Welcome to Creativity, Innovation and Design! Dr Bronwen Dalton University of Technology Sydney
Description Objectives Assessments Schedule
Unleash your powers of creativity and turn complex challenges to creative possibilities! To harness the power of creativity, businesses are increasingly turning to design thinking to solve complex problems, come up with new products and services, discover unvoiced needs or solve complex social or environmental problems.
This course … introduces you to skills in collaborative innovation using the tools and methods of design thinking and co-design. provides an opportunity to develop and integrate conceptual and practical skill sets, and focuses on the completion of collaboratively-generated service propositions. prioritizes learning outcomes in: ethnographic research, critical thinking, creativity, judgment, problem solving and conceptual thinking. the end goal is to develop a prototypes and come up with viable proposals to make a pitch to a panel of entrepreneurs, business experts and potential investors.
Teaching and learning strategies Face-to-face delivery incorporates lectures, forums discussions, videos, proto-typing and pitching ideas The emphasis of the course is on: collaboration research and analysis of contexts iterative idea generation testing of ideas critical reflection on user experience.
Some lectures but mostly workshops Design has to be FUN and DONE, not talked about We will deconstruct the design thinking processes and the sessions will consist of discussions, mini presentations, and various creative team exercises. ‘Learning by doing’, teams will immediately apply concepts.
Groupwork Participants will work in teams. Team members will be asked to [switch] after each project, to allow you to work with as many classmates as possible.
Student Objectives Identify, describe and explore a range of challenges or situations in order to discern significant opportunities Articulate and explain the thinking behind particular selections of ideas, strategies and interpretations generated in teams Generate imaginative ideas, speculative scenarios or provocations and technological ideas that take ethical considerations into account Analyse ideas, situations and opportunities from different disciplinary and personal perspectives to integrate insights for the betterment of others. Develop a clear and convincing rationale to support the proposal for a particular solution Manipulate and communicate experiences, ideas and findings to see the problem or context differently
Assessment No Homework!
Assessment Creative projects x 4 1st = 10% 3 Pitches 25% each (10% awarded by panel members and 15% by me) 15% awarded by me based on your panel performance =100%
But in class.. Creative projects x 4 (the first 1 = 10% and the remaining 3 = 25% each) = 80% + 20% I award based on you performance on judging panels Your personal performance as a panel member Teams are to develop FOUR proposals One is proscribed One is to solve complex social or environ-mental problems TWO to be viable business proposals.
Pitch days (am) Some days will be dedicated to pitching BUT you will be given class time to prepare 32 students so 7 groups with 4-5 members presenting 10 mins each = 70 minutes Feedback from pitch panel another 5 mins ish (5x7 -35 mins) On pitch days everyone is required to bring in their pitch assessment sheet. One pitch days I will ask TWO groups of Five to serve as pitch panels. Every one must serve on a pitch panel. The panel will act as a panel of entrepreneurs, business experts and potential investors. Eg Like Shark Tank or Dragon’s Den https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK_Ps0qTcus
Pitch days (pm) Some days will be dedicated to pitching BUT you will be given class time to prepare 72 students so 12 groups with 7 members presenting 5 mins per group = 60 minutes Feedback from pitch panel another 5 mins ish (5x12 -60 mins) On pitch days everyone is required to bring in their pitch assessment sheet. One pitch days I will ask THREE groups of SIX to serve as pitch panels. Every one must serve on a pitch panel. The panel will act as a panel of entrepreneurs, business experts and potential investors. Eg Like Shark Tank or Dragon’s Den https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK_Ps0qTcus
PITCH PANELS MEMBERS WILL BE ASSESSED AND ASSESSS! PITCH PANEL MEMBERS WILL BE ASSESSED = 10% Panel members must bring a sheet with pitch assessment sheet ready to fill in to award 10% The results will be averaged by the group and one sheet with panel members mark out of ten will be given to me
You as a panel mark the pttch out of 10% and submit to me Panel members must bring a sheet with pitch panel members name and submit to me You as a panel mark the pttch out of 10% and submit to me I award the remaining 15% You will also be marked as a panel member. Maybe you will serve on a pitch panel twice (more chance for marks ) but every one must serve on a pitch panel You must ask great probing, relevant questions Suggest improvements Question their logic – will anyone want to buy this? Will it really work? Praise is good too Keep those pitching on their toes! If you say nothing then you loose 10%!
Social or environmental problems 1 of the solutions to a wicked social problem will be chosen by YOU and can be (but not confined to) issues as diverse as social inclusion climate change new applications of technology for people with a disability sustainable tourism products or services for homelessness, disadvantaged, poor
Except the first presentation - challenge No Except the first presentation - challenge No.1 will be the same for all
Design a better dating experine Speed dating Online dating Chungmaejang Arranged marriages
Business Ideas TWO business proposals SERVICE or PRODUCT I have a lecture to share some of the good, bad and ugly ideas but anything you guys want!
The 25 Best Inventions of 2015 http://time.com/4115398/best-inventions-2015/
Criteria for grading: Understanding of current challenges Originality and creativity in proposing new methods Clarity and creativity of presentation Project management Relationship management Team management Presentation skills Finishing on time!!!
– WEEK I – Tuesday (27 June) Wednesday (28 June) Thursday (29 June) Let’s get to know each other: Icebreakers Introduction to the course: Content, Assessment and Schedule Design Challenge 1: Gift Giving Challenge Wednesday (28 June) Design Thinking Step by Step Strategy by Design: Tim Brown (50 mins) Dating by Design Group work preparing for Design Challenge #1: Designing a new dating experience Thursday (29 June) Characteristics of Design Thinkers Friday (30 June) What is empathy? Presentations of Design Challenge # 1: Designing a new dating experience
– WEEK II – Monday (3 July) Tuesday (4 July) Wednesday (5 July) Creative Thinking Workshop Group work preparing for Design Challenge #2: Designing a new Product/Service Tuesday (4 July) Coming up with a business idea: The good and bad and ugly Activity: Discussion An entrepreneur’s journey: “Joy” the movie Group work preparing for Design Challenge #2: Designing a new product/service Wednesday (5 July) Design Thinking and Culture Activity Preparing a Guide to Business Etiquette Presentations of Design Challenge # 2: Pitching Product/Service Thursday (6 July) Developing cross cultural understanding: Outsourced the movie Class Discussion addressing Outsourced related questions Group work preparing for Design Challenge #3: Designing product/service to address a social/environmental problem Friday (7 July) Managing Personal Stress
– WEEK III - Monday (10 July) Tuesday (11 July) Wednesday (12 July) Monday (10 July) Creativity, Design and User Experience in Education: Designing an MBA Group work preparing for Design Challenge #3: Designing a product/service to address a social/environmental problem Tuesday (11 July) Presentations of Design Challenge # 3: address a social/environmental problem Wednesday (12 July) Building Effective Teams Activity Discussion: What makes a great team? Groupwork on Business Proposal No. 4: Designing a new product/service Thursday (13 July) Friday (14 July) Presentations of Business Proposals No. 4: Designing a new product/service
Because we are in Korea… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0 What Is Design Thinking? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7sEoEvT8l8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAinLaT42xY