Diversity means
The importance of diversity
Diversity Development
Personal and social barriers to our success in life: 1-Will power. 2-discrimination. 3-stereotype. 4-lack of support system.
1-Will power For example, a man addicted to smoking with strong will power eventually be able to break this habit by keep struggling against his temptation using his inner power. While the man with weak power won’t be able to quit the habit even though he is aware it is harmful. Will power is the key to success.
2-Discrimination For example, in many countries, women don't have access to high level position in many company. Also, In many families, boys receive more attention and facilities to nature their talents than the girls. While other countries like USA where discrimination is very low, people have more opportunities to nurture their talents and succeed in their life. To succeed, we need to observe surroundings the discrimination, and struggle against it to get our rights.
3-stereotype For example, a school board may provide the job opportunity to an Asian candidate teacher holding the stereotype that Asians have high IQs and they are smarter than most in math and science. In fact, not all Asians are excellent in math.
4-Lack of support system: For example, a new employee who has changed his job to a new filed and trying to invest his talents in his new job, may easily be discouraged by negative feedback from his coworkers.
Fore strategies to overcome diversity barriers: We develop the level of diversity we need to follow these strategies: 1-Self awareness of diversity. 2-Recognition and acceptance of diversity. 3-Being non stereotype. 4-Increase adaptability.
Four cultural barriers over effective communication 1-Lack of awareness of cultural differences. 2- language differences. 3-Personal background. 4-ethnicity.
Four strategies to overcome barriers to effective communication across cultures: 1-Getting to know other culturer. 2-Being active listener and checking for understanding. 3-Being familiar with educational ,personal or regional background of others. 4-Being open minded and by learning about other religions and their beliefs.
1. Getting to know other cultures: For example: They should notify that according to Muslims belief dogs are not considered to be graceful enough to be kept indoor while in western culture dogs are given great importance. Muslim culture forbids consuming pork while it is a favourite meal in western culture...
2. Being active listener and checking for understanding: For example: An American guest may request for a warm-up of his coffee, while he does not mean a re-heat . In fact it means a soft request of re-filling his cup of coffee. So by being an active listener and asking to check understanding in such occasion, one may avoid misunderstanding...
3. Being familiar with educational , personal or regional background of others: For example: A worker coming to work to KSA from New York may not show the same level of efficiency and productivity as he did in his country due to the lack of facilities he availed in his country. If the employer is aware of regional differences his employee is facing, then he can figure out the reasons of his falling beyond his expectations...
4. Being open minded and by learning about other religions and their beliefs: For example: Muslim women usually do not shake hands with men either at the beginning or at the end of a meeting. It should not be regarded as rude by westerners as they do not mean to show pride or disgrace by avoiding shaking hands...