Runway Safety
it is Unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacity, or neglect.” “Aviation in itself is not inherently dangerous. But to an even greater degree than the sea, it is Unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacity, or neglect.” Quote attributed to: Captain A.G. Lamplugh, British Aviation Insurance Group. London, and WWI Naval Aviator, c. Early 1930’s
An example of carelessness, incapacity or neglect?
Definitions RUNWAY INCURSION - Any occurrence at an aerodrome involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take-off of aircraft. SURFACE INCIDENT - Unauthorized movement within the airport surface movement area (excluding runways), OR an occurrence in the airport surface movement area associated with the operation of an aircraft that could affect the safety of flight
Surface Incident Error Types - Operational Incident - Pilot Deviation - Vehicle/Pedestrian Deviation
Severity Categories 9 B A C D Animated Illustration Ample time and distance to avoid collision Barely avoid collision Significant potential for collision Little or no risk of collision Above scenarios are all classified as runway incursions, but with different severity codes. In each case the taxiing aircraft penetrated the runway safety area (hold position)
Distribution by Type of Runway Incursions 10/1/2016 - 9/1/2016 National data for not quite the full fiscal year 2016. These breakouts are relatively consistent year to year. 5 7
FAA Runway Safety Program (RSP) Runway Safety Action Team (RSAT) The RSAT Meeting Types of Action Items - UAO RSAT How RSATs benefit your airport
The RSAT – What is it NOT? An airport inspection A check-the-box exercise A finger-pointing session A review of airborne ops except… A user outreach/educational forum
RSAT BASICS Basis of RSP – FAAO 7050.1B (RSP) Signed by FAA Administrator Applicability – FAA and FCT Towers A word about non-towered airports… The RSAT Requirement Each towered airport must conduct one per FY
RSAT BASICS Recent Changes to the focus of RSATs (Change in emphasis) Types of RSAT Meetings Regional Special Focus Local
The RSAT Meeting GOAL: identify and mitigate hazards and risks that lead to human errors that result in runway incursions and/or excursions. SUCCESS: of the RSAT is based on air traffic controllers, airport operators, and airport users working together effectively.
The RSAT Meeting OUTCOME: of a Runway Safety Action Team meeting is a Runway Safety Action Plan (RSAP) in which- - organizations voluntarily agree to take specific actions to mitigate risks or hazards which might lead to a runway incursion or excursion, or which represent an improvement in surface safety.
The RSAT – Who Should Be There? Tower and Airport manager (at a minimum) Airport tenants and other users. Don’t forget: FBO’s, ramp/line personnel, local tech-ops / maintenance, local operational associations; anyone who operates on the airport and can bring their eyes and ears to the table… Assist the ATM in getting the right stakeholders to the table
The RSAT – Who Should Be There? Regional Runway Safety Program Manager. Office of Airports at the regional and district office level Flight Standards Service at the regional and district office level Appropriate ATO Service Center personnel. Technical Operations at the service area and local level. Ask the ATM to ensure key parties are there - FAA ADO, FSDO, FAAST, etc.
RSAT Meeting Content Runway incursions and excursions since the last RSAT meeting, including any mitigation implemented as a result Open action items from past RSAPs, and any actions completed since the last RSAT meeting. Planned airport construction
RSAT Meeting Content Best Practices in use by the airport and tower Procedures and training for vehicle operator access to the movement area, including snow removal procedures (if applicable) Any letters of agreement or published notices related to surface operations.
RSAT Meeting Content Surface safety issues reported to the ATCT or airport within the past year. Any persistent weather conditions that could affect surface safety. This must include areas where lack of adequate drainage may cause markings to be obscured, and sun conditions that may compromise visibility by pilots. Movement controls for vehicle drivers involved in wildlife mitigation.
RSAT Meeting Content The published airport hotspots, including whether additions or deletions of hotspots might be appropriate. Any user concerns dealing with aircraft, pedestrian or vehicle operations on the airport surface Air Shows, Civil Fly-Ins, Parachute Operations, and other special events.
Types of RSAT Actions Runway Safety Action Plan (RSAP) comes out of RSAT Meeting owned by the Air Traffic Manager but… Action Items are tasked to POC’s – who are accountable for their progress Case study: Aurora State Airport, Oregon (UAO) Will describe precursors to a Special Focus RSAT, how it was handled, action items, and connectivity to Local RSAT’s.
CASE STUDY- UAO FCT opened November 2015 By July 31,2016 recorded 115 MOR’s 49 MOR’s related to airport environment Air Traffic audit on UAO FCT’s reporting process conducted
CASE STUDY- UAO Findings… UAO FCT was reporting in accordance with FAA directives
. PD and VPDs Summary Pilot Deviation VPD
CASE STUDY- UAO Mitigation Activities ANM Runway Safety facilitated a Special Focus RSAT meeting RSAT identified the following action items:
Common Errors Nationally - Entering movement area without ATC authorization Crossing the runway holding position marking without ATC authorization POV entering taxiways/runways without communication with ATC
Basics of preventing vehicle and pedestrian deviations (aka things that work) Tiered Access Control Minimize access to the movement area Use of perimeter roads Airport escort of towed aircraft across runways Rules and Regulations; LOA’s with Tower? Driver Training Program
Basics of preventing vehicle and pedestrian deviations (more things that work) Recurrent Training Safety Meetings A system of consequences for non compliance
How Can Runway Safety Help?
Web Site Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Region Airports Conference November 17, 2010
Runway Construction Safety
Airport Diagram -- SAMPLE
Airport Diagram -- SAMPLE
RSAT’s Benefit Your Airport Primarily: Opportunity to identify and address potential safety concerns (precursors to risk) prior to a safety issue becoming a runway incursion or surface incident Consequently: use the RSAT to prepare for and assist in ensuring your airfield meets requirements Secondarily: are there liability issues around safety problems that are not corrected?
RSAT’s Benefit Your Airport Additionally: Provides documentation of safety concerns for elevated visibility Increases accountability to ensure safety mitigations and corrections get done. Helps prioritize what you can do now, what needs more time, study, evaluation, funding etc. FAA Local and Regional expertise and connectivity brings broad experience to bear and to share.
Runway Incursion Reduction Requires Partnership Airport Operations Aircraft Control Tower Runway Safety Program Managers Southern California & HI-Pacific Districts: Joe Santoro 310-725-6680 Sierra-Pacific & Western Desert Districts: Chris Diggons 310-725-6681 FAA Runway Safety resources: