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Section 1: The Supreme Court at Work Section 2: Shaping Public Policy Essential Question Section 1: The Supreme Court at Work Section 2: Shaping Public Policy Section 3: Influencing Court Decisions Chapter Summary Chapter Menu
How do cases come before the Supreme Court, and what factors influence the decisions the Court makes? Essential Question
Chapter Preview-End
Section 1-Content Vocabulary writ of certiorari per curiam opinion brief amicus curiae majority opinion dissenting opinion Section 1-Content Vocabulary
Section 1-Academic Vocabulary periodic accompany initial Section 1-Academic Vocabulary
Section 1-Reading Strategy Use a flowchart similar to the one below to list the steps that the Supreme Court uses to decide major cases. Section 1-Reading Strategy
Section 1-Polling Question What makes the written opinion of the Supreme Court as important as the Court’s decision itself? A. They set precedents for lower courts to follow in future cases. B. They are the Court’s way to communicate with Congress, the president, and the public. A B Section 1-Polling Question
The Court’s Procedures Since 1979, the Supreme Court has been in continuous session, taking only periodic recesses. During the term, the Court sits for two consecutive weeks each month. Justices listen to oral arguments from lawyers for each side. Later they announce their opinions. Section 1
The Court’s Procedures (cont.) The Court hears oral arguments from Monday through Wednesday. On Wednesdays and Fridays justices meet in secret conferences to decide cases. Section 1
On Wednesdays and Fridays, Supreme Court justices A. listen to oral arguments. B. recess. C. meet to decide cases. A B C Section 1 – DQ1
Getting Cases to the Court Most cases reach the Supreme Court as appeals from lower court decisions. They come to the courts in one of two ways: writ of certiorari—an order from the Court to a lower court to send up the records on a case for review. appeal—a request made to review the decision of a lower federal or state court. Supreme Court Caseload Section 1
Getting Cases to the Court (cont.) When a case is dismissed by the Supreme Court the decision of the lower court becomes final. The solicitor general is appointed by the president and represents the federal government before the Supreme Court. The solicitor general determines whether the federal government should appeal lower federal court decisions to the Supreme Court. Section 1
Getting Cases to the Court (cont.) When justices accept a case, they decide whether to ask for more information from the opposing lawyers or to rule quickly on the basis of materials already available. If the Court rules without consulting new information, the ruling may be announced with a per curiam opinion—a brief, unsigned statement of the Court’s decision. Section 1
An order from the Supreme Court to a lower court to send up the records on a case for review is called A. a per curiam opinion. B. an appeal. C. a brief. D. a writ of certiorari. A B C D Section 1 – DQ2
Steps in Deciding Major Cases After the Court accepts a case, the lawyers on each side of the case submit a brief—a written statement setting forth the legal arguments, relevant facts, and precedents supporting one side of a case. Parties not directly involved in a case but who have an interest in its outcome may submit amicus curiae—or “friend of the court”—briefs. Section 1
Steps in Deciding Major Cases (cont.) After briefs are filed, lawyers from each side are given 30 minutes to present an oral argument. A majority of justices must be in agreement to decide a case, and at least six justices must be present for a decision. Section 1
Steps in Deciding Major Cases (cont.) The Court issues four kinds of opinions: About one-third of the Court’s decisions are unanimous opinions. A majority opinion expresses the views of the majority of the justices on a case. One or more justices who agree with the majority but do so for different reasons write a concurring opinion. A dissenting opinion is the opinion of justices on the losing side of the case. Section 1
B. the concurring opinion. C. the dissenting opinion. When one or more justices agree with the majority, but do so for different reasons, their opinion is called A. the majority opinion. B. the concurring opinion. C. the dissenting opinion. D. the unanimous opinion. A B C D Section 1 – DQ3
Section 1-End
Section 2-Content Vocabulary judicial review impound stare decisis precedent advisory opinion Section 2-Content Vocabulary
Section 2-Academic Vocabulary policy suspension interpretation Section 2-Academic Vocabulary
Section 2-Reading Strategy As you read, create a graphic organizer similar to the one below to list the criteria the Court uses to decide which cases to hear. Section 2-Reading Strategy
Section 2-Polling Question Which is the most important way in which the Supreme Court determines policy? A. use of judicial review B. interpreting laws’ meanings C. overruling previous decisions A B C Section 2-Polling Question
Tools for Shaping Policy As the Supreme Court decides cases, it determines policy in three ways: judicial review interpretation of laws overruling or revising its previous decisions Judicial review—the Supreme Court’s power to examine the laws and actions of local, state, and national governments and to cancel them if they violate the Constitution. Section 2
Tools for Shaping Policy (cont.) The Supreme Court may also review presidential policies as it did in 1975 when it limited the president’s power to impound, or refuse to spend, money the Congress had appropriated. The Court can shape public policy by interpreting existing federal laws. Section 2
Tools for Shaping Policy (cont.) Under the principle of stare decisis, once the Court rules on a case, its decision serves as a precedent, or model, on which to base other decisions in similar cases. State and Local Laws Overturned by the Supreme Court, 1801-2006 Section 2
A. can never be overturned. B. serves as a precedent. Under the principle of stare decisis, once the Court rules on a case, its decision A. can never be overturned. B. serves as a precedent. C. must be approved by Congress. A B C Section 2 – DQ1
Limits on the Supreme Court The Court’s activities are limited by: restrictions on the types of issues and kinds of cases the Court will hear; limited control over its own agenda; lack of enforcement power; and the system of checks and balances. Section 2
Limits on the Supreme Court (cont.) The Court will hear only cases that meet certain criteria. The Court will consider only cases in which its decision will make a difference. The Court will not give advisory opinions—rulings on laws or actions that have not been challenged. The plaintiff must have suffered real harm. Section 2
Limits on the Supreme Court (cont.) The Court accepts only cases that involve a substantial federal question. The Court has traditionally refused to deal with political questions—issues the Court believes the executive or legislative branches should resolve. With few exceptions, the Court can decide only cases that come to it from elsewhere in the legal system. Section 2
Limits on the Supreme Court (cont.) The Supreme Court has limited ability to enforce its rulings. The Constitution provides that the legislative and executive branches of the national government have several ways to influence or check the Supreme Court’s power. Section 2
The Supreme Court will hear only cases in which its decision A. will make a difference. B. will serve as an advisory opinion. C. will resolve conflict between state and national government A B C Section 2 – DQ2
Section 2-End
Section 3-Content Vocabulary bloc swing vote Section 3-Content Vocabulary
Section 3-Academic Vocabulary foundation function inherently Section 3-Academic Vocabulary
Section 3-Reading Strategy As you read, create a table similar to the one below to identify the forces inside and outside the Court that influence its decisions. Section 3-Reading Strategy
Section 3-Polling Question Which factor has the greatest influence on the decisions made by the Supreme Court? A. justices’ personal views B. relationships among justices C. political influences D. public influence A B C D Section 3-Polling Question
Basing Decisions on the Law Law is the foundation for deciding cases that come before the Supreme Court. When the meaning of a statute or a provision of the Constitution is not clear, the justices of the Court must interpret the language, determine what it means, and apply it to the circumstances of the case. Section 3
When the meaning of a statute or a provision of the Constitution is not clear, the justices of the Court must interpret the language, determine what it means, and A. redefine it. B. apply it to that case. C. rewrite it. A B C Section 3 – DQ1
Views of the Justices Supreme Court justices, like other political figures, are people with active interests in important issues. Voting blocs, or coalitions of justices, exist in the Court on certain kinds of issues. When courts are split on issues, a justice whose views are not consistent with either the majority or minority bloc might represent a swing vote, or deciding vote. Section 3
Another term for a coalition of justices is A. a voting bloc. B. a swing vote. C. an appeal. D. a deciding vote. A B C D Section 3 – DQ2
Relations Among the Justices Despite the lack of frequent interaction, the quality of personal relations among the justices influences the Court’s decision making. A socially harmonious court is more likely to agree on decisions than one marked by personal antagonism. Section 3
Relations Among the Justices (cont.) The chief justice has several powers that can be used to influence the Court’s decisions. During the oral arguments and in conference, the chief justice can direct discussion and frame alternatives. The chief justice makes up the first version of the discuss list and assigns the writing of opinions to the justices. Section 3
Who assigns the writing of opinions to the Supreme Court justices? A. the speaker B. Congress C. the chief justice D. the chief of courts A B C D Section 3 – DQ3
The Court and Society Unlike Congress, the Supreme Court is well insulated from public opinion and daily political pressures. The Court’s authority relies on public acceptance of, and support for, its decisions. The values and beliefs of society influence Supreme Court justices. Section 3
The public has no influence on Supreme Court decisions. A. True B. False A B Section 3 – DQ4
Balancing the Court’s Power The president can have an effect on the Court in several ways: The president has the power of the chief executive to appoint the justices—with Senate consent. As head of the executive branch, the president plays a role in enforcing Court decisions. Section 3
Balancing the Court’s Power (cont.) Congress can also affect the Court in several ways: Congress can reenact, in a different form, a law that the Court rejects as unconstitutional. Congress can propose a constitutional amendment to overturn a Court ruling. Congress can exercise power over the Court through its right to set the justices’ salaries. Section 3
Balancing the Court’s Power (cont.) Congress sets the number of justices on the Court. The Senate can use its power to confirm nominees to shape the Court’s outlook. Section 3
A. It can propose a constitutional amendment overturning a decision. Which of the following is NOT a way Congress can influence the Supreme Court? A. It can propose a constitutional amendment overturning a decision. B. It can fire a justice. C. It sets the justices’ salaries. A B C Section 3 – DQ5
Section 3-End
How the Court Shapes Public Policy Judicial review: Court may decide whether government laws are constitutional Interpreting the meaning of laws: Court takes the general language of laws and applies it to specific cases Overruling or reversing previous Court decisions to reflect changing social values and laws Chapter Summary start
Limits on the Court’s Shaping of Public Policy Types of issues: Court deals mostly with civil liberties, economic issues, federal laws, and suits against government officials Types of cases: Court hears only cases that meet certain criteria Agenda: Generally can decide only cases that come to it from elsewhere in the legal system Enforcement power: Court has limited ability to enforce its rulings Chapter Summary
Influences on Supreme Court Decisions Existing laws: Court interprets and applies laws to individual cases Personal views of the justices: Political ideology Justices’ ability to work together Social forces and public attitudes Congress and the president: Judicial branch works as part of the system of checks and balances Chapter Summary
Chapter Summary – end of
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ANSWERS 1. because there are controversies on every conceivable subject 2. No; because he says that the history of scholarship is a record of disagreements. 3. Answers will vary, but students will probably agree that the statement has been and probably will continue to be valid. DFS Trans 1
DFS Trans 2 ANSWERS 1. judicial review 2. because of changes in circumstances, values, or attitudes since the previous decision was made 3. Answers will vary but should note that review and interpretation are less direct actions than passing laws or putting them into effect. DFS Trans 2
ANSWERS 1. The president is head of the executive branch of the government, which carries out many of the Court’s decisions. 2. Answers will vary but should show understanding of social forces. 3. Answers will vary but should demonstrate careful thought and reasoning. DFS Trans 3
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