Mr Men and Little Miss Mission Literacy Phonics – continuing to learn about letter patters and alternative pronunciations and spellings. Continue weekly spelling tests. Applying our phonics skills to our reading in order to develop fluency and accuracy when reading aloud and in our heads. Developing comprehension skills by discussing and answering questions about what we have read. Drama-based activities – hot seating characters, acting out stories etc. Building our vocabulary, thinking of WOW words and adjectives to describe characters. Sentence work – use of punctuation and connectives. Looking at features of stories and narratives. Writing a brand new Mr Men book for pre-school children. Writing book reviews, characterisations etc. Science Keeping healthy unit of work. What changes happen to a human as they grow up? Lifecycle. What do animals and humans need in order to survive? Different food groups and why we need them. Which foods are they found in? Exercise, hygiene, medicines and drugs. Maths Developing our understanding of number and place value. Recognising odd and even numbers, rounding to the nearest 10. Calculating – methods for addition and subtraction. Looking at repeated addition as multiplication. Solving word problems – picking out the information that we need to know in order to solve a problem. Shape – Properties of 2D and 3D shapes. Sort, make and describe shapes. Shape – What is meant by symmetry? Finding lines of symmetry in shapes, objects and patterns. Data Handling – carrying out investigation, creating a graph, interpreting results. Mr Men and Little Miss Mission RE Enquiry Question: Does praying at regular intervals help a Muslim with his or her everyday life? Introduction to Muslim faith and beliefs. Worship theme – friendship – how can we show friendship to other children? What makes a good friend? PE Games – developing ball skills, fitness circuits. Gymnastics – movement and sequencing. Using high and low. Humanities Create own imaginative map of ‘Misterland’ and where the characters live. What other features would we like to see on our map? Art/DT Designing our own Mr Men or Little Miss character. Choosing materials needed. Using sewing as a technique to create a puppet of our own character. PSHE Looking Forward (Learn 4 Life). Continued focus on developing independent skills – lining up, keeping space, being kind, doing up ties. Looking at feelings, dispositions and attitudes of characters in the Mr Men and Little Miss series. Which character do you think you are most like? Music Using instruments to create our own sound effects and jingles to match our own Mr Men characters. Computing ‘We are storytellers’ unit of work. Listening to audiobooks. Using recording equipment – new iPad software. Adding sound effects to our audiobooks. Year 2 – Term 3