Practical Assessment Project Template – DMADV Project title: <title of the project> Organization: <name of your organization> Project leader: <your name> Belt level: <Black or Green Belt> Revision date: <e.g. 20-07-2016>
DMADV Introduction for this template Objectives of this presentation: Certification by LSSA Project summary for your organization Guidelines: Methodology and logic understandable, for a Lean Six Sigma trained external colleague Clear conclusions on each sheet Target for certification is max. 25 sheets (no limit for internal use) No back-up sheets Delete the (Italic) notes for the user, upon need Delete this slide before handing in.
DMADV Process improvement roadmap DMADV roadmap Define 1 Define and Scope project 2 Determine functional requirements 3 Plan and document project Measure 4 Translate into technical requirements 5 Establish objectives 6 Evaluate measurement system Analyze 7 Develop concept design 8 Identify potential influence factors 9 Develop Y=f(X) function Design 10 Determine optimum design 11 Prototyping / concept 12 Design validation plan Verify 13 Validate design 14 Close out project
DEFINE 1 – Define and scope project Problem Description: Objectives:
DEFINE 1 – Define and scope project Target: In Scope Out of Scope: Deliverables: Hard Benefits: Soft Benefits:
Define 2 – Functional Requirements Determine Functional Requirements
DEFINE 3 – Plan and document project Project Team Supplier: Champion: User: MBB: Project leader (Belt): Name: Role: Responsibility:
DEFINE 3 – Plan and document project SIPOC is mandatory for process improvement For design improvement: visualize product problem area SIPOC Process Map Supplier: Inputs: Process: Outputs: Customers: ‘Process’ Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Self Assessment LSSA Assessor Feedback DEFINE Assessment Self Assessment LSSA Assessor Feedback Missing Incorrect Correct N/A Define 1 Project addresses a clear problem or business opportunity (20k€ / 50k€ p/year). 2 VOC and VOB have been defined clearly. Requirements are understood. 3 Goals have been clearly defined. Project objectives are measurable. 4 Scope of the project has been clearly delineated. 5 Project charter includes the risks to investigate. 6 Relevant KPIs have been selected / CTQ-flowdown has been constructed. 7 High level process description has been made (e.g. SIPOC). Missing Incorrect Correct N/A Define 1 Project addresses a clear problem or business opportunity (20k€ / 50k€ p/year). 2 VOC and VOB have been defined clearly. Requirements are understood. 3 Goals have been clearly defined. Project objectives are measurable. 4 Scope of the project has been clearly delineated. 5 Project charter includes the risks to investigate. 6 Relevant KPIs have been selected / CTQ-flowdown has been constructed. 7 High level process description has been made (e.g. SIPOC).
MEASURE 4 – Technical Requirements Translate into technical requirements
MEASURE 5 – Objectives Establish objectives
MEASURE 6 – Measurement Procedures Evaluate measurement system
Self Assessment LSSA Assessor Feedback MEASURE Assessment Self Assessment LSSA Assessor Feedback Missing Incorrect Correct N/A Measure 1 The risk or customer requirement is made tangible and specific (CTQs) 2 Customer requirements have been translated into technical requirements 3 CTQ requirements are clear. 4 It has been defined how the CTQs are measured. 5 The measurement procedure has been validated (GR&R or Monte Carlo simulation) Missing Incorrect Correct N/A Measure 1 The risk or customer requirement is made tangible and specific (CTQs) 2 Customer requirements have been translated into technical requirements 3 CTQ requirements are clear. 4 It has been defined how the CTQs are measured. 5 The measurement procedure has been validated (GR&R or Monte Carlo simulation)
ANALYZE 7 – Concept Design Develop Concept Design
ANALYZE 8 – Potential influence factors Identify potential influence factors
ANALYZE 9 – Develop Y=f(X) function
Self Assessment LSSA Assessor Feedback ANALYZE Assessment Self Assessment LSSA Assessor Feedback Missing Incorrect Correct N/A Analyze 1 All risks are identified and a mitigation plan is available (e.g. dFMEA) 2 Design concepts have been develop. 3 Potential factors of influence have been identified. 4 Data has been collected and analyzed. 5 A transfer function Y=f(X) has been developed. 6 The transfer function shows (theoretical) that capability meets customers specifications 7 There is a clear difference between confirmed and non-confirmed information Missing Incorrect Correct N/A Analyze 1 All risks are identified and a mitigation plan is available (e.g. dFMEA) 2 Design concepts have been develop. 3 Potential factors of influence have been identified. 4 Data has been collected and analyzed. 5 A transfer function Y=f(X) has been developed. 6 The transfer function shows (theoretical) that capability meets customers specifications 7 There is a clear difference between confirmed and non-confirmed information
Design 10 – Optimum Design Determine Optimum Design
Design 11 – Prototyping / Concept Create prototype / concept
Design 12 – Design Validation Plan Make a design validation plan
Self Assessment LSSA Assessor Feedback Design Assessment Self Assessment LSSA Assessor Feedback Missing Incorrect Correct N/A Improve 1 Samples, prototypes or concepts are available for validation. 2 Validation plan is designed. 3 Risk mitigation measures are identified (e.g. Poka Yoke, Control Plan) 4 Product Lifecycle management and reliability have been addressed (if applicable). 5 Optimum settings for all significant factors of influence are defined Missing Incorrect Correct N/A Improve 1 Samples, prototypes or concepts are available for validation. 2 Validation plan is designed. 3 Risk mitigation measures are identified (e.g. Poka Yoke, Control Plan) 4 Product Lifecycle management and reliability have been addressed (if applicable). 5 Optimum settings for all significant factors of influence are defined
Verify 13 – ValidatE Design
Verify 14 – Close out project Conclusions …. Recommendations Lessons learned
Verify 14 – Close out project The realized benefits of this projects are: Champion: Date, Name & Signature - Controller: Date, Name & Signature - LSSA Assessor: Date, Name & Signature -
Self Assessment LSSA Assessor Feedback Verify Assessment Self Assessment LSSA Assessor Feedback Missing Incorrect Correct N/A Control 1 Pilot run results have been evaluated 2 Factors of influence will be controlled in a way that the risk will not appear 3 Documentation has been updated (pFMEA, CP, SOPs). 4 Training has been performed for the new product/process. 5 Project report has been completed. Lessons learned have been communicated. 6 Champion has been involved and signed the project. 7 Full scale start-up plan has been developed 8 Belt has shown to be able to manage the project adequately. 9 Project has been completed within time and budget. Missing Incorrect Correct N/A Control 1 Pilot run results have been evaluated 2 Factors of influence will be controlled in a way that the risk will not appear 3 Documentation has been updated (pFMEA, CP, SOPs). 4 Training has been performed for the new product/process. 5 Project report has been completed. Lessons learned have been communicated. 6 Champion has been involved and signed the project. 7 Full scale start-up plan has been developed 8 Belt has shown to be able to manage the project adequately. 9 Project has been completed within time and budget.