Subject areas in need of strengthening PAKISTAN CAPACITY BUILDING ACTION STRATEGIES with special reference to: Subject areas in need of strengthening Possibilities to host Pilot Projects Good Practices & Expertise Possibilities to host regional Workshop PME Team & CB Coordinators/ Liaison Officer
Subject areas which need strengthening National Plan of Action provides framework and guidelines for preparation of provincial, district, sub-district/ tehsil / taluka and union council EFA Plans of Action.
Subject areas - Contd Responsibilities at Federal, Provincial, District & School level: Policy-making, curricula & planning of the overall development of the system is the responsibility of the Federal Government.: Access/ Coverage (Infrastructure/ Incentives) Disparities (Male/ Female, Poor/ rich, Urban/ rural) Quality (Qualification, Training, Curriculum dev, text book, Learning achievement., Examinations) Governance : School based, external Planning (EFA Plan), ESR, Budget & Dev Plan
Subject areas - Contd Implementation/ management of education in Pakistan is responsibility of the Provincial & District departments of education It is planned that school will be the ultimate basic Unit for Planning & Management
Number of Schools & Teachers (2000-2001) (In Numbers) Level Schools Teachers Primary 147,736 408,871 Middle/ Elementary 25,472 209,691 High/ Higher 15,946 291,819 Total 189,154 910,381
Enrolment (2000-2001) Stage Boys Girls Total Primary 10.2 6.9 17.1 (In millions) Stage Boys Girls Total Primary 10.2 6.9 17.1 Middle/ Elementary 2.1 1.7 3.8 High/ Higher 1.0 0.7 13.3 9.3 22.6
Subject areas - Contd Data/Statistics in EFA is collected and consolidated by the National Educational Management Information System (NEMIS) in collaboration with Provincial (EMISs). International EFA Development Partners, including bilateral and multilateral agencies and International NGOs (INGOs) have raised their support for EFA in Pakistan.
Subject areas - Contd Under the recently introduced decentralized management system, the district and local governments have been set up. The districts are being given the authority to take decisions according to their local needs and priorities. Through district-based planning, various stakeholders including head teachers, PTA/SMC members, and civil society organizations will be able to participate in educational decision-making.
Strategies National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) has been set up for social sector development through public private partnership. Restructuring and making the Education Foundations effective autonomous bodies for providing support to private sector and effective outreach.
Strategies - Contd EFA forums have been established at national, provincial and district levels. EFA units have been setup at National, provincial and district levels. Strengthening of EFA units to create data base on EFA from grass roots level i.e. union council to national level.
Strategies - Contd Strengthening and expanding the scope and role of existing NEMIS and its coordination with other districts. There is dire need to build capacity at all levels i-e school, district, provincial & Federal level.
Strategies - Contd Village Education Committees (VECs), SMCs, PTAs and School Councils for community mobilization, M&E at grass roots level have been established. Adequate capacity has yet to be build. A group of master Trainers has been trained in district level planning with the support of UNESCO & UNICEF.
Strategies - Contd Series of workshops conducted NPA & Provincial Action Plans have been developed District Plans have also been prepared for few model districts EFA units at all levels will be strengthened in terms of manpower, hardware & software.
Possibilities to host Pilot Projects District level Training & Planning in model districts with the assistance from UNESCO & UNICEF Other donors like UNFPA, UNDP & WFP have also included district level planning in their country programs from January 2004.
Good Practices & Expertise Preparation of NPA & Decentralize Planning & its implementation Research & Formulation of database for EFA: Reports generated by NEMIS/ Provincial EMIS UNITS Annually Quarterly Demands based
Possibilities to host regional Workshop Capacity Building Workshops are being planned. UNESCO is hosting workshop in Islamabad from next week. Provincial EMISs are in the process of building their capacity with donor agencies (UNESCO, WB, DFID)
PME Team & CB Coordinators/ Liaison Officer Representatives from NEMIS, EFA Wing & EFA National Coordinator Head of NEMIS Project
National Educational Management Information System (NEMIS) Pakistan
Guiding Policies/ Approach for NEMIS Increasing access to basic education, particular for female students Improving the quality of education by increasing learning achievements and completion rates in basic education Strengthening institutional capacity to plan, manage and supervise education programs Improving community participation in basic education Continuing NEMIS Self Improvement
Policy # 1:Increasing access to basic education, particular for female students To retrieve/receive data from provinces/ regions to generate national educational statistics. Assist current NEMIS members to develop their independent EMIS centers. Conduct policy studies on access and equity of education. Develop simulation and projection models for policy analysis, demography, and executive support Develop indicators needed to track progress on access and gender issues.
Policy # 2:Improving the quality of education by increasing learning achievements and completion rates in basic education Conduct surveys and studies on quality of education. Devise set indicators from quantitative variables that will represent qualitative aspects of education.
Punjab – Quick Need based Survey Basic Missing Facilities Missing facility No. of schools Primary Elementary High Water supply 10,921 (25%) 496 (8%) 110 (3%) Toilets 17,139 (39%) 1,615 (26%) 1,837 (42%) Electricity 14,623 (33%) 1,747 (28%) 621 (14%) Shelterless schools 3,615 118 (2%) 59 (1%) Boundary wall 36,038 (82%) 2,030 1,867 Furniture 37,544 (85%) 2,128 (34%) 1,178 (27%) Source: Punjab EMIS
Policy # 3:Strengthening institutional capacity to plan, manage and supervise edu. programs Ensure data generation capabilities for ESR & EFA Develop and maintain website for EMIS within the context of ESR and EFA. Develop capacity in EMIS data analysis & utilization under newly set-up district govt. Develop a national GIS that will produce infomaps for strategic planning and monitoring.
Policy # 4:Improving community participation in basic education Devise indicators from quantitative variables that will illustrate the extent of community participation in education. Conduct surveys and studies and devise policy option
Policy # 5: Continuing NEMIS Self Improvement Internal Efficiency of NEMIS Quality & Reliability of data Adhering to time schedule of reports Up gradation of Hardware & Software Improvement of schemes & Skill level of staff Alignment with external factors/ requirement
Weaknesses/ Areas for Reform Capacity building at district EMIS Cells Strengthen district EMIS Cells in addition to Provinces/ National EMIS School based system Improvement of Verification/ Validation of data Need for WAN at district EMIS Cells Culture of use of data for decision makers/ planners