Perkins School for the Blind Technology Strategic Plan Executive Summary July 2015
Project Background Perkins Technology Strategic Plan July 2015
Project Background Project began in February 2015 We approached discovery in 3 ways: Over 200 survey responses Over 70 individuals interviewed across all departments In-depth analysis of Perkins’ IT infrastructure First all-encompassing Technology Strategic Plan put forth from IT- past projects have mostly addressed specific areas of Perkins
… A look back
Perkins Technology By the Numbers
Guiding Principles for Technology Make Technology Accessible Make Technology Reliable and Secure Make Technology Cost-Effective Make Technology Scalable
Key Strategic Planning Initiatives Student-Focus Grow Online Communities Facilitate the Concept of “One Perkins” Enable the Staff Transform the Information Technology Department
Student-Focused Technology “While our kids are staying apace with technology, we need to ensure that we can keep up.” Student-Focused Technology
Student-Focused Technology Initiatives Classroom Equipment and Educational Technology Assistive Technology Capabilities Student-based Systems and Data Integration Leverage Technology for Professional Development
Grow Online Communities “Fewer people on planes and in training rooms means that we can effectively reach more kids, parents and educators.” Grow Online Communities
Perkins Online Ecosystem
Grow Online Communities Initiatives Expand use of Perkins Connections family website Create site for Educational Leadership Program (ELP) to share and collaborate Continue to leverage social media to connect with new audiences Further integrate sites together
Facilitate the Concept of “One Perkins” “As an organization, we are information rich and knowledge poor.” Facilitate the Concept of “One Perkins”
One Perkins Initiatives Move from Data Silos to Integrated Data Improve Contact Data Management
“Our work has evolved. Our technology needs to as well.” Enable the Staff
Enable the Staff Initiatives Broaden End-User Technology Choices Proactively Refresh and Upgrade Technology Ensure System Performance and Availability Reduce Paper Forms and Documents Align Technology with Program Needs Connect From Anywhere Improve Technology for Finance and Operations Enhance Cross-Program Collaboration
Transform the Information Technology Department “Successful Technology will require a balance of ‘doing our own thing’ and allowing ourselves to be guided.” Transform the Information Technology Department
When You Need Help, Are IT Staff…
The Future of the Information Technology Department
Technology at Perkins Will: Be a foundation for program excellence Meet collective and individual needs Empower student development Be available anywhere on any device Improve interactive and interpersonal experience across the community Facilitate One Perkins through data integration, streamlined contact management, and outcomes management
The Perkins Technology Team Will: Become trusted leaders within the organization Invest in key infrastructure Implement technologies and support in direct service to Perkins’ mission
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