rules of the road Click me Signs and Symbols from Instant Art Traffic Signs CD-ROM Photos: Hemera Photo-Objects 5000
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What does this sign mean? Minimum speed 30 mph Maximum speed 30 mph What does this sign mean? End of maximum speed End of minimum speed
What does this sign mean? yes What does this sign mean? End of minimum speed Home
What is the meaning of this sign? No entry School crossing patrol What is the meaning of this sign? National speed limit Waiting restrictions
What is the meaning of this sign? yes What is the meaning of this sign? Waiting restrictions. You cannot stop and park. Home
When can you park on the left opposite these road markings? During daylight hours only If the line nearest to you is broken When can you park on the left opposite these road markings? When there are no yellow lines To pick up or set down passengers
What is the meaning of this sign? yes What is the meaning of this sign? To pick up or set down passengers Home
Get out and investigate Telephone the signal operator Drive across carefully You are waiting at a level crossing. The red warning lights continue to flash after a train has passed by. What should you do? Continue to wait Get out and investigate
What is the meaning of this sign? yes What is the meaning of this sign? Home Continue to wait
What MUST you have to park in a disabled space? A modified vehicle A wheelchair An orange or blue badge What MUST you have to park in a disabled space? An advanced driver certificate
What MUST you have to park in a disabled space? yes What MUST you have to park in a disabled space? An orange or blue badge Home
70 mph 60 mph You are towing a small caravan on a dual carriageway. You must not exceed 40 mph 50 mph
yes You are towing a small caravan on a dual carriageway. You must not exceed 60 mph Home
Keep going and clear the crossing Stop immediately and use your hazard warning lights Get everyone out of the vehicle immediately Stop and reverse back to clear the crossing You are driving over a level crossing. The warning lights come on and a bell rings. What should you do? Keep going and clear the crossing
Keep going and clear the crossing yes You are driving over a level crossing. The warning lights come on and a bell rings. What should you do? Home Keep going and clear the crossing
You may wait in a yellow junction box when you are on a roundabout you are in a queue of traffic turning left You may wait in a yellow junction box when you are in a queue of traffic to go ahead oncoming traffic is preventing you from turning right
You may wait in a yellow junction box when yes You may wait in a yellow junction box when oncoming traffic is preventing you from turning right Home
park on yellow lines and pay lines and not pay park in a bay and not pay park in a bay and pay You want to park and you see this sign. On the days and times shown you should park on yellow lines and pay
yes You want to park and you see this sign. On the days and times shown you should park in a bay and pay Home
1 No! Go back. Home
No! Go back. Home
No! Go back. Home
No! Go back. Home
No! Go back. Home
No! Go back. Home
No! Go back. Home
No! Go back. Home
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