Lecture 3 X-ray and gamma-ray satellites Absorption in X-rays: Photoelectric effect Compton thickness
The Intergalactic medium Absorbs radiation: Lyman alpha forest High-z QSO spectra (Becker et al. 2001) The Intergalactic medium Absorbs radiation: Lyman alpha forest And Lyman continuum In high redshift quasars: intervening absorption by Clouds of neutral hydrogen
Equivalent width of Na I and K I lines and reddening A&A, 318, 269 Munari & Zwitter 1997: Equivalent width of Na I and K I lines and reddening A&A, 318, 269 Rauch 1998: The Lyman-alpha forest in the spectra of QSOs ARA&A, 36, 267
X-ray telescopes: grazing incidence
X-ray observations of Eta Carinae Chandra XMM-Newton ASCA
M82 at high energies Chandra (0.5-8 keV) Fermi-LAT (>200 MeV) VERITAS (>700 GeV)
X-ray: 0.1 - 100 keV The history of X-ray astronomy started in the 1960s: R. Giacconi 2003: Nobel Lecture: The dawn of X-ray astronomy Reviews of Modern Physics 75, 995 (see in particular launch of Italian X-ray satellite Uhuru in 1970) In 40 years the X-ray flux sensitivity has improved by 10 orders of magnitudes, comparable to the improvement in optical instruments sensitivity in the last 400 years! First high-energy baloon experiments: about e-08 erg/s/cm2 In 1-10 keV Chandra (launched 1999): e-18 erg/s/cm2
Gamma-Rays: 100 keV - TeV Satellites: up to 300 GeV Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) Gamma-rays need solid state detectors: Interaction of gamma-rays with matter converts the photon into an electron and positron pair. The path of the pair in the silicon strips allows arrival direction reconstruction. Their interaction with the calorimeter allows photon energy reconstruction
The Fermi GST mission: 11 June 2008 LAT Glast Burst Monitor Energy Range: 10 keV - 30 MeV 12 Sodium Iodide (NaI) Scintillation detectors Burst trigger Coverage of the typical GRB spectrum (10 keV 1 MeV) 2 Bismuth Germanate (BGO) Scintillation detectors Spectral overlap with the LAT (150 keV-30 MeV) Courtesy: N. Omodei
The AGILE satellite Launched 23 April 2007
AGILE SuperAGILE (18-60 keV) GRID (30 MeV - 50 GeV) Minicalorimeter (0.35 - 100 MeV)
Neutral gas in our Galaxy absorbs thru photoelectric effect. This is predominantly neutral hydrogen (HI): the Lyman limit occurs at 912 Å = 13.6 eV At frequencies higher than 13.6 eV part of the X-ray flux is Absorbed, in a frequency-dependent way Morrison & McCammon (1983, ApJ, 270, 119) have computed this dependence in the 0.03 - 10 keV energy interval, taking into account cosmic abundances
Compton thick sources In Seyfert 2 galaxies there is evidence of cold material around the nucleus and of absorption caused by this material in excess of the Galactic one. The local column density of this material is optically thick to Compton scattering Bassani et al. 1999, ApJS, 121, 473 Matt et al. 1999, New Astronomy, 4, 191 (astro-ph/9904341)
Compton-thick sources