Community Resilience Engaging citizens to take action. Safeguarding Community Assets via Community Crowd Funding Ideas Example of a Community Asset Share Certificate Cris Tomos – 07/09/2016 1
Community Initiatives Crowd Funding Ideas Local Cooperative Share offers options Community – Peer to Peer loans 4. Income Generation and Sustainability 2
Community Resource Centre Crowd funding for new chairs £1,800 - £15 a chair to be funded - Draw up a list on the website and enter the names of the locals who have supported. Paper copies of the list around each house-hold Gift Aid the donations. 3
Community Resource Centre Share Offer September 2007 Community Cooperative PLANED - Engagement £120k purchase price £60k deposit needed by March 07 Co-op UK helping with IPS £55k raised CFAP Bid of £180k 4
Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR) Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) 30% Tax Saving for investors
Community Finance & Tackling Child Poverty West Wales Credit Union Financing new Social Enterprises 2100 members £915,000 savings Health and Wellbeing - LHB Child Poverty & Food Bank Kids Saving £185,000 @ 1.5% 6
Energy Efficient Timber Frame Funding Secured for Exterior New Resource Centre Energy Efficient Timber Frame Funding Secured for Exterior CFAP = £196k Toolkit = £75k Shares = £55k Reserves = £50k TOTAL = £375k Interior – application The Big Lottery £249k 7
Cymdeithas Cynnal a Cefnogi Cefn Gwlad - 4CG 8
Overview Site Plan 9
Community Finance Shareholders :- Maximum £20,000 of shares per person Issuing of £250,000 shares @£200 each Maximum £20,000 of shares per person Maximum of one voting share per person Dividends for each share. Committee appointed by shareholders to manage organisation. Voting power on share scheme Credit Union 5 year loans to purchase shares - affordable to everyone 10
IPS model. Community Benefit Cooperative Phase 1 Development Assistance from Wales Coop to engage Jim Brown of Bristol to advise on best model and share offer prospectus. IPS model. Community Benefit Cooperative 11
Phase 1 Development Purchase of Pwllhai site for £357K £180k loan from Lloyds TSB 0.72 acres Planning permission for parking Clear site for car parking – 80 cars Install parking meter(s) Rent out cottage Employ car park attendant Develop the shops New Sub Committees – Renewables, marketing, Shops. 12
Shareholders and Volunteers 13
2012 Developments Purchase of the old court house and the old police station in October 2012 Share Issue £70,000 Credit Union Support Expansion of West Wales Credit Union Community Energy - Solar 14
Seedcorn Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) - 50% Tax Saving for investors
Community & Social Personal Loans Scheme Loans agreement
MAY 2015 - £310,000 raised! 4CG Community &Social Personal Loans 34 lots of £5000 giving fixed 4% for 3 years – Target of £270,000 6 months notice Interest paid monthly £185,000 of expressions of interest returned in 10 days. MAY 2015 - £310,000 raised!
Community Finance and Social Benefit catalyst for future developments Safeguarding Community Assets via Community Shareoffers A grassroots solution to social enterprise development. Financed by community shareholders assisted by Credit Unions – the community owned banks. Grants and local loans mix to complete projects. MUST HAVE A REGULAR INCOME TO REPAY LOANS AND INTEREST DIOLCH YN FAWR IAWN – THANK YOU Cris Tomos – 07974 099738 18