BELL WORK Where have you traveled to? What types of people did you see? List any environmental features you saw.
BELL WORK For the 5 Themes of Geography what does the “M” and “R” stand for?
THE 5 THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY Movement Regions Human Environment Interaction Location Place
THE 5 THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY We are going to create a waterfall book as we learn about the 5 Themes of Geography As we go through the material please write down under each of the tabs
MOVEMENT How are people, goods, & ideas moved from place to place? Human Movement Trucks, Trains, Planes Information Movement Phones, computer (email), mail Idea Movement How do fads move from place to place? TV, Radio, Magazines
Quick Check What is one way you have experienced human movement? Have you ever used a form of information movement? Please give me 1 example of a way how an idea moves from place to place
REGIONS How are Regions similar to and different from other places? Formal Regions-defined by gov’t or administrative boundaries States, Countries, & Cities Regions defined by similar characteristics Corn Belt , Rocky Mountain region, & Chinatown Functional Regions- Regions defined by a function Newspaper service area or cellphone coverage area Vernacular Regions Regions defined by peoples perception Middle east or the South
Bell Work Please list ea. type of region we discussed yesterday Hint-There are 3 types
HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION How do humans and the environment affect each other? We depend on it.- Definition= We rely on it People depend on the Tennessee River for water & transportation. We modify it.- Definition= We change it Modify environment by heating/cooling buildings We adapt to it.- Definition= We deal w/it Wearing clothing suitable for summer & winter Rain and shine
Bell Work How do we depend on our environment? How can we change our environment? How do we deal with the environment around us?
Bell Work Define “absolute location” Please list 1 example of an “absolute location”
LOCATION Where are we? Absolute Location Relative Location Exact Location A latitude & longitude or a st. address Paris France is 48o North Latitude and 2o East Longitude. The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Relative Location Described by direction, distance, landmarks, or time. Go 1 mile west on Main St. & turn left for 1 block. You are Here
Homework Please fill out this worksheet to the best of your ability
Bell Work Please come up with 1 example of absolute & relative location
What is it like there, what kind of place is it? Human Characteristics What are the main languages, customs, and beliefs. How many people live, work, & visit a place. Physical Characteristics Landforms (mountains & rivers, etc.) Climate Vegetation or wildlife Soil What are the Human Characteristics of this Classroom- do activity to create a poster
Quick Check Describe these photos based on the 5 Themes of Geography.
Remembering the 5 Themes If you can’t remember what they are just ask MR. HELP!!! M – Movement R – Regions HE – Human Environment interaction L – Location P - Place
Homework Part 1 I want you to create a waterfall book Then you will label each flap w/1 of the 5 Themes of Geography Movement Regions Human Environment Interaction Location Place Under each flap I want you to draw 1 picture for each part of the theme Ex. Movement parts- Human, information, and idea movement Person driving a car
Homework I want you to write me a short story. Written or typed 1 page You are going to be going on a trip with your family or friends anywhere. Describe your trip with details! Please include each theme of Geography in your story! Movement Regions Human Environment Interaction Location Place I want you to please label in parentheses when you use one of the 5 Themes of Geography