Increase IDEA Data Use in an Integrated Statewide Longitudinal Data


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Presentation transcript:

Increase IDEA Data Use in an Integrated Statewide Longitudinal Data Nick Easter, Nevada Department of Education Erik Friend, Oklahoma State Department of Education Jeff Sellers, Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID)

Agenda What is CIID? What is Generate? The Nevada Data Story The Oklahoma Data Story Questions/Discussions

CIID Technical Assistance The Center for the Integration of IDEA Data is a technical assistance data center funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) MISSION Help states integrate IDEA Part B Sections 616 and 618 data with their statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS) SUPPORTS Develop resources and provide direct support to states to improve their data integration efforts

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Benefits of Generate Automates and simplifies IDEA data reporting Provides more consistency across SEAs for IDEA data reporting Supports timely and efficient IDEA data reporting by IDEA Data Managers and EDFacts Coordinators Uses SLDS data to report IDEA related EDFacts and relevant APR Indicators Lays groundwork beyond IDEA data Includes data elements that encompass P20W

The Nevada Data Story Historical background and context History 19 Districts (LEAs) 56,791 Special Education Students State Charter School Authority 17 Districts University School -Two separate systems at both the LEA and the state level Historical - LEA contracts with a vendor for a Student Information System (SIS) and an electronic IEP system Two IDEA data collections per year from LEAs SIS data is uploaded nightly from the LEA to the SEA Current – One statewide student information system and statewide IEP system. IDEA data syncs to the state in real time. Infrastructure Change SEA Align the data standards across the database so we can migrate the legacy data into the SLDS Align the data standards of tables within the same database The SLDS and the IDEA databases have been around for several years and through several different DBAs. Merge the Legacy data within the SLDS Historically - each LEA has their own data standards and data is converted at the SEA. LEA Student Information System Governance board has been established with membership from SEA and LEA. Current - LEAs are aligning their data to the SEA data standards. New Statewide SIS will automatically assign a State ID Unique ID Historical background and context Now doing integration – why Getting all the special education data into the SLDS - this is our biggest priority Current Status What’s Next? Plans for data use Impact on data management

Previous Data Submission Structure IDEA Data Student Data EDEN Reporting Early Childhood Outcome Data Postsecondary Follow-Up Data Individual File Review Data for monitoring IEP compliance The System of Accountability Information in Nevada (SAIN) data warehouse currently collects data on a nightly basis from every LEA and Charter School in the State. These data are then normalized and mapped into the SAIN database. (Bighorn portal) that houses custom applications including, but not limited to, schools and LEA demographic application, federal reporting data store, 160+ user driven student data, teacher data, and school/LEA demographic reports, problem and resolution tracking, common documentation repository, asset inventory, project management application, and many sites for online collaboration involving the NDE leadership, the NDE program offices, LEAs, and schools. Future P-20W USPI and Data Link Architecture (USPI and future SLDS) IDEA data collected 2 times a year, (count and environment) and (Discipline, Exiting, and Personnel) - IDEA Data (Count, Ed. Environment, Discipline, and Exiting) Student-level special ed collection integrated within an all student collection, but not integrated with SLDS - IDEA Data (Personnel) Aggregate collection (No student level data submitted to SEA) - IDEA Data (Assessment) Student level data collected within SAIN (SLDS)

New Integrated Structure Each LEA will use the same Statewide SIS. Each LEA SIS will be its own database but will be connected to the State Edition SIS. This will allow for the syncing of data from the LEA to the SEA. This will allow for the transfer of student records via the State Edition SIS This will also allow for the SEA validate and pull data from the LEA This will also allow for the SEA publish data and reports into the LEA

Nevada Generate Pilot

TA Supports from CIID Building tables for SLDS to integrate data LEA Data Stewardship Training Metadata mapping in the CEDS Align Tool ETL from source system(s) into Generate Pilot implementation of Generate

Benefits for Nevada Jump start to other work we are doing. Future work - vision where we want to go. Vision for Generate Tools and products - other things, aligning with CEDS Future Work CEDs Compliant reporting server EDFacts reporting for all files State Report Cart State Accountability Data Public Reporting -

Successes for Nevada First milestone achieved in the submission of C002 and C089 EDFacts files using Generate April 2017. Working towards second mile stone of submitting Discipline, Exiting and Personnel EDFacts files from Generate November 2017 Future Work CEDs Compliant reporting server EDFacts reporting for all files State Report Cart State Accountability Data Public Reporting -

The Oklahoma Data Story History 109,394 Special Education Students 566 Districts (LEAs) 514 Dependent and Independent Districts 24 Brick and Mortar Charters 5 Virtual Charters -LEA then manually reports some student data but mostly aggregated Historical - LEA contracts with a vendor for a Student Information System (SIS) and does completes IEPs on paper or in form based program. SIS data is uploaded nightly from the LEA to the SEA- but SPED data is extremely limited and very often not reliable from SIS. Two IDEA data collections per year from LEAs Current – 14 different Student Information System vendors (SIF based) and 1 statewide IEP system. IDEA data is available to state via web-based BI tool from vendor with a 24 hour lag. Currently working on syncing this data with SLDS nightly. Infrastructure Change SEA The SLDS and the IDEA databases have been around for several years and through several different DBAs. Since the recent move to a Statewide online IEP system, the IDEA databases are having to be rebuilt because the more data is being captured and that has brought about the need to fully adopt a true data standard. Previously, we used the SIF protocol and other random aggregate reports with a SEA data dictionary. Since the need for a data standard has arose, the agency has decided that the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) will serve as our standard. Before leaving the SEA, Duane Brown had already mapped our ODS from SIF protocol to CEDS, so we have a jump start. We are now slowly migrating other data sets to CEDS LEA Historically and currently each LEA has their own data standards and data is converted to SIF for transport to the SEA. A Data Governance board has been established with membership from SEA. Current - LEAs are aligning their data to the SEA data standards. Unique ID The ODS assigns a unique primary key for each student at the State Level and then sends that back to the district for use in their SIS. Current Status Oklahoma has completed the TA agreement and has established access to databases and online IEP system (including Online IEP system BI tool) for CIID development team. What’s Next LEA Data Stewardship Training Building tables for SLDS to integrate IDEA data Metadata mapping in the CEDS Align Tool ETL from source system(s) into Generate Now doing integration – why Historical background and context What’s Next? Plans for data use Impact on data management

Data Submission Structure The WAVE data warehouse currently collects data on a nightly basis from every LEA and Charter School in the State. The WAVE databases contain the state operational data store (ODS) and SLDS. (Single Sign On) houses custom applications including, but not limited to, schools and LEA demographic application, federal reporting data store, user driven student data, teacher data, and school/LEA demographic reports, problem and resolution tracking, common documentation repository, asset inventory, project management application, and many sites for online collaboration involving the OSDE leadership, the OSDE program offices, LEAs, and schools. IDEA data collected 2 times a year, (count and environment) and (Discipline, Exiting, and Personnel) - IDEA Data (Count, Ed. Environment, Discipline, and Exiting) Student-level special ed collection integrated within an all student collection, but not integrated with SLDS, at this time. We are working to integrate all IDEA data - IDEA Data (Personnel) Aggregate collection (No student level data submitted to SEA) - IDEA Data (Assessment) Student level data collected within WAVE (SLDS) and validated through Single Sign On

Benefits for Oklahoma Jump start to other work we are doing. Future work - vision where we want to go. Vision for Generate Tools and products - other things, aligning with CEDS Business Intelligence application Future Work CEDs Compliant reporting server EDFacts reporting for all files State Report Cart State Accountability Data Public Reporting BI tool over CEDS compliant databases containing validated and certified data to give LEAs a whole student picture (starting with SWDs) -

Successes for Oklahoma Buy-in by agency leadership Directly tied project to larger agency data strategy TA agreement signed Access developed and granted to CIID team CEDS accepted by leadership as agency-wide data standard SIF data mapped to CEDS Future Successes Databases and tables built for IDEA data Integration of IDEA data with SLDS data -

What’s Next Building tables for SLDS to integrate IDEA data LEA Data Stewardship Training Metadata mapping in the CEDS Align Tool ETL from source system(s) into Generate

Generate Examples

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