Registration Process 2017-2018
February 14th 1st period Freshmen A-M 2nd period Freshmen H-O Class Meetings February 14th 1st period Freshmen A-M 2nd period Freshmen H-O 4th Period Freshmen P-Z Students will receive High School Registration Handbooks and their current transcripts
1st period Sophomores A-M 2nd period Sophomores H-O Class Meetings February 15th 1st period Sophomores A-M 2nd period Sophomores H-O 4th Period Sophomores P-Z Students will receive High School Registration Handbooks and their current transcripts
Class Meetings February 16th 1st Period Juniors A-M 2nd Period Juniors N-Z Students will receive High School Registration Handbooks and their current transcripts
Recommendation Day February 22nd Students will attend abbreviated sessions of both their 1st semester and 2nd semester courses. Students will discuss their recommendations with teachers. Student will log on to Powerschool Portal and input their course requests.
Online Access to Registration February 23rd – March 6th Powerschool Parent and Student Portals open for changes Changes must be made in STUDENT portal Requests can be viewed in Parent Portal
Career Center Students All students who are planning to attend the Career Center must turn a Career Center permission form. These students will also have a conference with a counselor to discuss logistics and transportation. Please do not enter any information in the Career Center logistics section of the class registration screen.
Meetings with Counselors *Students and parents who would like to meet with a counselor should email counselors to schedule an appointment. Counselors can also answer questions through email.
Course Offerings for Grades 10-12
Future Ready Core Course of Study & Graduation Requirements 4 Units- English (English I, II, III, and IV) 4 Units- Math (Math I, II, III and one additional credit based on post-secondary plans, ex. AFM or Pre-Cal.) 4 Units-Science (Earth/Environmental Science, Biology, a Physical Science and one additional science course) 4 Units-History (World History, Civics & Economics, American History I & II or AP US History and one additional history course) 1 Unit-Physical Education (PE I & PE II or Dance IA & IB) ½ unit of health and a ½ unit of Life Skills (JROTC can replace PE II and Life Skills only). Required CPR Training which is included in the Life Skills or JROTC course 4 Elective Units FYI: 2 years/units of the same foreign language are required for 4 year college admissions Total Credits Required for Graduation= 22
English Courses Grade 10 - English 2, English 2 HN, English 2 HN Seminar Grade 11 – English 3, English 3 HN, AP English Language (Atkins and CC) Grade 12 – English 4, English 4 HN, AP English Literature (Atkins and CC)
Math Courses Math 2 (HN) Math 3 (HN) Essentials of College Math (12th Only) Advanced Functions and Modeling Discrete Mathematics HN Pre-Calculus HN AP Calculus AB (Atkins and CC) AP Calculus BC (CC Only) AP Statistics (CC Only)
Science Courses Earth/Environmental (HN) Biology (HN &HN Seminar) Chemistry (HN) Anatomy & Physiology (HN) Global Science Issues Zoology HN (12th Grade Only) Physics HN AP Environmental Science (Atkins and CC) AP Chemistry (CC Only) AP Biology (CC Only) AP Physics 1 (CC Only) AP Physics 2 (CC Only) AP Physics C (CC Only)
Social Studies Courses World History (HN and HN Seminar) Civics and Economics (HN and HN Seminar) American History 1 (HN) American History 2 (HN) Psychology HN 20th Century Civil Liberties and Civil Rights *African-American Studies/Latino American Studies (New Course) AP World History (Atkins and CC) AP US History (Atkins and CC) AP Psychology (Atkins and CC) AP Human Geography (Atkins and CC) AP US Government and Politics (CC Only) AP European History (CC Only) AP Microeconomics/AP Macroeconomics (CC Only)
PE and Health *PE 1 *PE 2 PE 3 HN/Weightlifting PE 4 HN/Weightlifting Dance 1A and Dance 1B PE Lifetime Activities (Dance 2) *Life Management Skills *Health * JROTC (can meet PE 2 and LifeManagement Skills graduation requirement) ** Graduation Requirement**
Scientific Visualization Courses Scientific Visualization 1 HN Scientific Visualization 2 HN Game Art and Design HN Advanced Game Art and Design HN
Biotechnology Courses Biomedical Technology 1 HN Biomedical Technology 2 HN Biotechnology 1 HN Biotechnology 2 HN Health Science 1 HN Health Science 2 HN Forensic Science HN Principles of Biomedical Sciences HN **12th Grade Only Nursing Fundamentals HN *12th Grade Only CTE Advanced Studies **12th Grade Only
Pre-Engineering Courses Introduction to Engineering Design (AP) Principles of Engineering (AP) Digital Electronics (AP) Computer Integrated Manufacturing (AP) Civil Engineering & Architecture (AP) Engineering Design and Development (HN) **12th Grade Only**
Other Elective Options Year Long Electives Spanish 1 -4 (Levels 3 and 4 are HN, AP Spanish Language and Literature at CC) Latin 1 – 4 (Levels 3 and 4 are HN, AP Latin at CC) French 1 – 4 (Levels 3 and 4 are HN, AP French at CC) Yearbook HN Newspaper HN Creative Writing/Intro to Composition African-American Studies/Latino American Studies ACT/SAT Preparation Band (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, Proficient) Art (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, Proficient) Chorus (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, Proficient) Orchestra (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, Proficient) Theater Arts (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, Proficient) JROTC 1, 2, 3, 4 ( Levels 3 and 4 may be HN)
Other Elective Options Block Electives Art for Engineers Foods 1 Foods 2 Technology HN 20th Century Civil Liberties and Civil Rights AP Computer Science Principles (does not meet a STEM Major requirement, student must have completed Math 2 and IED or Sci. Vis. 1)