Hinduism has grown to become the world's third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam. It claims about 950 million followers -- about 14% of the world's population.
It is the most popular religion in India, Nepal, and among the Tamils in Sri Lanka.
Estimates of the number of Hindus in the U.S.: 1.5 million
Origins of Hinduism Origins: the origin of Hinduism dates back to 5,000 or more years. The word "Hindu" is derived from the name of River Indus which flows through northern India.
India Map
Ganges & Indus River
India Monsoon Season
India “Haboob”
Hinduism is a mixture of the traditional Aryan religion, Brahmanism, and other central Asian religions. In order to truly understand Hinduism, one must think about it as both a way of life and a religion.
Influences in Indian life and Society Hinduism is an all encompassing way of life Meditation Yoga They focus on connecting with nature and the divine through their daily meditation and prayers.
It is a form of meditation Yoga Was developed as a method of training the body to achieve oneness with Brahman. It is a form of meditation
Basic Beliefs of Hinduism All living things have a soul (atman) The earth is temporary (Maya) Ultimate goal is liberation Only possible through reincarnation- see next slide
Life and Rebirth: Hindus believe in REINCARNATION They can be reborn through a different medium-person, animal, or part of nature. Souls are born and reborn many times, each time into a new body.
Most forms of Hinduism are henotheistic: they recognize a single deity, and recognizes other gods and goddesses as facets, forms, manifestations, or aspects of that supreme God. Is this is same as polytheistic?
There are thousands of other gods in the Hindu religion Three main Gods: Brahma Vishnu Siva There are thousands of other gods in the Hindu religion They all represent different aspects of the ONE God!
What goes around comes around…KARMA Karma determines how you will live your next life. Through pure acts, thoughts and devotion, one can be reborn at a higher level. Bad deeds can cause a person to be reborn as a lower level, or even as an animal.
Hindus consider all life to be sacred and so they practice the principle of ahimsa, or non-violence. Many Hindus are vegetarian Cows are Sacred in India because they are seen as the most generous of all animals. Gandhi is a famous Hindu leader
Hindu Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBZRTzXARWM
Block Day: August 20th & 21st CNN Student News Map Caste System Activities Crash Course in Indus River Valley
Map Activity Learning Goal: Students will be able to label key features of Ancient Indian society on a map. Directions: On Page 67 of the World History book, look up and label the following features of India on the provided map. This information will be references in class, and also, on your assessment.
The Caste System
The Caste System is a system of social division in India. There is some debate as to it origins, but it is made up of four main castes and several sub-castes. You are born into your caste and may not change your caste within your lifetime. Brahmins The top caste, the priests. They are the closest to Brahman Kshatryias Second Caste, the warriors and princes Vaishya Merchants, artisans and landowners (Skilled workers) Shudra The workers, the lowest caste. (unskilled workers) Each caste has its own Dharma, or duty. You must obey the dharma of your caste to earn good Karma and be able to be reincarnated at a higher caste in the next life.
Varna (Social Hierarchy) Pariahs Untouchables Priests Brahmins Royalty & Warriors Kshatriyas Merchants & Craftsmen Vaishyas Unskilled Workers Shudras Pariahs Untouchables
Rules of the Caste System A person born into one caste never changed castes or mixed with members of other castes. They could not marry or eat with anyone outside of their caste group. If someone broke the rules, they could be banned from their homes or caste, making them untouchables.
Untouchables These people were the bottom of Hindu society, they are not considered part of the caste system. About 5% of the population of India. They are required to perform the dirtiest jobs dealing with trash, human waste, and death. People of other castes refuse to do these jobs because they may damage their Karma. In the past Untouchables were not allowed to associate with people of other castes. They were even required to carry of noisemaker to warn people of the approach so they would not accidentally run into someone. Discrimination against them continues today, even though the caste system has been declared illegal.
Video Example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM85zVt6xCU
Slumdog Millionaire movie
Symbols of Hinduism Swastika Its name comes the Sanskrit word svasti meaning good fortune, luck and well-being. Aum (Om) the three major Hindu gods - Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva Bindi: Symbolizes: female energy and is believed to protect women and their husbands. made with the paste of colored sandalwood, sindoor or turmeric.
Crash Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7ndRwqJYDM
Modern Caste System articles analysis
HAPPY FRIDAY! CNN Student news Pass back tests Check Grades Check sheet Check map Pass back tests Check Grades Untouchables current event