Recognition of Distance Learning Programmes Rome, 16 December 2016 CIMEA 3rd UNICA EduLAB Meeting Luca Lantero
Lisbon Recognition Convention and ENIC-NARIC network The international legally binding instrument in the field of recognition of qualifications within the UNESCO Europe and North America Region (55 countries) is the Lisbon Recognition Convention (1997) and its Subsidiary texts. To implement the Lisbon Recognition Convention and, in general, to develop policy and practice for the recognition of qualifications, the Council of Europe and UNESCO have established the ENIC Network - European Network of Information Centres on academic recognition and mobility). The Council of Europe and UNESCO jointly provide the Secretariat for the ENIC Network. The NARIC network - National Academic Recognition Information Centres is an initiative of the European Commission and was created in 1984. The network aims at improving academic recognition of diplomas and periods of study in the Member States of the European Union (EU) countries. The NARICs were designated by the Ministries of Education in the respective countries, but the status and the scope of work of individual NARICs may differ. ENIC-NARIC networks: CIMEA is the Italian ENIC-NARIC centre since 1984
Distance Education and Lisbon Recognition Convention The phenomenon of Distance Education is considering as a part of the Transnational Education (TNE) sector, or cross-border education sector as well. The main document related to the recognition of TNE qualifications, drafted by the UNESCO/Council of Europe, is the Code of Good Practice in the Provision of Transnational Education (Subsidiary text of the LRC), that defines Transnational Education as «all types of higher education study programmes, or sets of courses of study, or educational services (including those of distance education) in which the learners are located in a country different from the one where the awarding institution is based. Such programmes may belong to the educational system of a state different from the state in which it operates or may operate independently of any national system».
First element: Status of awarding institutions In line with normal procedures adopted for any recognition procedures, credential evaluators have to verify, as first element, the status of the institution providing distance learning and/or distance learning programme through which the qualification was awarded. Three different (general) models: (A) distance education programmes provided by traditional universities; (B) open or distance education institutions offering only programmes from a distance; (C) virtual institutions (i.e. consortium of universities using a virtual platform to organise online courses). The awarding institution(s) have to be “official” (recognised or accredited) at least in one national HE system.
A “distance learning” qualification is a qualification Credential evaluators should assess qualifications awarded by distance learning programmes in accordance with the provisions of the Lisbon Recognition Convention and in the same way as similar qualifications obtained in the traditional way, considering if there are “substantial differences” that imply the impossibility to recognise the qualification concerned. Substantial difference: One of the fundamental principles of the LRC is that “foreign qualifications shall be recognised unless there is a substantial difference between the foreign qualification for which recognition is sought and the corresponding qualification in the host country”. Not all differences are substantial.
Quality assurance Which authorities are responsible for recognition and/or accreditation of distance learning programmes in the home country of the provider: “regular” quality assurance body, “specialised” distance learning accreditors, both of them, etc. The important thing is that they must be properly recognised accrediting agencies. QA aspects of DLPs have to respect the same elements/requirements/procedure of “normal” programmes. Check if there are “special” requirements/procedures for QA aspects for DLPs at national level (foreign country) or a specific agency/legislation.
National legislation What the legal provisions are regarding distance learning in the home country of the provider of the distance learning programme: it is important to check the national legislation of the home country to verify if there are any limitations to provide programmes by distance (i.e. not possible for some disciplines or for some professional qualifications that imply training periods, etc.). Some national legislations have limitations to award qualifications via DLPs that give (direct) professional rights (i.e. related to regulated professions).
Additional requirements for DLPs Whether the provider of the distance learning programme was authorised to provide those programmes in this way, considering that a legitimate higher education institution may have to fulfil additional requirements and/or be granted a special permit to provide distance learning programmes as well in some national context.
TNE and DLPs In case the programme requires physical on-site presence of the students for such reasons (i.e. taking examinations, defending a thesis, etc.) and these were organised in a country or in a context different from the home country of the programme provider (e.g. in the home country of a student), make sure it was done in accordance with the legal regulations of the home country and of the host country as well. NB: there are some cases of DLPs organised in other national contexts that are used to avoid national rules.
Provide clear details on DLPs Considering all the elements of distance learning programmes and the fact that those courses may or may not require a physical on- site presence of students, providers have to inform about all the elements of the course in a clear, transparent, systematic and open to scrutiny way. The main element to be considered is the quality of the programme that have to be verified and assured by competent national agencies.
DO YOU KNOW THIS WEBSITE??? A “grey zone” Some unrecognised institutions (usually called Diploma Mills) operate in this sector. Lists of Diploma Mills: Oregon (USA): Texas (USA): Michigan (USA): Maine (USA): Mississippi (USA): South Carolina (USA): India: e Pakistan: DO YOU KNOW THIS WEBSITE???