Patent Cooperation Treaty Improvements Past, Present & Future Charles Pearson Director International Patent Legal Administration
PCT Improvement Plans 2009 – International Bureau Implementation of recommendations to improve the functioning of the PCT: Road Map 2012 – European Patent Office Proposals for further development of PCT services and products 2012 – United Kingdom and United States PCT 20/20 2013 – Japan PCT Kaizen 2014 – Korea PCT 3.0
PCT 20/20: Overview Joint proposal by the United Kingdom and the United States of America Presented at the fifth session of the PCT Working Group in Geneva in 2012 Contained twelve proposals for further improvement of the PCT system
PCT 20/20: Proposals (1) Self-service Changes Applicants could make corrections to bibliographic data priority claims Corrections would be effective immediately, providing instant feedback of the approval to the applicant Limited Chapter I Claim Amendments Permitting limited claim amendments prior to search report such as correcting misnumbered claims To help both the ISA and applicant Simplify Withdrawal of International Applications Easing, in certain situations, the requirements for withdrawing PCT applications obtaining signatures from all applicants
PCT 20/20: Proposals (2) Standardizing Fee Reductions for National Stage Applications National and regional Offices would offer a national stage fee reduction for national stage applications which contain only claims which were indicated as meeting the criteria of PCT Article 33 (2)–(4) International Small/Micro Entity Fee (or Discount) A small entity fee would permit small businesses and independent inventors in all countries to obtain worldwide patent protection at lower cost through use of the PCT system USPTO created small/micro entity fees for RO/US transmittal and ISA/US search fees on 01 January 2014
PCT 20/20: Proposals (3) Integrate National/International Stages Use a national first action on the merits for PCT search report a search report prepared by an ISA would constitute PCT report and a national Office action for that office Require responses to negative comments at the national stage national/regional Offices would be encouraged to require, at the time of national stage entry, a complete response to any outstanding negative indications made by the ISA/IPEA Mandatory Recordation of Search Strategy To provide confidence in the quality of PCT searches Examiners would record their search strategy and make such information available to other offices Some Authorities currently making search records publically available (US, CA, AU, IL)
PCT 20/20: Proposals (4) Collaborative Searching (2+ Offices) Proposal would eliminate Supplementary International Search Examiners from multiple offices would collaborate to create a single search report generally greater quality than a report prepared by a single examiner more useful in the national stage than current reports Collaborative search has completed phase 2, phase 3 in development Mandatory Top-up Searches Examiners would perform top-up searches to uncover recent documents to increase the quality of PCT Reports Implemented for IA having demands filed on or after 01 July 2014 Development and Implementation of Global Dossier Eventual incorporation into the PCT Applicants would file a single application and thereafter the movement and duplication of documents would be minimized or even eliminated by the creation of a “one-stop” portal for all stakeholders
PCT 20/20: Proposals (5) Formal Integration of the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) into the PCT Fast track of national stage applications for national stage application which presented only claims meeting PCT Articles 33(2)-(4) (e.g. a positive report) Improve reuse of PCT work at the national stage Making the Written Opinion Of The International Searching Authority Available to the Public After International Publication Enable national offices and third parties to view the written opinion of the ISA before an application enters the national stage, The written opinion would become available upon international publication Implemented for IAs filed on or after 01 July 2014
PPH Basics What is the Patent Prosecution Highway? A system of work sharing that improves examination efficiency by reducing duplication of effort among patent offices Enables an applicant who has received a determination of allowable claims from one office to obtain fast track processing of corresponding claims in other offices PPH began as pilot between JPO and USPTO in 2006. Today – 30 offices participate worldwide; 27 with USPTO
How Does PPH Work? Applicant receives a positive examination result from a PPH participating office. An national/regional office action indicating allowable claims Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Written Opinion or PCT International Preliminary Report on Patentability Applicant files a PPH request in a corresponding application in another PPH participating office Once the PPH request is granted, the examination of the application in the second office is expedited
Filing a PPH Request (1) Eligible Applications Office of Earlier Examination (OEE) and the Office of Later Examination (OLE) must have the same earliest date (priority or filing date) Claims in the OLE application must sufficiently correspond to allowable claims in the OEE application Substantive examination has not begun in the OLE application
Filing a PPH Request (2) Required Documents PPH request form, which includes a claims correspondence table Copy of the most recent rejection issued by the OEE (if any) Information disclosure statement (IDS), which lists any documents cited by the OEE, and document copies Note: Item 2 and the document copies in item 3 need not be submitted if the OLE can obtain them from electronic databases
Filing a PPH Request (3) Cost of Submitting a PPH Request Petition fee: $0 Attorney fee minimal requirements involved harmonized procedures under Global/IP5 PPH
PPH Benefits – USPTO (1) Fewer office actions per disposal Higher first action allowance rate Higher grant rate (Fiscal Year 2013) PPH All Cases Actions per disposal 2.2 3.0 PPH All Cases First Action Allowance Rate 36% 13% PPH All Cases Grant Rate 83% 66%
PPH Benefits – USPTO (2) Reduced RCE filing rates Reduced appeal rates All Cases RCE Rate 12% 25% PPH All Cases Appeal Rate 0.3% 2.5%
Other PPH Benefits Special status Improved search/examination quality PPH applications are advanced out of turn for examination Reduces the amount of time to receive office actions and patents Improved search/examination quality Search results are shared among offices A JP examiner is normally more adept than a U.S. examiner at searching Japanese art. The JP search results are used by the U.S. examiner to produce a more thorough examination Reduced overall pendency The efficiencies gained by work sharing help patent offices to reduce the overall application backlog, which affects all cases
Types of PPH Agreements IP5 USPTO EPO JPO KIPO SIPO Global Bilateral Agreements
Global/IP5 PPH Countries
Global/IP5 PPH Principles Reciprocity - Every participating office in Global PPH or IP5 PPH has agreed to accept the work product of any other participating office as the basis for a PPH request. (Note: some offices participate in both Global PPH and IP5 PPH.) Common Requirements - Every participating office has agreed to a common set of requirements to provide applicants with a generally standardized PPH request process
Bilateral PPH Agreements Austria Columbia Czech Republic Germany Mexico Nicaragua Philippines Singapore Taiwan
For More Information For general information concerning PPH, visit If you have specific questions about PPH, please e-mail To receive future USPTO updates on PPH, sign up for USPTO’s e-Commerce e-Alerts by visiting:
Collaborative Search & Examination (1) Pilot project on collaborative search and examination under the PCT between USPTO, KIPO, and EPO Objective was to allow examiners from different authorities in different regions and with different language specialties to work together on one PCT application with the aim of establishing a high quality international search report and written opinion First pilot project completed Sept. 2010 Small scale (18 examiners and 36 PCT applications) Main objective test feasibility of a collaborative approach between examiners general assessment of the benefits / disadvantages form a qualitative point of view Second pilot project completed Oct. 2012 Larger scale (24 examiners and 192 PCT applications) more quantitative assessment of the approach fine-tuning and implementation of operational working model
Collaborative Search & Examination (2) Second pilot preliminary views of EPO (as example) In 87% of cases, feedback from USPTO and KIPO examiners resulted in addition of citations to ISR 27% resulted in amendments to WOISA In 92% of cases, lead examiner (EPO) perceived the final products (ISR and WOISA) improved as a result of collaboration in more than 1/3 of cases, significant improvement In 70% of cases, EPO examiners (as peer examiners) would trust both search and exam results produced collaboratively In 30% of cases, complementary examination would be required at EPO due to differences in patent law For example: medical use, method of treatment, etc.
JPO - USPTO Cooperation Agreement made to launch pilot programs as early as April 1, 2015 for cooperation in patent examination initiatives including JPO conducting international search and international preliminary examination of international patent applications received by the USPTO will become competent ISA or IPEA for applications filed with RO/US priority area under the pilot program will be Green technology target number of the applications under the program will be about 5,000 over three years
Color Drawings The restriction to the use of only black and white line drawings in international applications creates difficulties for adequately explaining certain types of invention The International Bureau has proposed Permit filing of international applications with color drawings at any receiving Office willing to receive them in appropriate electronic form This is likely to mean allowing JPEG or PNG file formats, either as part of an XML application or embedded into a PDF file Conduct all international stage processing in color, including formalities examination, international publication, international search and international preliminary examination Allow the optional centralized submission of black and white drawings by the applicant for use in the national stage before those designated Offices which still require black and white Alternatively, the applicant could separately submit replacement sheets to a designated Office if required in the national stage
Treatment of Sequence Listing Proposal to treat any sequence listing filed on the international filing date as part of the international application as filed Even if not specifically indicated as forming part of the international application in the Request Protects applicant from reaching the national stage with a fatal defect in their applications Eliminates confusion on the part of the national offices as to what constitutes the disclosure in the international application