WELCOME TO OUR CLASS Teacher: Thai Lan Cuc. WELCOME TO OUR CLASS Teacher: Thai Lan Cuc.


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Presentation transcript:

WELCOME TO OUR CLASS Teacher: Thai Lan Cuc

Tri Nguyen Aquarium

**Period 56** UNIT 9: AT HOME AND AWAY A. A holiday in Nha Trang lesson 2: A2, A3

   UNIT 9: AT HOME AND AWAY I. New words : LESSON 2: A2, A3 - A shark (n) : cá mập  - A dolphin (n) : cá heo - A crab (n) : con cua  - A turtle (n) : con rùa biển - A cap (n) : mũ lưỡi trai  - An exit (n) : lối ra

a. shark 1 4 b. dolphin c. turtle d. crab 2 5 e. exit f. cap 3 6 Matching : a. shark 1 4 b. dolphin c. turtle d. crab 2 5 e. exit f. cap 3 6

Fill in the gaps with suitable words: Liz and her parents went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium in Nha Trang. They (1)…………. sharks, dolphins and turtles. They saw many different types of fish. Liz thought the colorful little fish were the most (2)…………….. There was a (3)……………. shop near the exit of the aquarium. Mr. Robinson bought Liz a cap. It has a picture of a dolphin on it. Liz wore the cap all day. Mrs. Robinson bought a (4)…………….. She put it on the wall at home. After their visit to the aquarium, The Robinsons went to a food stall for lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson ate fish and crap. Liz looked at the fish. She remembered the beautiful fish in the aquarium. She ate (5)……………. instead. saw beautiful souvenir poster noodles noodles

Read the text about Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium Liz and her parents went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium in Nha Trang. They saw sharks, dolphins and turtles. They saw many different types of fish. Liz thought the colorful little fish were the most beautiful. There was a souvenir shop near the exit of the aquarium. Mr. Robinson bought Liz a cap. It has a picture of a dolphin on it. Liz wore the cap all day. Mrs. Robinson bought a poster. She put it on the wall at home. After their visit to the aquarium, The Robinsons went to a food stall for lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson ate fish and crap. Liz looked at the fish. She remembered the beautiful fish in the aquarium. She ate noodles instead.

a. Who went to the aquarium with Liz ? Work in pairs, ask and answer: a. Who went to the aquarium with Liz ? b. What did the Robinsons see there ? c. What did they buy in the souvenir shop ? d. Did Liz like the cap ? Which sentence tell you this ? e. Do Mr. and Mrs. Robinson like to eat seafood ? How do you know? f. Why did Liz eat noodles for lunch ?

Tri Nguyen Aquarium Who went to the aquarium with Liz? Her parents went to the aquarium with Liz.

What did the Robinsons see there? They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many different types of fish.

What did they buy in the souvenir shop? Tri Nguyen They bought a cap and a poster.

Which sentence tell you this? Did Liz like the cap? Which sentence tell you this? Tri Nguyen Yes, she did. Liz wore the cap all day.

Do Mr. and Mrs. Robinson like to eat seafood? How do you know? Yes. They ate fish and crab

F. Why did Liz eat noodles for lunch? Because she remembered the beautiful fish in the aquarium

III) Ask and answer: A2/P.88 **Answer keys: Who went to the aquarium with Liz? Liz’s parents went to the aquarium with her. 2. What did the Robinson see there? They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many types of fish. 3. What did they buy in the souvenir shop? They bought a cap and a poster. 4. Did Liz like the cap? Which sentence tells you this? Yes, she did. She wore the cap all day. 5. Do Mr.. and Mrs. Robinson like to eat seafood? How do you know? Yes, they do. They ate fish and crab. 6. Why did Liz eat noodles for lunch? Because she remembered the beautiful fish in the aquarium.

Usage: To express a past action that completely finished in the past. Model sentences: Liz and her parents went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium. They saw sharks, dolphins and turtles. The past simple:  S + Ved + O PI Usage: To express a past action that completely finished in the past.

b d e a c 3.Tell the story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium The Robinson family went to the aquarium. They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many different types of fish. There was a souvenir shop near the exit of the aquarium d e Mr. Robinson bought Liz a cap with picture of a dolphin on it. Mrs. Robinson bought a poster. After their visit to the aquarium, The Robinsons went to a food stall. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson ate fish and crab and Liz ate noodles. .

Unfortunately: Thật không may Peaceful : Yên bình Calm: Tĩnh lặng Roadside : Ven đường Peanuts: lạc (Đậu phộng) Excited: hào hứng

4.Listen. Write the letter of the sentences you hear. G1 G2 a. The Robinsons returned to Ha Noi by train. b. The Robinsons returned to Ha Noi by bus. c. This was the second time Liz saw the paddies. d. This was the first time Liz saw the paddies. e. They stopped at the restaurant for a short time. f. They stopped at the restaurant for a long time. g. Mr. Robinson bought some food for Liz. h. Mrs. Robinson bought some food for Liz. i. They arrived home in the afternoon. j. They arrived home in the evening. v v  v v v v  v v  v v v v v v  v v v v  v v

One student plays role of Liz Work in pairs. One student plays role of Liz and the other plays the role of Liz’s friend. Talk about Liz’s family’s trip back to Ha Noi

Period 56 UNIT 9 : LESSON 2 (A2,3) Homework: -Write a short paragraph about your last summer vacation. -Tell the story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium. -Prepare new lesson (A.4,5).


d) Mr Robinson bought Liz a cap with a picture of a dolphin on it d) Mr Robinson bought Liz a cap with a picture of a dolphin on it. Mrs Robinson bought a poster.

e) After their visit to the aquarium,The Robinsons went to a food stall. Mr and Mrs Robinson ate fish and crab and Liz ate noodles.