USDA Rural Development Economic Development Tools Presented by Jon-Michael Muise Acting State Director Vermont / New Hampshire USDA Rural Development Economic Development Tools
How We Help Increasing economic opportunity and improving the quality of life for all rural Americans $149,566,057 invested in Vermont communities in 2016 216 communities engaged
40-Plus Programs Helping Rural Vermont and New Hampshire Housing Community Business
Housing Programs Guaranteed Loans Direct Loan Grant Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Multi-Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Single Family Housing Direct Loan Multi-Family Direct Loan Farm Labor Housing Direct Loan Home Repair Direct Loan Multi-Family Rental Assistance Housing Preservation Grants Home Repair Grants Guaranteed Loans Direct Loan Grant
Housing Programs Jennifer and Anna Florino A single mother who achieved homeownership through the Single Family Direct Home Loan program. 61 VT households purchased homes through the direct loan program in FY16 414 VT households purchased homes with the support of a Rural Development guarantee in FY16.
Community Programs: Essential Facilities Larger, financially stronger applicants including health and educational institutions Guarantee up to 90% Must show ability to repay Recipients include non-profits and municipalities. Projects include safety services, arts organizations and health services Pays for portion of project, usually 15-35% Scoring process for selection Guaranteed Loan Direct Loan Grant
Water and Environmental Programs/Utilities Community Programs: Water and Environmental Programs/Utilities Guarantees possible, but have not been used in these programs Funding for water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure Secured by General Obligation Bonds Current interest rates 2% - 3.25% Water and Environmental Program Grants Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grants Guaranteed Loan Direct Loan Grant
Community Programs The Town of Wilmington received over $2M of Rural Development support to upgrade its water treatment facilities in FY15. In FY2016, Rural Development helped 18 communities improve water services to over 29,000 Vermonters.
Business and Cooperative Programs Business and Industry Guaranteed Loan Program Rural Energy for America Program Guaranteed Loan Intermediary Relending Program Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program Rural Business Development Grants Value Added Producer Grants Rural Energy for America Grant Program Guaranteed Loan Direct Loan Grant
Business and Cooperative Programs Kingdom Pellets $2.5 million USDA Rural Energy for America loan guarantee with Community National Bank Feasibility study supported by a Rural Business Development Grant to the Northern Forest Center USDA Rural Development Business Programs helped to create and preserve over 1000 jobs in Vermont.
Community and Economic Development Encourages multi-jurisdictional planning Set asides for projects supporting the goals of a multi-jurisdictional plan Additional funding opportunities for Vermont Community led planning process Strategic reorganization in FY16-17 Supports REAP Zone designation Leveraged funding MOU to support VCRD Community Visit Process Supported 5 VCRD Community Visits FY16 Directed resources to participating communities Supporting Climate Change Economy Project Farm Bill Section 6025 NEK Collaborative Vermont Council on Rural Development VT/ NH State Office: 802.828.6080 87 State Street, Suite 324 P.O. Box 249 Montpelier, VT Brattleboro Office: 802.689.3034 28 Vernon Street, Suite 333 Brattleboro, VT St. Johnsbury Office: 802.748.8746 X 125 481 Summer Street, Suite 203 St. Johnsbury, VT Jon-Michael Muise Acting State Director VT/NH 802.689.3026