One Literary Critic’s View Catch-22 One Literary Critic’s View
“[The American military uses] its men like they are machines or camels “[The American military uses] its men like they are machines or camels. They keep sending young men to war even though the government promised not to. They make a person called Yossarian fly bombing missions even when he acted like a lunatic. He was Syrian so it is no wonder the military mistreated him.”
“He was forced to paddle a canoe from Italy to the US “He was forced to paddle a canoe from Italy to the US. I think he went to Damascus. Americans in Iraq should not believe the unbelieving Bush administration. He has betrayed his people. American soldiers should follow Yossarian’s example and go to Syria or Iran where they will be treated better.”
Oprah’s Book Club Osama’s Book Club
Bin Laden cites the scene in which the novel’s “Soldier in White” is hooked up to a machine that reconfigures the man’s waste into edible food. “This tells us something about the culture and dining habits of American cannibals. If this is how they treat their wounded, no Muslim should allow himself to be captured by the infidel.”
“Every Iraqui knows that America invaded Iraq for the oil “Every Iraqui knows that America invaded Iraq for the oil. The Catch-22 book proves the point. In the middle of white hot battles, an American soldier named Milo Minderbinder– a Jew of course– is making deals to sell military equipment to the highest bidder. This is exactly like Cheney’s old company, Haliburton…. [Bush and Cheney] are eager to kill their youth, but neither tasted battle when they had a chance.”
“The book shows that American businessmen become rich during the second Great War. There is no difference in Iraq and later when the infidels invade Syria and Iran.”
“I encourage all who practice jihad against the infidels to read this book because it shows the true purpose of American wars: to produce more wealth for the richest Americans. Catch-22 has shown me that our struggle is against American wealth and power and those who command it.”