G2M Service Overview Prepared for [INSERT CLIENT NAME]
Every day thousands of leaders in the digital economy rely on our analysis, our data and our thought leadership. Put our reputation to work, and use 451 Research to complement your marketing strategy.
451 Research is an information technology research & advisory company Research & Data Founded in 2000 210+ employees, including over 100 analysts Over 52 million data points updated each quarter 4,500+ reports published each year covering 2,000+ innovative technology & service providers 451 Research and its sister company, Uptime Institute, are the two divisions of The 451 Group Headquartered in New York City, with offices in London, Boston, San Francisco, Washington DC, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Spain, UAE, Russia, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia Advisory Events 451 Research is an IT industry research and advisory company. We go to market with three lines of business: Syndicated Research & Data, Events, and Advisory Services. We have been in operation for a little over 15 years, we’re based in NYC and employee over 200 people. 100 of those people are analysts who spend their time looking at the IT space, looking at the players, the technologies, and the markets. The research & data side of our business is a subscription based model. We have over 1,000 customers that fall into three segments: vendors and service providers, end users of technology, and the financiers investing in the space. We run a series of events in the US and UK, both larger industry events such as our Hosting Cloud and Transformation summit now in its eleventh year and smaller invitation only events that bring together key end user decision makers within a specific topic such as Mobility or Storage. What we will be talking more about today is our advisory service line. This business allows us to work with our customers to deliver contextualized custom research and practical insight. Go 2 Market
451 Research provides unique insight into emerging, disruptive technologies and the companies taking them to market.
Technology & Business Insight A combination of research & data is delivered across fourteen channels aligned to the prevailing topics and technologies of digital infrastructure… from the datacenter core to the mobile edge. Market Insight Technology & Business Insight Customer Insight Market Data
In addition to serving subscribers, our analyst opinion, insight and content reach a far wider audience...
451 Research plays a vital role within the IT sector 1,000+ client organizations spread across key markets within the IT industry 10,000+ unique subscribers 50,000+ IT professionals, Business Leaders, and Consumers in our research community Technology Vendors Service Providers Financial Professionals IT Professionals
451 Research is engaged with over 27,000 IT professionals, representing over $100bn in buying power 25,000+ receive our insight in exchange for participation in research process 500+ Senior executives attend our events each year Via professional services, advised on 45+ technology acquisition and technology roadmap projects 13 of the Fortune 50 end-user organizations are paying subscribers
451 Research is mentioned in the press & media over 450 times a month, by the world’s most prestigious media outlets
This year our analysts will speak at more than 250 of the world’s most influential IT events
451 Research clients have advised on over $160bn of investment in M&A transactions in the IT sector in the past five years 90+ of the most active tech banking firms are clients, (those advising 10 or more deals in the past two years) Our banking clients advised on at least one side of 80% of the half-trillion dollars in large ($500m+) tech deals over the past two years Strategic acquirer clients collectively spent $100bn+ to acquire 400 companies over the past five years
Service Overview
We work with clients to achieve a variety of marketing goals, but generally speaking we’ve found that our marketing clients are usually focused on one or two things: building brand awareness, and/or driving new leads for their sales team. Our full portfolio of Go 2 market services can help with both. The widely respected and objective 451 Research brand can help you to build your brand equity and support your efforts to secure venture capital funding, secure a partnership agreement, or capture the mindshare of the press. Conversely, you can leverage our content to compliment every stage of your demand-gen marketing funnel: from message creation to lead generation to qualified prospect nurturing.
Our analyst team will help you to identify topics that appeal to your target audience, and then determine the right mix of executions to fit your content marketing strategy. We can work with you to create a quarterly go to market plan to support your goals. We can help identify topics that will be of interest to your target audience, and then align any number of marketing executions that meet your budget and your objectives. Some executions, like using a custom analyst quote in a Press Release will build the buzz, other executions like a webinar with audience generation will help to bring in leads.We have a number of off-the-shelf assets, all pretty self explanatory, but I would be happy to explain in more detail today or in a future meeting.
Key Services Overview
Commissioned Research Fact-based, vendor-agnostic research to build and reinforce your brand Projects involve new primary research, based on surveys or interviews, customized to your unique needs Deliverables are branded 451 Research, clearly denoted as having been commissioned by your organization Output form factors can be selected to best support your content marketing strategy
Licensed Content Choose a published report or data chart that aligns with your content marketing strategy Integrate our report with your marketing messages in an optional co-branded deliverable Send specific reports to identified prospects Use for digital lead-gen activity
Best Practices for Leveraging 451 Licensed Reports in Your Content Marketing Program
Custom Video Production Leverage a 451 Research analyst to educate your prospects Combine our independent and objective insight with your specific objectives & communication points Turnkey production
Speaking Engagement Utilizing a 451 Research analyst to participate in your live event, video or webinar is a powerful lead-generation and prospect-cultivation tool. Based upon your content marketing strategy, we will help you to determine a topic that will draw the right crowd and complement your marketing message with industry thought leadership.
Audience Generation Program Hosted Webinar (optional) Audience Generation Program 451 Research & BrightTALK™ will work together to drive a minimum of 100 targeted registrants to your webinar Choose your relevant geography(s): APAC, North America, EMEA Choose your target communities (up to 3) 20 IT communities available E.g. Application Development, Cloud, IT Security Hosted Webinar 451 Research hosts the webinar on our BrightTALK™ channel Our analyst provides a presentation based on a topic drawn from our syndicated research & data Program options: We talk for up to 30 minutes, followed by Q&A We talk for up to 15 minutes & your executive talks for up to 15 minutes, followed by Q&A
Custom Infographic 451 Research will leverage either existing analysis or commissioned research to develop an insightful infographic that visually grabs the attention of your prospects.
Custom Quotation Service Have a 451 Research analyst write a custom, attributable statement to bolster your marketing campaigns – including press releases, collateral, presentations, etc. Utilize our publishing analysts to help add credibility and support your company's perspective.
Message Validation Leverage one hour sessions with a 451 Research analyst to help validate your marketing messaging, product roadmaps and/or product positioning. We can even help validate your go to market strategy via custom primary research.
Event Sponsorship 451 Research produces industry-defining events that drive the agenda for the global digital infrastructure community. Held in the United States and United Kingdom, our events are the ideal platform for delivering insight to support strategic and tactical decision-making in high growth market sectors.
Translation Service Localizing your marketing message helps attract prospects in your target markets. Let 451 Research help you translate our research reports into multiple languages and expand the reach of your content marketing worldwide, beating your competition into new markets.
Co-Branded Design Use our creative services team to co-brand your licensed or commissioned report The finished piece can include your positioning statements and call to action The 451 Research content will be featured as a single full report or excerpt and will be branded under our guidelines
Go-to-Market Package Our package combines the right set of content to inform and complement every stage of your marketing funnel — from message creation to lead generation to qualified prospect nurturing. *Licensing rights depend on the content, and are available for the length of your subscription term
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