Transitions: The Current State of our Catalog, and a Long Term Perspective Renee Gould Catalog/Metadata Librarian Darla Asher Online Resources Librarian Dr. Doris Van Kampen-Breit Archives & Special Collections, Faculty Development Librarian
Saint Leo University Oldest Catholic university in Florida - 3rd largest Catholic university in the US University Campus - traditional setting + 23 geographically diverse Centers Students located in: All 50 states 4 US territories 87 countries Nationally recognized leader in online education From Facts and Figures, 2015-2016, Saint Leo University
Motivating change: Budget / Services Budgets are flat and costs are increasing (“Academic libraries have faced similar budget reductions, and those matters are complicated by the rising cost of resources.” ALA) Prior subscriptions: ILS (Increasingly out-of-date) Graphical User Interface (Aquabrowser) A-Z link resolver “Silo” effect Databases not integrated into ILS search interface Wanted a more integrated discovery service Needed a cost effective cloud-based ILS Our Silos
More Motivation Maintained and managed our own server(s) Support contracts continued to escalate in price over time UTS assisted with maintenance, but also restricted access Harder to get assistance when needed University going to more cloud-based services Former ILS has developed a new cloud based version with many desirable features, but not cost–effective for our budget
Goal: One-Stop Shop Needed a discovery service Increasingly significant use of and purchase of e-books and e-journals – especially important for students not located on Main Campus Wanted federated search results
Goal: Increase Access to Resources We have approximately 100,000 print books and 293,000 ebooks We have approximately 400 print journals and 150,000 ejournals Terms at centers and online are 8 weeks Logistics of getting print resources to center students in a timely manner was one factor in purchasing more online resources OER Push eTextbooks initiative
The Saint Leo Change Team It’s not a question of IF, but WHEN: “Use of strategic planning, clear goal setting, and accountability for achieving goals was key” Saint Leo University Migration team: Public and Technical Services involved University Tech included Using a Shared Leadership Model to Transition to a New ILS & Discovery Services: A Case Study. LL&M v. 30 n. 2 February 2016. Doris
Went Live 2013 From local system (ILS with Aquabrowser overlay) to shared WorldShare Management Services (WorldCat) From locally owned and maintained servers to cloud environment Shared technical services (Acquisitions, Cataloging, Circulation, and Serials went from private database to public shared use database) Acquisitions/cataloging more efficient / Shift in Staff duties Acquisitions Assistant became Technical Services Assistant (Orders, receives, processes, AND [copy] catalogs)
Post-Migration Change can be tough - Uncertainty causes anxiety New roles and duties caused concern prior to implementation More participation from UTS, circulation and reference staff as part of migration planning Some faculty and students reacted negatively to the new interface and were frustrated by the search results (lessening over time) Less intuitive than expected Additional instruction and support required
Major Changes Knowledge Base Review and re-rank resources as needed Can’t remove all bias, can manage how it affects results Minimize “swamping effect” with Instruction: Users get a lot more results “Discovery services, by sluicing content together, could deluge users with less appropriate sources.” (Parry, Marc. "As Researchers Turn to Google, Libraries Navigate the Messy World of Discovery Tools ."Chronicle of Higher Education 21 Apr. 2014. Web. April, 2014. <>)
Federated Searching Caveats “It’s a logical impossibility to create a querying tool that doesn’t have any form of bias” (Ibid.) You have to rank (weight) the resources Users need to use more sophisticated and more targeted search language / terms More accessible to the user (if they know how to search efficiently)
Other Changes Classes & tutorials had to be modified to reflect new system Tech Services staff had the most direct benefit Students have probably benefitted from the Discovery Service Circulation: Notices sent electronically v. mail/calling
Lessons Learned / Recommendations Communication Vendors Colleagues Listservs Community ILS Updates If there’s no documentation – Make it! RG
Reflection on where we are now Negatives Product not as mature as some other products Not all tools fully implemented/kinks worked out Known glitches Future updates Collaborative work No pure local bibliographic records If there’s not internet access you work stops Not “Google”
Reflection on where we are now Positives Overall design: Sleek Less clicking Collaborative effort No library is truly alone Cloud base Quick & easy fixes Easy inventory
Future Plan: Adapting to Worldcat Discovery We need further investigation into user experiences/ satisfaction at this time.
Finally: “The image of the library as a quiet place to access books rather than to access electronic sources still is prevalent today. In order to entice people to use libraries and to change their perceptions of libraries, the library experience needs to become more like that available elsewhere on the Web (e.g., Google,, iTunes, etc.) and to be embedded in individual workflows.” From “Is anything more important than convenience? - OCLC Next”. (2016, May 24)
Renee. Gould@saintleo. edu Catalog/Metadata Librarian Darla Catalog/Metadata Librarian Online Resources Librarian Faculty Development Librarian