Affiliate Menu - Home The Affiliate Home menu explained. Please see the screens that follow.
1. Go to http://www. auvesta-portal. com/default 1. Go to and select Affiliate.
2. Enter Affiliate Number and Password to Login.
their applications to join Auvesta. 3. Customers shows the total number of people in your downline who have begun their applications to join Auvesta. Active shows the number of people that are making their monthly payments. Inactive shows those who’ve stopped. Dropped out – those that have done so. Terminated - they no longer want to be a partner for some reason. Rejected shows those that have been rejected for whatever reason. Requested information is still outstanding Contracts shows all those that have been successfully validated. Applications shows the number of people who are in process. Account balance shows your accrued running total until you draw out cash or buy gold
4. Logged-in – shows people in your downline who are currently online and a record of their general activity.
5. Settings – Choose how you want to receive updates. And Save any changes you make.
6. Select Hide boxes to remove the Customers, Business partner and Account balance.
7. Select Show boxes to reveal Customers, Business partner and Account balance.
8. Selecting Change password allows you to change your affiliate password.
9. Time Zone change is not currently available but will be in due course.
10. Landing Page – New, will immediately generate your landing page url.
11. Copy and paste the url or choose Send E-mail
12. On selecting Landing Page - Overview…
13. You can enter the period you want to search between and press Select.
14. View details of all those in your downline who have landing pages.
15. Select Business Partner - New.
16. New business partner registration form is available.
17. Complete all mandatory fields and press Confirm 17. Complete all mandatory fields and press Confirm. Please check the email at the address given for confirmation.
18. An affirmative status update is provided of the newly created partner. Please note: This function is not yet available
19. If you select Business Partner - Overview.
20. You can Enter the period to search between and press Select. Or you may enter a name or business number to search by.
21. Results are available for review. Confirmed means these partners are fully validated Sent means their validation has not been completed