(Click to Advance Slides) A Tutorial for LUNA’s Atrium App A Self-Guided Tutorial for LUNA’s Interpreter Portal (Click to Advance Slides)
LUNA’s Interpreter Portal The Portal runs on any desktop computer browser (Chrome preferred) at goLUNA360.com. You can maintain your profile, view your appointments and payments, as well as submit digital invoices. The Atrium App works together with the Interpreter Portal and is available at the Google Play Store for Android or the App Store for iOS. There is also a very helpful video tutorial at LUNA360.com.
Logging In 1. Enter your email in the User ID field. 2 Logging In 1. Enter your email in the User ID field. 2. Enter your Password. 3. What is my password again?...Click Forgot your password and a new temporary password will be sent to your email address. 4. Can I change my password?...Click Change to change your password. When using a temporary password or changing your password, you will be prompted to enter a 6-digit password of your choice. Per HIPAA, please be mindful of accessing your portal from a public network or device.
My Profile My Profile is where you can maintain your personal information. Can I update my email or home address?...Every field can be changed except your Name and your assigned Languages. We communicate primarily using the Email address entered here. The home Address is used for scheduling and payment (mileage/travel.) Fields with an asterisk (*) are required fields. Certifications and Specialties are free text where you can describe your strengths and qualifications. This information plus your Highest Degree and Country of Origin help LUNA with coordinating.
My Calendar My Calendar is where you can view your job assignments in calendar view. Can I see my jobs in a different view?...Using the buttons in the upper right, you can actually view your jobs in four different calendar views: Day, Week, Business Week, and Month. Can I search for an appointment?...The bottom left provides a filter to look for specific appointments.
Assigned Jobs You can view all of your future assignments in the Assigned Jobs screen. These jobs will also include those jobs that are missing your actuals. Double click any assignment to open it and view the Job Detail screen with more job information, including notes from the scheduling team. Can I search the list for a particular job or client?...There are two tools for this: sorting and filtering. You can click on any column header to sort ascending (click once) or descending (click twice). The bottom left includes a filter to narrow the list by job information.
Job Detail When you double click an assignment in a list, you can view more job information including notes from the scheduling team. The Record Time tab takes you to the actuals screen. Click Add Task to choose your language from the drop down menu (i.e. ASL, Foreign, Spanish.) Then enter your exact start and end interpreting times, both of which are very important for our records as well as yours. Approved mileage and/or travel time will appear on your task menu, showing that you have been approved to record these units. Use Visit Notes at the bottom to record any job or technical difficulties or comments you want LUNA to know. We monitor these closely to better serve you.
Three Needed Invoice Items: How do I submit an invoice Three Needed Invoice Items: How do I submit an invoice? At the Record Time tab in Job Detail, enter: 1. ASL/Foreign/Spanish Identify the language you interpreted. These are usually grouped into ASL, Foreign, and Spanish. (ASL State jobs: choose if this is your first State job of the day or additional State job of the day.)
Three Needed Invoice Items: How do I submit an invoice. (c0ntinued) 2 Three Needed Invoice Items: How do I submit an invoice? (c0ntinued) 2. Exact Interpreting Times Click on the Start Time to adjust to your actual start time. This will be the time of the scheduled appointment, or the time after the scheduled time that you were ready to interpret. (NOTE: If you arrive early and are asked to begin, you may record this time as your start time.) Remember, it is extremely important to enter your exact time, even if you were late. You can leave a note in the Visit Notes section to explain any extenuating circumstances. Click on the End Time to adjust to your actual end time. This time is also extremely important, for your protection as well as the client’s and LUNA’s. Minimums will still be paid as before.
Three Needed Invoice Items: How do I submit an invoice. (continued) 3 Three Needed Invoice Items: How do I submit an invoice? (continued) 3. Signature You can upload a picture of a paper signature encounter form using Upload Timesheet. Download the picture to your computer, and then click on Upload Timesheet in the browser window to locate and select the downloaded picture. Then, Save. NOTE: A digital signature using the app is preferred and easier to obtain.
Closed Jobs You can view all of your closed assignments in the Closed Jobs screen. When actuals (interpreting activity, start/end times, and signature) have been entered for this appointment and Saved, it is closed. You can still update any job information until either LUNA has approved the job or a client has signed off on the job from the app. Can I add mileage or travel to a closed job?...If you have been approved for mileage but did not enter it before you closed the job, you can still access that job in the Closed Jobs tab to add a mileage or travel time task.
My Payments You can also view all of your payments from LUNA through the My Payments tab. By double clicking on an invoice payment, you can see all the job details associated with that payment, dates, activities, etc.
Availability You can also maintain your own availability through the Availability tab. Adjust each day of the week to show when you are available to interpret. Also, to the right, you can add special dates or date ranges where you know you will not be available for interpreting (vacations, out of town, etc.)
THANK YOU! Have questions? Reach out to our dedicated digital rollout email atriumq@LUNA360.com. A team member will respond to your inquiry within one business day. THANK YOU! That concludes our tour of the Atrium LSP Ware App. We hope you enjoy the simplicity and quickness of entering your invoices digitally. We know you’re excited to be rid of the paper forms and will enjoy the speed, ease, and convenience of submitting your invoices digitally along with improved accuracy and continued bi-weekly pay. We also know you’ll have some questions as the new system is rolled out, and we are here to support you. Look out for weekly emails designed to help guide you through the transition. Have questions? Reach out to our dedicated digital rollout email AtriumQ@LUNA360.com and a team member will respond to your inquiry within one business day.