ERANETMED 1st Call data analysis NCP training, Malta, 16/03/2016
ERANETMED ERANETMED is an ERANET project. Around 100 of this kind in FP7. 24 partners, from Italy, Turkey, Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Jordan, Lebanon, Portugal, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia and Malta Objectives: aim of enhancing EU-Member States/Associated countries -MPC co-ownership through joint calls, accounting for the need of enhancing innovation and competitive research in the societal challenges of the region, and ERANETMED also responds to the main strategic and political statements for reinforcing Euro-Mediterranean cooperation on Research and Innovation, which were made in several occasions, from the 1st Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Research and Higher Education (Cairo - June, 2007) to the most recent Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Research and Innovation (Barcelona - 2/3 April 2012). Two calls, so let’s talk about the first one:
1st Call – Basic information A ToR on the joint actions was defined by the membership during the first part of the project, after workshops with partners and stakeholders, so a list of indicators was established. The first call was launched on the 1st November 2014 with the deadline on the 10th February 2015 - PT-DLR internet Tool. Topics: Renewable energies and energy efficiency: JC-ENERGY-2014 Water resources management: JC-WATER-2014 Energy-Water nexus: JC-NEXUS-2014 21 funded projects, by topic: 11 for energy, 7 for water, 3 for nexus 11M euro provided for funding.
1st Call – Some indicators from ToR Number of participating countries/regions in the call Number of submitted proposals Number of applicants involved Number of funded projects and overall success rate Total costs and requested (or accepted) funding Amount of project costs (average 1 project) Number of proposals (projects) per region, per country Number of project coordinators per region, per country Average number of applicants per project consortium Average number of regions/countries per project consortium
1st Call – Some more indicators Composition of consortia in terms of organization type (e.g. SME, IND, RES, HE) Large Industry participation (in % for total of projects) Requested (or accepted) funding per region, per country Transnational networking of applicants who cooperates with whom? Months from call deadline (first proposal) to recommendation (decision) Months from recommendation (decision) to contract
1st Call – Number of participating countries/regions in the call
1st Call – Number of submitted proposals 190 proposals were received, by topic: 107 to energy, 57 to water, 26 to nexus
1st Call – Number of applicants involved The total number of unique applicants were 677, he total number of different applications is 956. There were 458 applicants for the energy topic, 285 for the water topic and 92 for the nexus topic.
1st Call – Number of funded projects per country
1st Call – Number of funded projects and overall success rate
1st Call – Requested funding I
1st Call – Requested funding II
1st Call – Requested funding II
1st Call – Requested funding III
1st Call – Composition of consortia in terms of organization type
1st Call – More indicators Transnational networking of applicants who cooperates with whom? Months from call deadline (first proposal) to recommendation (decision) Months from recommendation (decision) to contract
Keyword analysis (I) Useful for the selection of evaluators and as feedback from researchers: Intelligent systems and control 77 Water treatment technologies and materials 58 Energy efficiency and energy economy 57 Water resource efficiency and water economy 46 Bioenergy 42 Water resources management and sustainable development 42 Generic Renewable energy descriptors 37 Energy storage 23 Photovoltaics 23 Rural and agricultural energy systems 17 Materials for energy systems 15
ERANETMED 1st Call Rafael Rodríguez - CSIC Cristina Borràs - AGAUR Elsa Alonso - AGAUR Jordi Martínez Blanch - CSIC