Monday 3rd – Friday 7th July ( All Year 10 students) Work Experience 2016 Monday 3rd – Friday 7th July ( All Year 10 students) Mrs Wilson - Careers & Work Experience Manager Email:
Aims of Work Experience To raise awareness and understanding of the world of work and future career choices. To give students an understanding of the skills and qualifications needed for work as well as help them to relate their own learning to future employment. All Year 10 students will attend work experience To develop key skills such as increased self-esteem, communication, organisation and teamwork. To build employability skills which cannot be fully developed in the classroom.
Outline Things to consider when choosing a placement What are the options? Things to consider when choosing a placement Prohibited placements Other limitations Costings Expectations Q & A
What are the options? Own placement: We actively encourage students to find their Own Placement. This ensures students gain the maximum benefit from a placement, it is more likely to succeed, students have a better understanding of the world of work. We will then contact every employer after receiving a preference form to confirm the placement. The request will then be forwarded for a Health & Safety assessment or confirmation.
Things to consider: research possible future careers- consider part-time work in your local area attend our Future Choices Fair – tonight in the Sports Hall and talk to Colleges/ Universities/ Apprenticeship providers/local Employers considered that a placement could involve unsocial hours, including extra travel time if using public transport
Things to consider: costs involved with travel to and from placement any medical concerns? Medical Form must be completed and information will be shared with Employers where necessary considered that they might need to buy/wear any specialised clothing ie safety boots? Generally PPE equipment is provided such as hi-vis jackets, overalls etc.
Things to remember: All students/parents/carers to complete a work experience preference form & return to Careers Office by Monday 16th January 2017 When choosing an Own Placement, please check that the Employer has Public & Employers Liability insurance before submitting a preference form – NO INSURANCE = NO PLACEMENT Details of insurance must be completed on the form that students will receive tomorrow.
Prohibited placements Some types of placements are prohibited for pre-16 students which you should be aware of, and there are other restrictions in place based upon government guidelines. The main restrictions are; Work that is legally prohibited due to age e.g bar work/tattoo parlour Working on new build construction sites Driving any vehicles, including tractors, golf buggies & mowers Working at height /exposure to toxic substances, extreme heat, noise & vibration Working abroad
Limited Options Working in hospitals /doctors surgeries (age restricted) Working in solicitors/courts of law (confidentiality) Working in financial institutions (confidentiality) Vets / dentists / farriers (90% observation) Working in kitchens (H&S restricted) Gatwick - better if you have connections (family) Very popular and sometimes difficult to find are placements in IT, Journalism, Graphic Design, Architecture, Photography, Fashion Design Very popular & oversubscribed; Billingshurst, St Marys, Wisborough Green, Loxwood & Plaistow & Kirdford Primary schools, Billingshurst Leisure centre, WAKOOs, Cocos hairdresser
Administrative costs Placement cost within West Sussex - £20 Out of County (inc East Sussex) £35 - £100 depending on the local authority – please ask for a quote. Payment to be made via Parentpay – this has been set up today.
Our Expectations Work should not exceed 40 hours per week Any work experience undertaken must not be paid Make own arrangements to get to placement Some placements might fall through at the last moment due to circumstances beyond our control. Stay in touch by visiting/phoning/emailing the Careers Office Students will complete a log book/diary of their week – which will be collected in and marked. These booklets must be kept for future reference and can be used when applying to college. Students should not book appointments during this week i.e. Dentist/Doctors/Music Exams etc where possible Submit preference form to Careers Office by Monday 16th January 2017 latest
Careers & Work Experience Manager Q & A Contact details: Mrs Sarah Wilson Careers & Work Experience Manager 01403 787260 I hope that you found this evening informative. Does anyone have any specific general questions? I will be available all evening so please do come and ask if you have a specific question or feel free to email me at anytime.