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Presentation transcript:

Wg NaN PROGRESS REPORT 16 June 2016 ECC Plenary Stockholm Elizabeth Greenberg Vice Chair WG NaN

Organisation map

Jumala, Latvia 12th WG NaN meeting: Overview 27th to 28th April 2016. Preceded by an ad hoc meeting 43 participants representing 22 countries See Doc. ECC(16)065 progress report from WG NaN Chairman: minutes in Annex External delegates European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) European Communications Office (ECO) including representatives from the following organisations for a Focus Session on M2M/IoT Vodafone AT&T Global System Mobile Association (GSMA) UK Communications Electronics Security Group (CESG) of Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) UK Department for Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) Key discussions Focus session on M2M/IoT Project Team deliverables and updates Next meeting: Brussels, 23rd to 24th November 2016 (after next ECC Plenary 15th to 18th Nov)

Last WG NaN meeting deliverables Final adoption ECC Recommendation (16)01 on 3rd party access to Number Portability Data Follow-up to ECC Report 238. Provides a framework for developing national policies to facilitate access to NP Data by 3rd parties. This is access by entities other than those who have obligations to implement NP for the sole purposes of more efficient routing and increasing tariff transparency ECC Recommendation (16)02 on Extra-territorial Use of E.164 Numbers – High Level Principles of Assignment and Use Follow-up to ECC Report 194. Promotes a common approach to extra-territorial use of E.164 numbers based on high-level principles, while leaving sufficient discretion regarding the detailed regulation to NRAs and the possibility of bilateral agreements between countries. Essentially promotes transparency of number use ECC Report 248 on Evolution in Calling Line Identification (CLI) usage – decoupling rights of use of numbers from service provision Concludes that end users should have the right to use their number in alternative services. Provides a framework for mandatory CLI validation techniques and regulation to reduce risk of consumer harm

Last WG NaN meeting deliverables Approved for public consultation (currently open) Draft ECC Report 255 on the use of Assisted-Global Navigation Satellite System (A-GNSS) capabilities to improve caller location information for emergency calls originating on mobile devices concerns the use of satellite navigation technologies to help improve the quality and accuracy of location information that is provided to the emergency services in the event of a call from a mobile phone based predominantly on a questionnaire to mobile network operators, handset manufacturers, equipment providers and other relevant stakeholders concludes that harmonisation of approaches appears challenging at this time, but should be subject to regular review proposes that attention is turned to methods by which location information is determined (note: approved work item for PT ES) Consultation closes 29 July 2016

Ongoing WG NaN work: PSAP Directory PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) Directory Directory containing the contact telephone number of focal PSAPs in European countries Accessible only to European PSAPs under certain terms and conditions. Used to facilitate inter-PSAP communication, ie an internal operational support tool for European PSAPs in order to support effective emergency services throughout Europe WG NaN has taken account of the useful direction provided at the last ECC Plenary PT ES continues to develop the Feasibility Report to investigate the issues associated with ECO taking over responsibility for the PSAP Directory from EENA As agreed at the last ECC Plenary, once the Feasibility Report has been approved by WG NaN, it will be subject to public consultation as an ECC Report ahead of adoption. ECC Plenary will then decide on appropriate action, taking into account the ECC Report Provisional timetable: Nov 2016: WG NaN approve Report for consultation May 2017: WG NaN adopt Report June 2017: Present Report to ECC Plenary

Ongoing WG NaN work: Project Teams and Task Force PT ES (Emergency Services) (in addition to PSAP Directory) Report on handset-based A-GNSS solutions, looking particularly at Advanced Mobile Location (AML) Following EC request, analysing future design of emergency communications from the perspective of the EU regulatory framework Defining PSAP-side statistics to quantify the effectiveness of emergency caller location information Report on provision of caller location information from corporate networks PT TRIS (Technical Regulatory Issues) Report on migration from PSTN/ISDN to NGN Considering a Report on addressing mobile coverage gaps, from a non-spectrum-related angle (ie regulatory and consumer protection issues) PT FNI (Future Numbering Issues) Numbering for eCall; Numbering for OTT services; Assignment of Mobile Network Codes (ITU-T SG2 Contribution); Assigning numbers to M2M end users PT NP (Number Portability) Report on facilitating switching and competition in the M2M sector using OTA Task Forces: ongoing work from Task Force Numbering & Security and Task Force Strategy

EC-ECC web meeting on numbering issues: 10 June 2016 Separate meeting held with EC due to practical and logistical difficulties of having numbering topics on same agenda as mostly spectrum-related topics Request received at last ECC Plenary to provide a report of such meetings: See Doc ECC(16)077 submitted by WG NaN Chairman Provided overview of the four deliverables from last WG NaN meeting EC particularly interested in our work on extra-territorial use of numbers and the situation that currently exists, including legal basis for our deliverables in this area Discussed measures to facilitate switching in the M2M sector and for bundled services, separate from NP Also the challenges regarding high tariffs for calling non-geographic numbers THANK YOU!