....conducted what became known as "shuttle" diplomacy ......served as the middleman in negotiations to restore peace among in the Middle East ....also played a major role in the negotiations leading to the August 1975 Helsinki Accord -an agreement signed by 35 countries to improve relations between East and West
Mediated Diplomacy When? – political circumstances Direct- communication –neg. aspects Why? – a mediator - Pluses Task? - goals of their mission How? - particular steps taken-Agenda Who? - Staff Mixed success
When? with tense international situations initial direct negotiations prove tense direct communication - unlikely reduces tensions - conterproductive the UN S.C. is called upon to mediate a resolution to a conflict
in the early stages of a dispute ...unwilling to budge on the issue negotiations - at an impasse in intractable conflicts
Prerequisites for successful m. a thorough and complete analysis –aspects of a conflict issues at stake, context and dynamics conducted at an optimal or ripe moment
Direct communication the simple repetition of demands no exchange of views and producing no compromise gives support to the perception of the conflict's intractability seeing each other - causes a setback to paint one's own side in a favorable light
Why? 3rd Party an impartial –neutral- actor a reliable means of communication less susceptible to the grandstanding of face-to-face or media-based communication prestige, knowledge
Mediator´s task to disengage opposing armies 1. to move the conflict forward 2. to break the deadlock over the possible settlement of dispute to provide an impetus for the parties to give the process a chance to promote a lasting truce between the belligerents
to develope the trust and a certain level of mutual understanding to avert the (Falklands )crisis to find ways out of stalemates to promote implementation modalities and agreements separates the ceasefire from long-range problems
to broker end to hostilities to help the parties to the conlitct to find solutions to resolve their conflict to affect it, change it, resolve it, modify or influence it to reduce violence and achieve a peaceful outcome
to bring about peace
Process is over face-to-face and even a routine of communications can be started a mediator departs the arena of the conflict
How serves as an intermediary or mediator between the two parties serves as a go-between serves as a relay for questions and answers carries proposals and counter-proposals back and forth engages in a process as a third party
conveys information back and forth between the parties flies back and forth between capitals looks for creative approaches to find ways out of stalemate uses a new effective debating tactics applies hands-on approach to the Middle East
provides suggestions for moving the conflict toward resolution and does so in private acts in private involves personal and emotional elements
conducts preventive diplomacy acts as a peacemaker
Who? Mediator Go-between Middle man
mixed success Kissinger was instrumental in brokering an end to hostilities between Israel, Egypt and Syria separated the ceasefire from long-range problems and minimized Russian involvement in the process
Carter .....was little chance of a viable settlement Carter eventually prevailed through his non-stop shuttle diplomacy U.S. Secretary of State Alexander Haig failed to avert the Falklands crisis
Secretary of State J. Baker The bilateral talks between Israel and Jordan led directly to the historic 1994 peace agreement the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
A brief survey of examples -mixed success U.S. Secretary of State Alexander Alexander Haig Richard Holbrooke Russian Foreign Minister Chernomyrdin U.S. special envoy Dennis Ross and U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld- India and Pakistan