The Age of Exploration What factors led people to risk everything for the sake of exploration?
Reasons for Exploration! GOLD! European Powers sought items that had monetary value… Precious metals Foods, spices, herbals, Fragrances, perfumes Land for expansion
A Second Reason for Exploration What is it that people seek-even today? Why do people push themselves in sports, the sciences, business?
Glory! Personal Glory-self aggrandizement Personal fame and prestige Glory for One’s Country/Monarch Glory associated with being first Glory/Praise from great accomplishments Glory in seeking upward mobility
God Spreading the CHRISTIAN FAITH Converting non-believers to the faith Relying on God for divine intervention
What Was the role of the Catholic Church in exploration? It was absolutely instrumental in promoting exploration!
Summation So Why Have People Explored? What is it people have sought? Why are people willing to risk everything?
It is in our nature to be explorers? What are the dangers that exist if we should choose to explore new realms? Is exploration worth the inevitable human costs? Time Money Effort Lives Sacrifice
What Areas Remain Unexplored? What areas would seem ripe for exploration? Why? Space? Undersea? Which sciences? The Arts?
Undersea – Deep Sea
The Past… What is to be gained?
The Arts…
Where will you explore? or Will you be content to be bored?
So Why Explore? Can it all be boiled down to another “G’ word? G_ _ _ D
Why Not Explore? What is it that holds you back?
The unexplored life is not… How would you complete the statement? You will have an opportunities to do exploring for yourself… What is it that interests you? Sometimes it takes great courage to risk being different or to go out on that limb…alone Do you let your fears prevent you from achieving greatness or in finding fulfillment?
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost The last line of his poem… I took the road less traveled by and it has made all the difference… What does that mean? Have you ever taken the road less traveled?
So what is it about exploration that has motivated humans? Why do some people hear “the call” while others seem deaf to it? Again, I ask… What is it that holds you back?