Science and Technology Facilities Council One of Europe’s largest multi-disciplinary scientific research organisations
STFC science and technology delivers real benefits to peoples’ lives, and contributes to the prosperity and security of the UK
HM Government (and HM Treasury) Funding Mechanism HM Government (and HM Treasury) RCUK Executive Group The Science and Technology Facilities Council is an independent, non-departmental public body of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (DBIS). The majority of our funding is public money from DBIS, allocated through the Comprehensive Spending Review. STFC also receives a capital allocation from government for investment in infrastructure or assets. STFC receives additional funding from a variety of other sources, including the other Research Councils, the European Space Agency, the European Commission and industry.
Senior management structure Director, Corporate Services JOHN WOMERSLEY Chief Executive GRAHAME BLAIR Executive Director, Programmes ANDREW TAYLOR Executive Director, National Laboratories GORDON STEWART Executive Director, Corporate Services JANE TIRARD Executive Director, Finance TIM BESTWICK Executive Director, Business and Innovation SHARON COSGROVE Executive Director, Strategy, Performance and Comms Astronomy Particle Physics Nuclear Physics Science Board ESRF, ILL Diamond Futures External Innovation Public Engagement Education and Training ING, JAC SUSAN SMITH Head of DL ISIS CLF RAL Space Technology (UKATC, NPG) ASTeC PPD Scientific Computing HR Safety, Health and Environment Legal Services Estates Corporate ICT Financial Accounting Financial Management Governance Business Development Innovation Campus Development Strategy Performance Planning Communications International
Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC funds world class and world-leading research – both curiosity driven and application led science This research takes place in University groups, at STFC sites/laboratories, and in international organisations Formed on 01 April 2007 by the merger of the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC), and the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (CCLRC) - plus nuclear physics
STFC employs over 1,600 staff over seven locations Daresbury Laboratory Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus Warrington, Cheshire UK Astronomy Technology Centre Edinburgh, Scotland Polaris House Swindon, Wiltshire Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell Science and Innovation Campus Didcot, Oxfordshire Chilbolton Observatory Stockbridge, Hampshire Joint Astronomy Centre Hawaii STFC employs over 1,600 staff over seven locations Swindon, Head Quarters Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire, which is part of the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus Daresbury Laboratory in Cheshire, which is part of the Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus the UK Astronomy Technology Centre in Edinburgh the Chilbolton Observatory in Hampshire the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes on La Palma in the Canary Islands the Joint Astronomy Centre in Hawaii. Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes La Palma
Impact through inspiration and innovation Delivering Impact STFC’s vision is to extract maximum impact and benefit from its research base in order to: enrich society develop new skills drive the economy improve the lives of citizens STFC believe that ‘impact’ takes many forms, from short to long term, covering economic, social and environmental benefits, and physical and psychological well-being. We are committed to support research across a broad range of science, from application-led challenges focussed on near term problems to research that addresses humankind’s curiosity. STFC is committed to the development of economic impact as a core competence within the organisation and aims to maximise the output of economic impact from its core programmes. As well as implementing the science and innovation campuses, we work with research communities, international facilities and shareholdings to capture economic impact arising from STFC investments, build an understanding of economic impact, and its strategic importance among our staff, community and key stakeholders and benchmark and develop measurement criteria and evaluation methodologies for economic impact across our investments and activities. Impact through inspiration and innovation
Delivering Economic Growth through Innovation STFC’s Asset Base Knowledge Skills Technology Inspiration Innovation Resilient Economy New times and new challenges call for a new focus. In positioning STFC to meet these challenges, we intend to maximise the impact of our unique combination of knowledge, skills and capabilities. working to achieve the greatest return from the long term investments in research facilities and infrastructure that have been made over the past decades; increasing the importance of impact as a key criterion in deciding how to invest, and moving towards a more focused prioritisation of our research.
Impact through Innovation Spin-out senses green success A sensor that can help improve the efficiency of gas turbines used in aircraft engines and power stations, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions has been developed by STFC spin-out Oxsensis. Oxsensis, a spin-out company from the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, has developed a sensor that will reduce emissions and help companies meet environment emission targets. The sensor designed to withstand hostile environments helps to improve the efficiency of gas turbines used in aircraft engines and power stations. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions by helping to save tens of millions tonnes of carbon dioxide each year. The micro-machined sapphire sensor uses technology developed using the world-class facilities on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus and support from STFC Innovations Limited.
STFC Science and Innovation Campuses Harwell and Daresbury Unique platform for Public/ Private Collaboration Academia/ RDA’s/ Local Authorities/ Business Multi-disciplinary Providing Incubator space for new Businesses, and Specialist Research Institutes, e.g. ESA Centre Delivering Science/ Technology/ Innovation/ Commercialisation across a wide range of disciplines and sectors A new era in UK science has begun through the creation of two national Science and Innovation campuses. This exciting concept brings together leading research organisations, universities and industry to develop world-leading science and innovation around two of the STFC’s UK laboratories, Daresbury in Cheshire and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory at Harwell, Oxfordshire. A key feature of both campuses is the development of new Science and Technology Gateway Centres which will offer a new model of interaction with science and technology.
Academic Partners STFC fund university research projects and postgraduate training awards in astronomy, particle physics, space science and nuclear physics Funding over 1,700 academics, technicians, research associates, engineers and technicians in UK universities STFC also provide universities with the opportunity to apply for contracts with major international science facilities The STFC has a very close relationship with the academic community it supports, currently funding over 720 research grants in 49 UK universities. Representatives of the community play a crucial role in the Council itself and the bodies that advise it in deciding its science strategy and the research programmes and projects it should invest in. The STFC provides a wide selection of funding opportunities for all major scientific projects within the UK. This funding is distributed across a variety of projects, from "home-grown" projects to international research collaborations that involve hundreds of researchers around the world.
Technology to underpin science Developing and delivering innovative technologies in STFC laboratories and in collaboration with University groups Key Technology Strengths Accelerator technologies Instrumentation Detectors and Sensors Data Acquisition and Processing Systems Microelectronics design Micro/nano technology High Performance Computing We must develop and deliver innovative technologies in order to optimise the capabilities of our facilities in meeting the goals of our research programme and to address the key challenges of energy, biomedical research, climate and the environment, and security. We do this in our own laboratories and in collaboration with university groups that we fund. We have particular strengths in instrumentation (for astronomy, space science, particle and nuclear physics, and light and neutron sources), detectors and sensors, data acquisition and processing systems (including all aspects of data handling from acquisition, to large scale data processing (e.g. LHC) and long term digital archival (e.g. environmental data centres), microelectronics design and micro- and nanotechnology. Our mechanical and electrical engineering capabilities have developed to address the unique challenges of large scale science research projects, allowing us to build teams of highly skilled engineers. We have recently established Engineering Technology Centres on our Science and Innovation Campuses at Daresbury and Harwell. These centres will provide integrated engineering solutions for STFC programmes and facilities, campus tenants and other stakeholders. These will be focal points for training and knowledge exchange. Leading in Accelerator Technology Particle accelerators were originally developed to explore the fundamental questions of particle physics, but they now underpin a very wide range of research. The intense beams of X-rays at the Diamond Light Source and the neutrons at ISIS are all generated by particle accelerators. The ultra-short X-ray pulses obtained in next generation light sources are only possible because of advances in accelerator capabilities. The Accelerator Science and Technology Centre (ASTeC) was created in 2001 as a Centre of Excellence for study of the production, acceleration and delivery of charged particle beams. It now carries out R&D programmes in support of STFC strategic programme objectives. Due the success of ASTec over the past four years, there has been a targeted and effective investment in accelerator science by setting up two new UK-based accelerator science and technology centres: the John Adams Institute at Oxford and the Cockcroft Institute located at the Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus. Together with universities and the STFC national laboratories, these have revitalised the national skill base, attracted internationally recognised accelerator experts to the UK and increased the number of PhD students in this field tenfold. We are now exploring how we can exploit this skills base to develop transformative solutions to some of the major problems facing the nation: in medicine, through the development of particle beam therapies for cancer; in energy, through the development of safer nuclear reactors driven by particle beams; and for the environment, by using accelerators to render nuclear waste less harmful. Engineering technology centres based at Harwell and Daresbury Science and Innovation Campuses Collaborative efforts
Impact through Innovation Proteins for better health Access to the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), through the UK’s STFC subscription, has given UK scientists the opportunity to make an important development that will help the design of new drugs Using exceptionally small beams of X-rays the structure of G protein-coupled receptors has been determined G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) allow us to process light, smells and regulate our behaviour, mood and immune response. GPCRs play a crucial role in many diseases such as asthma, heart rate regulators and blood pressure treatments The MRC spin-out company founded in 2007, Heptares Therapeuticals Ltd, secured £21 million of equity finance on 2008-2009 to speed up the development of small-molecule drug candidates for treating diseases. These findings will enable scientists to target drugs more effectively and also discover new drugs for the treatment of other diseases
Impact through Innovation Mapping the brain with light Each year 10,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease There is currently no cure but the Diamond Light Source, the UK’s synchrotron, is helping scientists better understand the brain’s chemistry which could help early diagnosis and the development of new treatments Early diagnosis is key to control chemical changes that cause significant cell death This will result in more effective treatment and helping to maintain a better quality of life Parkinson’s affects around 4 million people worldwide 1 in 500 people in the UK have Parkinson’s disease and up to 7 million people are touched by the disease in some way. There is no cure but drugs are the main treatment to control the symptoms and maintain quality of life. Diamond is funded by STFC (86%) and the Wellcome Trust. Diamond is a doughnut shaped particle accelerator. Electrons close to the speed of light produce intense beams of light, or synchrotron radiation, that can illuminate and reveal the structure of matter.
STFC Facilities We make it possible for a broad range of scientists to do the highest quality research tackling some of the most fundamental scientific questions We do this by: Funding university researchers Providing access to UK world class facilities Providing access to world class overseas facilities STFC has extensive scientific and technical expertise in space and ground-based astronomy, microelectronics, wafer scale manufacturing, particle and nuclear physics, alternative energy production, radio communications and radar The Council operates world-class, large scale research facilities and provides strategic advice to the UK government on their development. We fund university research projects and postgraduate training awards in astronomy, particle physics, space science and nuclear physics. provides in the UK a broad range of scientific and technical expertise in space and ground-based astronomy technologies, microelectronics, wafer scale manufacturing, particle and nuclear physics, alternative energy production, radio communications and radar. provide UK scientists access to world-class facilities overseas, including CERN, the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) and telescope facilities in Chile, Hawaii, La Palma, Australia and the MERLIN/VLBI National Facility, which includes the Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank Observatory. Extra info on bullet points: Funding university researchers (grants - in astronomy, particle physics, space science and nuclear physics) Providing access to UK world class facilities (e.g. ISIS, CLF, High Performance Computing and the Diamond Light Source) Providing access to world class overseas facilities: CERN, ESA, ESO, ESRF, ILL and the telescope facilities in Chile, Hawaii, La Palma, Australia and the MERLIN/VLBI National Facility which includes the Lovell Telescope at the Jodrell Bank Observatory
driving scientific research STFC Facilities – driving scientific research Neutron Sources Providing powerful insights into key areas of energy, biomedical research, climate, environment and security High Power Lasers Providing applications on bioscience and nanotechnology and demonstrating laser driven fusion as a future source of sustainable, clean energy Light Sources Providing new breakthroughs in medicine, environmental and materials science, engineering, electronics and cultural heritage We are a science-driven organisation, making it possible for a broad range of scientists to do the highest quality research tackling some of the most fundamental scientific questions. We provide access to world-class facilities in the UK including Neutron and Muon Sources Lasers Computational Science and Engineering Atmospheric, Astronomy and Space Science Synchrotron light sources and free electron lasers Materials Analysis Neutron Sources Providing powerful insights into key areas of energy, biomedical research, climate, environment and security. ISIS - Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source Target Station 2 High Power Lasers Providing applications on bioscience and nanotechnology Central Laser Facility Demonstrating laser driven fusion as a future source of sustainable, clean energy HiPER Light Sources Providing new breakthroughs in medicine, environmental and materials science, engineering, electronics and cultural heritage Diamond Light Source Limited (86%) European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble
Understanding our Universe STFC’s Science Programme Particle Physics/Particle Astrophysics Revealing the structure and forces of nature - Large Hadron Collider, CERN Advanced LIGO will observe and study Gravitational Waves, opening a new window on the universe Ground based Astronomy European Southern Observatory, Chile Very Large Telescope Atacama Large Millimetre Array European Extremely Large Telescope Our vision is to maximise the impact of our knowledge, skills, facilities and resources for the benefit of the UK and its people. Our highest priority in particle physics is to exploit the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The LHC will reveal how nature operates at the energy scales where our current standard model of particle physics breaks down and will transform our understanding of the fundamental rules of the universe. Our highest priority in ground-based astronomy is to exploit our membership of the European Southern Observatory which gives access to the world-leading Very Large Telescope, the new ALMA millimetre astronomy array (Atacama Large Millimetre Array ), and to carry out R&D towards the next generation European Extremely Large Telescope and the UK-led Square Kilometre Array radio telescope project.
Understanding our Universe STFC’s Science Programme Space based Astronomy European Space Agency Herschel/Planck/GAIA/James Webb Space Telescope Bilaterals – NASA, JAXA, etc. STFC Space Science Technology Department Nuclear Physics Facility for Anti-proton and Ion Research, Germany Nuclear Skills for - medicine, energy and environmental applications Our highest priority in space-based astronomy is to exploit the new observatories such as Herschel, Planck, GAIA and James Webb Space Telescope, and to lay the technical groundwork for future cutting edge missions in the European Space Agency (ESA) Cosmic Visions programme. Definitions: GAIA - ESA astrometry space mission. Its goal is to make the largest, most precise three-dimensional map of our Galaxy by surveying an unprecedented number of stars - more than a thousand million. NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (US) JAXA - Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Our highest priority in nuclear physics is to participate in the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, the new European Laboratory being constructed in Darmstadt, Germany that will offer an array of new experimental tools for nuclear research. Nuclear Skills for – medicine (isotopes and radiation applications), energy (nuclear power), environment (nuclear waste disposal)
International Partnerships CERN European Southern Observatory European Space Agency European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Institute Laue-Langevin Images: Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Accelerator, Courtesy CERN ESO Very Large telescope (VLT), Courtesy ESO 19
Impact through Innovation Examining the exotic “The atomic nucleus is responsible for more than 99.9% of the mass of all the matter we can see… 100 years after the experimental verification of The nucleus and we are still uncovering its mysteries.” Professor Paddy Regan, University of Surrey Exotic nuclei often only exist for fractions of a second before they decay a gamma-ray spectrometer, designed and built at STFC Daresbury Laboratory, is enabling scientists to study their existence and internal structure Nuclear physics research is at the heart of all science. It has applications in applied to energy generation, medical imaging and treatment, cosmology, geology, industrial processing, remote sensing and the study of human evolution and anthropology. The GSI accelerator centre, where the UK-designed and built instrument, RISING, is based, has also been used for new treatments of inoperable cancers. RISING (Rare Isotopes Spectroscopic INvestigation at GSI) UK scientists have played a leading role in experiments to study the most exotic forms of the elements cadmium and platinum to prove that these elements existed at all and could be synthesised UK scientists have played a leading role in experiments to study the most exotic forms of the elements cadmium and platinum to prove that these elements existed at all and could be synthesised These developments will pave the way for future UK science programmes at the International FAIR accelerator. The UK will play a leading role FAIR and in the collaboration called NuSTAR (Nuclear Structure Astrophysics and Reactions) and PANDA [antiProton Annihilation at DArmstadt]. STFC is contributing to experiments at NuSTAR involving 9 UK institutions. The UK will also participate in the PANDA experiment at FAIR.
STFC science inspires Through the wonders and inspiration of its science STFC is securing the future research capability of the nation Science inspires youngsters and school pupils to pursue further education in STEM subjects From the very small - exotic, sub-atomic particles that pass right through our bodies or the prospect of 11 dimensions – to the very large – unveiling the mysteries of the far universe, dark matter, dark energy and life beyond our planet… Definition: STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
A new vision for new times Impact through inspiration and innovation A new vision for new times Impact through inspiration and innovation Questions?