Winmarleigh Hall
Our journey begins Winmarleigh is just outside of Garstang. The journey will take around 45 mins We will leave school around 14:45pm on Friday 16th June We will return on Monday 19th June around 1:45pm
Important things to remember before the trip. Medical forms must be filled in before the trip this includes: medication, allergies or any underlying illnesses or conditions that may affect your child during the trip. We will send this information off to Winmarleigh who will complete their own risk assessment in addition to our own. You can get the necessary forms for Mrs Mattinson in the office.
Payment Thank you to everyone for making the full payment by the due date. The money has now been sent to PGL. Withdrawing from the trip. If you withdraw from the trip you will no be able to receive a full refund: From now until 18th May you will receive 40% of the total cost if you withdraw your child. From 18th May until 1st June you will receive 20% of the total cost if you withdraw your child. From 1st June you will not receive any refund if you withdraw your child. This is the PGL policy on refunds. As the fund have already been transferred the money is no longer in our hands
What Winmarleigh has to offer
What will you need to bring The most important thing to remember is YOU DON’T NEED TO BUY YOUR CHILD NEW EQUIPMENT OR CLOTHING! Here is the suggested clothing list from Winmarleigh. You can find this on their website. The service PGL centers offer is fantastic. All being well your child should come home with a suitcase full of clean clothes! Your child can bring £10 to spend. They will not need snacks or food. The children will NOT have time for phones and iPads please do not pack these. (Neither school or Winmarleigh Hall will be held responsibility for any loss or damage)
Behavior Expectations We expect the children to behave as they would in school whilst on the trip. Other schools will be present throughout our trip and we must represent the school perfectly. Any behavior that breaks our school policy will not be tolerated and if these behaviors are repeated we would contact Senior Members of Staff and Parents and ask them to intervene – THIS WON’T HAPPEN THOUGH!
HOW EACH DAY WILL RUN Here is an example of last years timetable. Bedtime is 9:00pm with lights off at 9:30pm
SATS SATs week begins on Monday 8th May Monday 8 May 2017 English reading Tuesday 9 May 2017 English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling Wednesday 10 May 2017 Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning Thursday 11 May 2017 Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning