ABSTINENCE CHOOSING TO NOT ENGAGE IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY PROS: free, has no medical or hormonal side effects CONS: some people may find it difficult EFFECTIVENESS: 100 % ABSTINENCE
PILL TAKEN BY A FEMALE EVERY DAY WHICH CONTAINS HORMONES PROS: safe, effective, some positive side effects: acne control, lighter periods CONS: you need to take it every day, possible negative side effects: weight gain, bleeding between periods, breast tenderness EFFECTIVENESS: 91 - 99%, no protection against STIs BIRTH CONTROL PILL
CERVICAL CAP SILICONE CAP INSERTED INTO VAGINA PROS: immediately effective, can be put in up to 6 hours ahead, can fit in pocket/purse, no hormonal effect CONS: cannot use during period, may be difficult for some women to put in, must be put in every time, could move out of place EFFECTIVENESS: 86% before kids, 71% after, better if use spermicide, no STI protection CERVICAL CAP
LATEX, PLASTIC, OR LAMBSKIN SHEATH WORN OVER THE PENIS DURING SEXUAL ACTIVITY PROS: can be used with other methods for increased effectiveness, cheap, easy to get, lightweight, and disposable CONS: some people say it dulls sensation, have to stop to put it on EFFECTIVENESS: 82 - 98% with proper use, also protects against STIs (latex & plastic) CONDOM (MALE)
DIAPHRAGM SHALLOW SILICONE CUP INSERTED IN VAGINA PROS: immediate protection, can fit in purse/pocket, can be inserted ahead, no hormonal changes CONS: needs to be put in every time, some may have trouble inserting, may get pushed out of place EFFECTIVENESS: 88 - 94%, use of spermicide increases effectiveness, no STI protection DIAPHRAGM
FEMALE CONDOM PLASTIC POUCH INSERTED INTO VAGINA PROS: easy to get, effective, no hormone changes, can be used with lubricants CONS: can cause irritation, slip inside, loss of sensation EFFECTIVENESS: 79 – 95%, also STI protection FEMALE CONDOM
FERTILITY AWARENESS CHARTING FERTILITY TO PREVENT PREGNANCY PROS: no hormonal changes, safe, cheap CONS: careful record taking, doesn’t work if you have irregular periods, may have to take a class or read a book to learn method EFFECTIVENESS: 76% No STI Protection FERTILITY AWARENESS
IMPLANT MATCHSTICK SIZED ROD INSERTED IN FEMALE’S ARM PROS: doesn’t require to remember to take/do something, good for 3 yrs CONS: irregular/heavy periods, weight gain, headaches, nausea, sore breasts EFFECTIVENESS: 99%, no STI protection IMPLANT
IUD SMALL, T-SHAPED DEVICE INSERTED INTO THE UTERUS PROS: may reduce cramps/lighter periods, lasts up to 12 years, doesn’t require you to do anything CONS: cramping, spotting, irregular/heavy periods, must have doctor put it in EFFECTIVENESS: 99%, no STI protection IUD
PATCH SMALL PATCH PLACED ON FEMALE’S SKIN, CHANGE EACH WEEK PROS: easy, doesn’t require you to do anything, lighter/shorter periods, acne control CONS: hormonal changes, breast tenderness, nausea, bleeding between periods, weight gain EFFECTIVENESS: 91 - 99%, no STI protection PATCH
RING SMALL RING INSERTED INTO VAGINA FOR 3 WEEKS AT A TIME PROS: lighter/shorter periods, acne control CONS: bleeding between periods, nausea, hormonal changes, breast tenderness EFFECTIVENESS: 91 - 99%, no STI protection RING
SHOT SHOT IN FEMALE’S ARM PROS: lasts for 3 months, doesn’t require you to remember/do something CONS: irregular bleeding, weight gain, depression, nausea, headaches, sore breasts EFFECTIVENESS: 94 - 99%, no STI protection SHOT
SPERMICIDE SUBSTANCE USED TO STOP SPERM MOVEMENT PROS: easy to get, doesn’t affect hormones, can be carried in pocket/purse CONS: messy, less effective, must be inserted in vagina, irritation of vagina or penis EFFECTIVENESS: 71 – 85%, no STI protection SPERMICIDE
SPONGE FOAM SPONGE INSERTED INTO VAGINA PROS: no hormonal effects, small, easy to carry, can be worn for up to 30 hours CONS: may be difficult to insert, could break into pieces, vaginal irritation, messy, can be used only once EFFECTIVENESS: 88 – 91%, no STI protection SPONGE
VASECTOMY & TUBAL STERILIZATION MALE & FEMALE STERILIZATION PROS: permanent, no hormonal changes, doesn’t require you to do anything CONS: permanent, requires surgical procedure EFFECTIVENESS: nearly 100%, no STI protection VASECTOMY & TUBAL STERILIZATION
WITHDRAWAL PULL OUT PENIS PRIOR TO EJACULATION PROS: free, no hormonal changes CONS: requires great self-control, trust, experience, not recommended for teens EFFECTIVENESS: 73 – 96%, no STI protection WITHDRAWAL