2012-2013 Budget Consultation June 4, 2012
Budget Consultation Process Conducted an initial survey regarding who should be consulted and how we should consult Sent to Trustees, SEAC, PIC, Senior Administration, Elementary and Secondary administrators 77% felt that an online survey was the most effective method to consult with stakeholders 44% felt that small stakeholder groups would be effective 44% felt that public consultations should be held Step 1: Consult on consultation
Budget Consultation Process continued… Step 1: Consult on consultation Step 2: Consult with BAC Step 3: Receive input from budget holders Shared consultation survey results with BAC Decided to consult using online survey tool only Not enough time to form stakeholder focus groups Public consultations were poorly attended in the past Budget survey questions formulated by budget holders
Budget Consultation Process continued… Step 1: Consult on consultation Step 2: Consult with BAC Step 3: Receive input from budget holders Step 4: Release survey Step 5: Analyze results Step 6: Incorporation of results into budget
Budget Consultation Survey Targeted questions Responses Stakeholder priorities Incorporation into budget Budget Consultation Survey Responses Total: 1055 Employees: 903 Parents: 209 Other: 26 Trustees: 4 Targeted Questions Budget holder priorities Board & Ministry mandates Realistic questions to impact budget Stakeholder Priorities Budget holder to consider where priorities can be included Survey sent to Trustees, staff, SEAC, PIC, general public, school councils Incorporation into budget Budget holder feedback recieved Elements incorporated by question The full survey and responses can be found in your binder
2012-2013 Budget Consultation Input June 4, 2012
Budget Consultation Input
Budget Consultation Input Continued…
2012-2013 Budget Presentation Budget Consultation Survey Results June 4, 2012
Budget Consultation Results
Budget Consultation Results Continued… Where do you believe efforts should be focused in the area of faith development? Retreat experiences Transportation to parishes for liturgies Faith resources Faith formation opportunities 37% 13% 18% 26% Incorporation into budget Grade 8 overnight retreats will continue and the Dominican Experience will also continue to be supported while exploring additional faith formation opportunities
Budget Consultation Results Continued... What would you support or recommend for raising student awareness around aboriginal history and culture? Professional development opportunities Build teaching and learning resources Bringing in FNMI elders and presenters Excursions to local and provincial sites 17% 18% 38% 9% Incorporation into budget Focus will be on experiential learning for the students through presenters and excursions
Budget Consultation Results Continued... What would you like to see funded in order to re-engage students who are at risk of leaving school before graduating? Programs that allow greater flexibility Engagement in community programs Nutrition programs Fitness programs 41% 18% 19% 16% Incorporation into budget St. Don Bosco, WCDSB’s alternative program will continue to operate through the Board commitment of staffing and resources
Budget Consultation Results Continued... The Board has funds for educational video programs. Where do you think the funds are better spent? Streaming video DVDs Both No funding should be expended 32% 10% 30% 14% Incorporation into budget The budget includes funds for streaming videos and DVDs. Many Canadian and religious videos are only available in DVD format.
Budget Consultation Results Continued... The Board has funds for audio and e-books. What do you think the Board should purchase? Professional material for educators Fiction audio books Fiction e-books No funding should be expended 21% 13% 27% 20% Incorporation into budget The budget has included funds to purchase e-books which can be downloaded to tablets, laptops or phones. The e-books will be professional material for educators and curriculum related fiction.
Budget Consultation Results Continued... Would you support an increase to walking distances for students to decrease transportation costs? Yes No 60% 40% Incorporation into budget This has not been considered in the current budget due to limited cost savings compared to family disruption.
Budget Consultation Results Continued... Would you support the use of more yellow buses in secondary schools to avoid costly increases from Grand River Transit? Yes No 79% 21% Incorporation into budget This option is not currently being explored due to an anticipated fee reduction by Grand River Transit for their transportation of our secondary students.
Budget Consultation Results Continued... Which of the following alternative programs do you think the Board should explore? French immersion International Bacclaureate Arts Magnet Program Advanced Placement Programs 24% 14% 13% 21% Incorporation into budget The Board is currently exploring French immersion programs for future implementation. It has not been considered as programming for the 2012-13 budget.
Budget Consultation Results Continued... The Board has some funds to provide for unique elementary classroom technologies. How would you like to see these funds spent? 3 to 5 additional PCs per school 3 to 5 netbooks or laptops per school No additional funding should be expended 32% 53% 15% Incorporation into budget 3 to 5 laptops have been included in the elementary PC upgrade.
Budget Consultation Results Continued... The Board has some funds to provide for unique secondary classroom technologies. How would you like to see these funds spent? One PC per classroom One netbook or laptop per classroom No additional funding should be expended 29% 51% 20% Incorporation into budget The Board has decided to defer this purchase until a future time due to budget constraints.