Create a family You are going to work in 3’s Draw out 5 family members. They must be in different life stages.
Tantrums, sharing and playing with others no education at school, life long learning More responsibilities, balancing family, work Developed relationships, content and happy Loss of lifelong partners Learning language and numbers Ageing process on the body Abstract thinking, empathy Interaction with others 65- 75 - on the go 75+ slow down socially More independent activities Bonding with others Return to education Life experience vs memory Decline of memory, dementia intimate relationships , starting a family Physical peak, menopause mid life crisis Tantrums and best friends Oestrogen and testosterone, puberty Peer group pressure Gross motor skill and fine motor skills Body starts to lose skills and capacity Empty nest syndrome, time and money Language development – egocentric view of the world Hormones, mood swings, sexuality Think of some of the dramas the Mitchell family have had – deaths, marriage, births, unemployment, illness.. What effect has it had on them ? Family drama… Take it turns to go to the envelope and pick out a scenario For each one discuss how it can impact on your family and their PIES development – write it up around your family….
A family member gets breast cancer A family member gets breast cancer . It is treatable but it means having a mastectomy and chemotherapy for at least 8 months. A family member loses their job. They were the main wage earner in the family and had worked full time in the same job for 15 years. A family member gets in trouble for assaulting someone whilst under the influence of drink and drugs. They blind the person they assault. A family member believes in very traditional roles within the family. They believe in no sex before marriage and that women should stay at home with the children. A family member is having an affair outside of their normal relationship. It has been going on for around 6 months. A family member is killed by a drunk driver. They are in a coma for 6 weeks before the life support machine is turned off. A family member has been promoted at work. They have worked long hours to get the promotion. They work for a PR business The family live in an inner city environment in a terraced house. A family member worked hard at school to get a good education. A family member is 9 months pregnant . A family member has been mugged on their way home. They have had panic attacks since the mugging A close friend of one of the family develops anorexia
A family member is an alcoholic A family member is an alcoholic. They have not worked since they left school. A family member gets a new job offer in a new area. It is 100 miles away from where they currently live. The money is much better. A family member is passionate about their favourite sport. They try to take part in it every weekend. A family member begins a gay relationship. A family member has begun a new relationship, following their divorce earlier this year. Their children are not happy. A family member is dying of cancer. They need constant care. A family member is being bullied. They are becoming depressed and feeling suicidal. The family live in a rural area, in a semi detached house. A family member got permanently excluded from school, for continued poor behaviour. A family member is extremely violent towards the family. They often attack other members of the family. A family member is very homophobic and racist in their views. A family member has been working hard but earns very little money for the work they do. They are starting to get into debt and have used loans and credit cards
A family member has never worked since they left school and has always relied on benefits. A family member is abusive and negative to one member of the family. They single them out for poor treatment constantly A family member doesn’t know how to cook. They often eat takeaway or microwave dinners. A family member doesn’t know how to read. A family member watches around 6 hours of TV a day. They will always have their food in front of the telly. A family member enjoys reading. A family member is always on the internet on social networking sites. They often talk to complete strangers. A family member is seriously injured in an accident at work. They lose 4 fingers off their right hand.
pictionary Pick a key idea out of the envelope You have to draw it for your partner – NO Words allowed They have to guess and explain what the idea is!!! Best Pictionarys get a prize!
Middle adult Physical peak in early adulthood Menopause Early childhood tantrums Binge drinking and smoking Learning language and numbers Adolescent Later adulthood Dementia Expected life events – eg starting school Role models Loss of a life long partner infant Economic – wealth and occupation Marriage Oestrogen and testosterone Babies bonding with carers Friendship Early childhood Unexpected life events – eg accidents Peer group pressure Physical enviroment – eg housing Mid life crisis Divorce Early adulthood Decline in the human body Genetics Fine motor skills Empty nest syndrome Religion and culture Moving in with a partner Gross motor skills Parenthood Leaving home Fallin g out with a friend
Tantrums, sharing and playing with others no education at school, life long learning More responsibilities, balancing family, work Developed relationships, content and happy Loss of lifelong partners Learning language and numbers Ageing process on the body Abstract thinking, empathy Interaction with others 65- 75 - on the go 75+ slow down socially More independent activities Bonding with others Return to education Life experience vs memory Decline of memory, dementia intimate relationships , starting a family Physical peak, menopause mid life crisis Tantrums and best friends Oestrogen and testosterone, puberty Peer group pressure Gross motor skill and fine motor skills Body starts to lose skills and capacity Empty nest syndrome, time and money Language development – egocentric view of the world Hormones, mood swings, sexuality
Paper chain revision I am going to give you a post it note with one of the key themes on it. You have to put a piece of information about the theme on your paper chain. The next person has to link their piece of information to the one before it – it cant be the same. Put your name on your chain so I can award a prize to the person with the best information
Key ideas in Unit 1 Life stages Infancy Early childhood Adolescence Factors that influence development Infancy Early childhood Adolescence Early adulthood Middle adulthood Later adulthood Key PIES developments Physical Environmental Social and cultural Economic Physical environment Psychological Life events - expected and unexpected