Foreign Procurement Group
FPG Washington DC-based group of countries that participate in Security Assistance and/or buy from U.S. suppliers A customer focal point to US DOD on initiatives for FMS business process improvements Mix of uniformed & civilian Defense Cooperation/Logistics/Procurement officials Founded Feb 1999 as a result of ‘FMS Reinvention’ (‘Hamre’ Memo 1999) Provides the international customer viewpoint to FMS re-engineering and reform Initially 17 member countries in 1999, now 33
FPG Member Nations 1999 – 17 members, 2010 – 33 members Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile Denmark Egypt Finland France Germany Greece Indonesia Israel Italy Japan Korea Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Poland Portugal Saudi Arabia Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Turkey UK Yemen 3
FPG Stakeholders Defense Security Cooperation Agency OSD AT&L DISAM Government Accountability Office Commercial Banks / Tufts University International Customer Users Group (ICUG) MOU Attachés Group Industry Associations (NDIA, AIA, ALESA)
FPG Top 10 Priorities Priority Stakeholders Standard Level of Service Access to DoD websites Transportation Processing times Third party transfers Blanket authorizations DSCA/MILDEPs DSCA/DoD CIO DSCA/Customs/Dept of Transportation/State DSCA/MILDEPs/FPG Metrics WG State (5 and 6)
FPG Top 10 Priorities Priority Stakeholders FMS as a commercial alternative/quantify and define the value-added of FMS Country specific cost and schedule performance measures Access to contracting documentation Improvements to delivery listings Foreign Commercial Procurement WG DSCA/MILDEPs/FPG Metrics WG DSCA/DPAP DSCA
FPG Contacts Chairman: Dr Jennifer Stewart Director General, Defence Procurement Canadian Embassy Ph: 202-682-7604 Secretary: Lt Cdr Paula McKenzie Defence Logistics Officer New Zealand Embassy Ph: 202-328-4875