overview and helpful hints of grants & programs by Karen Ebert GRANTS & CONTRACTS overview and helpful hints of grants & programs by Karen Ebert
What makes a Grant a Grant? Defined start and end date Has a specific budget Funding received from one source outside the college Requires a way to collect the funds (invoice) at a given time Reporting to the sponsoring agency/grantor Can not have a ZERO Budget Originates from the Grants Module Helpful Note: Grants have Contract #s, Grants are in Fund 145 and has a Project and Activity Grant examples are State Board Grants, Federal Grants, and Private/Local State Grants
Grant Life Cycle
Grants – Setup Process The Grants Module is top-heavy in regards to the set up process. However it will make monitoring and reporting easier at the end of each grant. Proposal – make sure grant has been awarded before entering in system Submit Proposal – double check that you have filled in all required fields Generate Award – once awarded the grant itself “will be set in stone” Finalize Budget – budget can be modified and re-finalized even after award is active, for example when an increase in funding or line item change Activate Award – contract will be ready to charge expenses Helpful Note: Input a Grant only on the actual start date of the grant, if not the budget will be “as of” the input date. Example: If you input a grant on Sept 29th for a start date of October 1st then the budget will be in the month of September not October.
Grant Proposal Page – Proposal ID becomes the Contract #
Projects – system generated 10 digit number For each Grant there is at least one Project ID. This Project ID# is unique and will carry through the life of the grant. Also important when charging expenses to use the correct Project#
Activities – local value of 5 characters For each Project there is an Activity. The Budget ID becomes the Activity. Sample below: Activities are USER-DEFINED. I have chosen to use ALPHAS in my Grants. Like: ADMIN or BFET. To help identify the grant
Helpful Hint: Make Spreadsheets & use rulers
Another Helpful Hint: Create a GL Budget Spreadsheet – Another Helpful Hint: Create a GL Budget Spreadsheet – when coding or approving expenses compared to budget Budgeted at the ‘Top Level’. For example: expenses are coded by 606030 (Legacy coding GC- Private Auto Mileage) those expenses roll up to the big bucket Also please note the similarities to the grant budget in OBIS and the PeopleSoft Budget OBIS Budgets when awarded are replicated in PeopleSoft
Searching for a Project# - use ‘contains’ or description
Grant Budgets – Please note that F&A Expense (Indirect cost) can be built into the grant to calculate the correct rate: example is 5% of Salaries below
What is a Program? A Program in PeopleSoft is defined as funding received from a source or sources from outside the college that supports a college program. Has a budget that supports an administrative operation Requires a way to collect funds (invoice) Has a flexible start and end date Originates from the Project Costing Module Similar set up process as Capital Projects Programs CAN NOT have a negative budget Note: Programs do not have Contract #s, is in Fund 145, and has a Project and Activity Examples are Running Start Program or Fresh Start Program
Program Life Cycle Please note that the set up process for Programs eliminates the proposal/award process and begins at the creation of a Program/Project and Activity
Program Setup Page – note the flexible end date
The Cost Collection Process (like a fishing net) is run nightly by SBCTC The expenses will filter into the Grants Module so you can run reports for billing
Grant Expense Reporting – Queries Grant expenses can be ran by the PROJECT# or CONTRACT# and export to an Excel Spreadsheet
Overview Grants and Programs are in Fund 145 Grants and Programs have Project and Activities Only Grants have Contract #s Budgeted at the Top Level Grants and Programs can not have negative budgets. If there is no Travel that is in a Grant’s budget, there is no travel to be charged to that grant. Most Grants are considered Cost Reimbursable Grants and should be set up as such Similar to Grant budgets in OBIS, you can only have salaries, benefits, goods & services, travel, contracts, and indirect cost all in one PeopleSoft Project Complicated Grants that have extra reporting, like WorkFirst Grants with Workstudy Salaries and Admin Salaries, need to have two separate Projects and Activities in PeopleSoft. That is when the Activity is helpful when named ADMIN or WKSDY Beneficial to learn about other modules, like A/P, A/R, and G/L and know Trial Balances. Basic navigation and inquiry in other Modules
GRANTS & CONTRACTS Thank you for attending today Have a Question? I will do my best to answer