Runway 5-23 Obstruction and Visibility Minimums Update Morristown Aviation Association August 2, 2017
Previous Airport Obstruction Mapping History Previous Airport Obstruction Mapping Aeronautical survey completed in October 2008 and utilized as part of Master Plan Update Completed at the infancy of FAA Airports GIS Requirements for aeronautical surveys Limited use commenced in FAA Fiscal Year 2007 FAA AGIS aeronautical surveys are more detailed and inclusive than previous methodologies
New Aeronautical Survey History New Aeronautical Survey Completed in June 2016 and approved by FAA/NGS in March 2017 Captured growth in trees off the approaches to all runways FAA has been increasing scrutiny of approach procedures nationally, leading to changes in approach procedures at MMU
FAA Others Constraints Tree removal limited to November-March Differing information from different offices has led to confusion and incorrect information provided Actions have been taken prior to informing the Airport FAA funding eligibility is limited to the one-time removal of trees/vegetation on an area Others Tree removal limited to November-March NJDEP GP-9 provisions Ownership Status
20:1 Surface (TERPS) MALSR Line-of-Sight Recent FAA Emphasis In 2013, FAA increased enforcement of penetrations to the TERPS 20:1 Visual Approach Surface Preclude use of instrument approach procedures at night Continuous assessment of approaches MALSR Line-of-Sight Winter 2017 – FAA requires prompt removal of MALSR line of sight obstructions
Glidepath Qualification Surface (GQS) Recent FAA Emphasis Glidepath Qualification Surface (GQS) May 2017 - FAA increased enforcement of penetrations to the GQS, a 30:1 surface the enables use of vertically-guided approach procedures Penetrations must be removed or procedure will be NA Obstructions removed on Runway 23 to enable continued use of ILS & LPV Required special permission from NJDEP and USFWS
Upcoming Changes
Glidepath Qualification Surface (GQS) RW 5 GQS Penetrations Glidepath Qualification Surface (GQS) Runway 5 Obstructions to GQS are off-airport 2008 Obstruction Study noted a GPA of 3.6° was necessary to avoid water tower Vegetation currently would obstruct a GPA of 3.6° Current Glide Path Angle (GPA) of 3.5° published despite known penetration by water tower and trees. Implementation of existing approach was coordinated outside normal procedures
RW 5 GQS Penetrations
Glidepath Qualification Surface (GQS) RW 5 GQS Penetrations Glidepath Qualification Surface (GQS) Anticipate changes to Approach Procedures LPV & LNAV/VNAV procedures are NA LNAV and Circling will remain unchanged Reviewing increase in GPA to mitigate obstructions A minimum of 3.7° is anticipated A GPA of up to 3.77° is acceptable for aircraft with approach speeds of up to 141 knots (as of 10/1/17) Developing plan for removal of vegetation Water tower will preclude reduction of GPA below 3.6°
RW 23 Final & Missed Penetrations Runway 23 Approach Minimums On 8/1/17, FAA published NOTAM increasing HAT for LPV and ILS from 200’ to 305’ FAA identified obstructions to the Final Approach and Missed Approach Surfaces MMU has commenced removal of obstructions, and will complete remaining effort in Fall/Winter 2017 Obstruction removal in 2017 will enable reduction of HAT to 250’ for LPV and ILS
RW 23 Final & Missed Penetrations
RW 23 Final & Missed Penetrations Runway 23 Approach Minimums Obstruction removal in 2017 will enable reduction of HAT to 250’ for LPV and ILS MMU working to obtain approvals to remove remaining trees, enabling reduction in HAT to 200’ for LPV and ILS
Continue Coordination with FAA Next Steps Continue Coordination with FAA Provide up to date information on removed obstructions Coordination on increase in GPA for RW 5 Continue monitoring of vegetation and removal prior to growth and identification as an obstruction
McFarland-Johnson, Inc. Contact Information Jeff Wood Zach Staff Transportation Division Manager Senior Airport Planner McFarland-Johnson, Inc. 49 Court Street, PO Box 1980 Binghamton, New York 13902 (607) 723-9421