Melaksanakan Siaran Radio On-Air Teknik Produksi dan Penyiaran Program Radio Kelompok Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi Penyusun : Ahadiat,S.ST Dadang Abdurrakhman,S.Pd Drs.Liliek Julianto Taufan Adhiwiranto, S.sos Agus Nuryaman
Executing Broadcast On - Air broadcast of On-Air is broadcast which is in performing in studio of radio with all its peripheral
Radio Program type Live broadcast: Broadcast which production process of up to emission [done/conducted] forthwith (real time).
Preparation Live Broadcasting Training : You need time to practice what you’re going to say before you go on.
Extending Knowledge: We, broadcaster, shall be non-stopped to follow news actual, inclusive of local event-event news and, national, international even. Our knowledge have to remain to up to date. Hence, broadcaster [is] obliged to be diligent read, the core important newspaper.
preparing of Broadcast Equipment : Before [doing/conducting] broadcast check direct broadcast supply equipment like: Crew and OB Van Audio MIxer Mic
Live Broadcasting Equipment At live Broadcast, minimum equipments brought by: Mic Audio Mixer Amplifier implement of Transmitter [of] complete with the antenna Tape Recorder.
Illustration of live Broadcast Illustration of Direct Broadcast of Independence day of RI in Palace of State : Reporter report directly [in front/ahead] of mic. Mic connected direct at Mixer, to [is] later given [by] back sound of struggle music. Output Mixer channelled to [by] amplifier.
Afterwards, channelling to tape recorder to be recorded. Channelling to transmitter to be transmitted to studio center through antena directional. After accepted in center station, distribute to by direct of transmitter center to be broadcasted widely.
Broadcast which the production process Indirect Broadcast : Broadcast which the production process [done/conducted] ahead newly later;then when broadcasted next. recorder Recording atmosphere
Preparation Indirect broadcasting Preparation Recorder Equipment: To [do/conduct] record, needed supply in the form of tape recorder, for example :
Preparation Room for Recording room for the record have to be drawn up beforehand in order to the record felt balmy.
Broadcasting Equipment Equipments of radio broadcast represent important shares which must [in] providing by a[n broadcasting institute. Audio input Broadcasting radio equipment Voice processor Transmission
A. Peralatan Masukan Suara Microphone Function to alter signal voice (getar) become signal electrics.
Dinamic Microphone type Condensor christal
Reading on file data [at] ribbon of magnetic later;then turn into signal electrics Tape recorder
CD/VCD/ DVD Player Reading on file data at disk and alter it become electrical signal Computer
as place of saving song, played song, and alter file of song data ( digital) to signal electrics Computer
Other Equipment Equipments which is in intention here can [release] voice in the form of analogue (OB Van, MP4 Player, Digital of Receiver, etc)
B. Peralatan pengolah audio/suara Audio mixer To mixing signal of audio from some input, process of it and [release] to return signal of audio of mixing better mixer
Equalizer To arrange level from each frequency which is in dissociating pursuant to sum up canal equalizer.
Composer/ limiter to overcome / limiting output from one/any audio input in order to own same output . this appliance work automatically
C. Peralatan Transmisi (transmiter) Exciter To awaken signal radio, cultivate stereo, joining signal of audio and radio, strengthening one storey;level of signal radio. Booster strengthening signal of radio in order to reach energy which is in expecting by using RF of amplifier and RF booster. Feeder (transmission channel) squiring signal radio from RF booster to antenna;
Altering signal electrics RF become electromagnetic wave and transmit Antenna Altering signal electrics RF become electromagnetic wave and transmit
Peripheral of Broadcast Supporter. Function for the display monitor that good voice from source voice and or the voice to [in] [releasing] so that the broadcast can be controlled better SPEAKER MONITOR
Peripheral of Broadcast Supporter. It’s function is not different by speaker monitor. But, if speaker monitor generally in outside the broadcast studio, headset of in broadcast as well as always patch in broadcaster ear Headset
Peripheral of Broadcast Supporter. For berinteraktif with hearer as input voice and as a means of link of hearer Telephone
script Script [is] article which is in the form of structure and what will [in] [doing/conducting] in a radio broadcast event. Each;Every broadcast there must be script, at least script for the hold so that the broadcast [do] not go out from band and what we submit according to
crew for broadcast of event program request in [his/its] deliverance : Producer Announcer Script writer Music Director Chief enginer
Producer Determining broadcast items, whose is its broadcaster, whose is figure, and ascertain the readiness of people, substance, equipments, enlist song, to be turned around by a broadcast moment
Undertake to bring event items to be broadcasted, lead the time when speak, talking, advertisement. In top kick broadcast announcer bring program which he bring to in pointing at [which/such] Announcer
Undertake to edit copy to be used by broadcaster and prepare supporter copy which the goods multiply needed in broadcast Script writter
Be in control of may itshis do not a song turned around by broadcaster, promo album from a record company and co-ordinate by PD as for Music director
Undertake to prepare technical equipments of broadcast Undertake to prepare technical equipments of broadcast. Also be in control of all technical of moment take place it broadcast . Chief enginer
The End