industrialization in East Asia? a. a negative impact on the environment b. a decreasing standard of living c. a lack of trade with countries outside of East Asia d. the decreasing influence of East Asia in the world economy

How did Taiwan develop a successful export economy? a. by switching from manufacturing to agriculture b. by investing profits from agriculture in manufacturing industries c. by increasing production of pineapples, bananas, and sugarcane d. by importing more manufactured goods from the United States

What is the purpose of the organization known as APEC? a. to encourage trade with Europe b. to make trade among member countries efficient and fair c. to settle political disputes d. to establish an acceptable standard of living throughout East Asia In order to stimulate economic growth, China’s Communist government has a. tightened controls on industries. b. focused on reducing industrial output because of pollution. c. protected human rights. d. adopted some features of a market economy.

The Chinese territory of Hong Kong is a center of agriculture. has a command economy. is a center of trade. has a traditional economy. Japanese fleets continue to hunt whales a. because there are too many. b. in spite of worldwide criticism due to declining whale populations. c. in order to export whale products. d. because of global support for its whaling practices.

Taiwan has a very successful ____________________ economy. a. agricultural c. export-based b. command d. import-based One of the main fears about the safety of nuclear power facilities in Japan is a. military attack. c. tectonic activity. b. old technology. d. monsoon winds.

In response to overfishing in East Asia’s coastal waters, a. East Asians are eating less fish and other seafood. b. commercial fishing is taking place in international waters on supertrawlers. c. East Asian countries are importing fish and other seafood. d. commercial fishing has decreased, leaving many people unemployed. The philosophy of Confucius became the model for Korea’s arts. communism in North Korea. Korea’s government. communism in South Korea.

Which of the following statements about pollution in East Asia is accurate? a. Acid rain is a problem only in China. b. North Korea’s safe drinking water supplies are adequate. c. Cities in North Korea and South Korea are plagued with air pollution. d. Pollution is not of national concern in Japan. Although Japan signed the ____________________ to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the country’s emissions increased 11 percent over 1990 levels by 2007. a. ASEAN Treaty c. Nonproliferation Treaty b. Kyoto Treaty d. APEC Treaty

During the Korean War, the United States a. fought on the side of South Korea against communist North Korea. b. remained neutral, despite international pressure to intervene. c. demanded that the United Nations cease being involved. d. tried to reunite Korea under the rule of North Korea.

What has China done to limit population growth? a. introduced a policy that allows a family to have only one child b. introduced a policy that allows a family to have only two children c. denied health care to people who have children d. allowed families to have only as many children as they can support